'미국대선후보뉴욕디너연설'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2016.10.22 트럼프 뉴욕 자선 디너쇼에서 선방, 미국 언론들 일부 호평

미국 언론에 따르면 트럼프와 힐러리가 3차 대선 토론을 치르고 뉴욕에서 열린 자선 디너쇼인 알프레드 스미스 체러티 디너(Alfred Smith charity dinner)에 참석했다. 대통령 선거 전에 마지막으로 두 후보가 동시에 참여하여 발언하는 행사이다.   

알프레드 디너 뉴욕 자선행사는 전통적으로 미국 대통령 선거가 있는 해에 열린다.  대통령 선거를 치르는 양당 후보가 칼을 내려놓고 잠시 상호 비방을 중단하는 경향이 있어왔다. 미국 대통령 선거 양당 후보의 3차에 걸친 대선 토론회의 본선이 끝난 후 '갈라쇼'인 셈이다. 

미국 언론들은 트럼프가 힐러리 보다 상대적으로 더 유머러스하고 지난 세번의 대선토론 때보다 선방했다고 보도 하면서도 트럼프의 역전을 경계하는 말들을 쏟아 내었다.  

블로거는 트럼프와 힐러리의 대선 토론회의 연장선 상에서 정치적인 공방보다 미국 민주주의의 한 전통을 지켜보는 것에 더 관점을 두고 이야기할까 한다. 


양당 후보 모두 '자기비난(self-deprecating)'을 하는 기법으로 유머를 구사하는 것으로 말문을 열었다.  잠깐 '자기비난 유머'가 무엇인지 살펴보자.  당하는 사람은 상처받을 수도 있지만 다른 사람을 우스꽝스럽게 비꼬는 것으로 희화화하는 유머가 재미있고 지어내기 쉽다. 그런데 타인에게 상처주지 않고 유머를 구사하려면 자기 자신을 희화화하라는 이야기가 있다. 데일 카네기 등 미국의 인간관계와 성공학에 대한 역사적인 저자들도 공통적으로 언급하여 미국 사회에는 잘 알려진 이야기다.  겉으로라도 상대를 배려하는 것을 존중하는 미국식 유머코드라고 할 수 있다.  힐러리와 트럼프는 이번 연설에서 상호 비방을 멈추는 전통과 달리 상대방에 대한 핵심적인 비난을  빠트리지 않았다. 하지만, 상대에 대한 비난에 앞서 '자기비난'을 언급하며 언론에서 지적된 자신들을 향한 비난을 먼저 소재삼아 웃음을 자아냈다. 

뉴욕 자선 디너의 연설은 치열하고 추악한 비방전으로 치닫은 대통령 선거 기간이 끝날 무렵에 다소 서로에 대한 관용을 보일 수 있는 기회라고 볼 수 있다. 한편으로는 대통령 선거에 패배한 경우를 대비하여 경쟁후보간 상호 여지를 두는 것은 아닐까. 몇가지 폭소 포인트만 간략히 적어본다.   

트럼프는 사람들이 나를 '겸손하다'고 한다며 자기비하(self deprecating) 농담을 시작했다. "그건 사실이고 나의 가장 좋은 자질이다 심지어 내 성깔보다 더 낳다"고 말해서 웃음을 자아냈다. 누가 들어도 사실이 아니라 웃음 밖에 안나올 이야기다.  '겸손(modest)'에 정반대되는 언행들로 언론에 뭇 매를 맞고 내부적으로도 언행을 자제할 것을 압박받는 자신의 모습을 비하하는 농담을 한 것이다. 

'본인을 먼저 비하하는 전통적인 예의'를 차린 다음 트럼프는 본격적으로 힐러리를 비꼬기 시작했다. 본 행사에 들어오기 전에 힐러리와 부딪쳤는데 힐러리가 '미안하다(pardon me)'라고 했다고 하여 청중은 폭소했다. 미국 사람들이 살짝 부딪치면 습관적으로 '파든미'라고 하는 말을 마치 이번 선거판에서 자신을 비방한 것에 대해 모조리 미안하다고 말한 것처럼 표현한 것이다.  힐러리를 고약한 여자(nasty woman)이라고 불렀던 것을 다시 언급하며, 이런 표현은 상대적인 것이라고 다시 한번 악명높은 고약한 언행의 포문을 열었다. 대선 TV토론을 하는 동안 힐러리의 말을 계속 듣다보니 트럼프 자신과 인신공격성 발언으로 앙숙이된 로지 오도넬이 더 좋아질 지경이라고 너스레를 떨었다. 

트럼프는 오늘 행사장에 힐러리의 보좌진이 참 열심히 일한다고 하며, 바로 당신 NBC, CNN 등 미국 주요언론들을 손까락질했다. 지금 초과근무까지 하고 있다고 덧붙였다. 미국 대부분의 미디어가 자신을 지지하지 않고 힐러리를 지지하는 것을 비꼬는 말이다. 이 부분에서 주요언론과 현장 방송관계자들도 웃음을 참기 어려웠을 것이다. 

힐러리는 이번 연설에 오기위해 낮잠시간을 투자해야 했으며, 이런 연설에 돈을 많이 받는 다고 하며 트럼프의 비난을 스스로 다시하여 '자기비하' 농담을 맞 받았다. 트럼프가 이번 뉴욕 알프레드스미스디너에 참석하도록 '영구차'를 보냈다고도 말해 웃음을 자아냈다.   힐러리는 트럼프의 말투를 흉내내는 등 몇번의 유머를 구사하고 행사 중 대체적으로 밝은 미소를 보였다.  

두 후보가 대본을 보면서 이야기했지만, 트럼프는 어프렌티스(apprentice) 등 수년간의 생방송 진행의 경험에서 우러나온 능숙함이 돋보였다. 재치있었고 웃음이 터지는 포인트를 잘 주무르는 모습을 보였다. 재미있었다. 힐러리의 연설은 '재미가 없다', '사전준비가 철저하다'라는 평에 딱 맞아 떨어지는 듯 했다. 연설 대본을 실감나게 읽었지만 유머는 미묘하게 어색했고 미소는 과해 보였다. 

메건 켈리 등 미국 주요 뉴스 진행 앵커들은 당혹스러운 웃음을 보이며 보도했다. 지난 세번의 대선토론보다 뉴욕 디너 모임에서 트럼프가 선전한 것이 분명하다. 

[트럼프 뉴욕 디너쇼 연설 다시보기] 

[힐러리 뉴욕 디너쇼 연설 다시보기] 

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미국 대통령 선거 결과 9일 오후나 저녁에... 혹, 트럼프가 당선되면?

[아래는 도널드 트럼프의 알프레드 스미스 자선 디너 영문 연설문 전문임]

Donald, the microphone is yours.

TRUMP: And it’s working. (LAUGHTER)

Thank you Al. Wow. That was good. Mm. This is a helluva dinner. Well I want to thank Your Eminence. This is really great to be with you again. Beloved Governor Cuomo, our great senators. Hi Chuck. He used to love me when I was a Democrat you know.


Mayor de Blasio. Wherever you are. Where’s Mayor de Blasio? (inaudible) See in the old days I would have know him very well but I haven’t doing so much of the real estate any (ph).

And I want to thank Al and Ann (ph) Smith, just a fantastic job you do with the dinner. Congratulations on a record – over $6 million, right? He’s got a record.


And a special hello to all of you in this room who have known and loved me for many, many years. It’s true.

The politicians. They’ve had me to their homes, they’ve introduced me to their children, I’ve become their best friends in many instances. They’ve asked for my endorsement and they always wanted my money. And even called me really a dear, dear friend. But then suddenly, decided when I ran for president as a Republican, that I’ve always been a no-good, rotten, disgusting scoundrel. And they totally forgot about me.

But that’s OK. You know, they say when you do this kind of an event you always start out with a self-deprecating joke. Some people think this would be tough for me, but the truth is …


It’s true — the truth is I’m actually a modest person. Very modest. It’s true. In fact many people tell me that modesty is perhaps my best quality.


Even better than my temperament.


You know Cardinal Dolan and I have some things in common. For instance, we both run impressive properties on Fifth Avenue. Of course his is much more impressive than mine. That’s because I built mine with my own beautifully formed hands.


While his was built with the hands of God, and nobody can compete with God. Is that correct? Nobody. Right?


That’s right. No contest.

It’s great to be here with a thousand wonderful people, or, as I call it, a small intimate dinner with some friends. Or as Hillary calls it, her largest crowd of the season.


Ahh, this stuff. This is corny stuff. I do recognize that I come into this event with a little bit of an advantage. I know that so many of you in the archdiocese already have a place in your heart for a guy who started out as a carpenter working for his father. I was a carpenter working for mine.


True. Not for a long period of time but I was. For about three weeks. What’s great about the Al Smith Dinner is that even in the rough and tumble world of a really, really hard-fought campaign – in fact I don’t know if you know Hillary but last night they said, “That was the most vicious debate in the history of politics, presidential debate. The most vicious.”

And I don’t know – are we supposed to be proud of that or where are we supposed to be on that one. But they did say that and I’m trying to think back to Lincoln. I don’t think we can compete with that. But the candidates have some light-hearted moments together, which is true. I have no doubt that Hillary is going to laugh quite a bit tonight, sometimes even at appropriate moments.


And even tonight, with all of the heated back and forth, between my opponent and me at the debate last night, we have proven that we can actually be civil to each other. In fact, just before taking the dais, Hillary accidentally bumped into me and she very civilly said, “Pardon me.”


And I very politely replied, “Let me talk to you about that after I get into office.”


Just kidding, just kidding. And Hillary was very gracious. She said if somehow she gets elected she wants me to be, without question, either her ambassador to Iraq or to Afghanistan. It’s my choice.


But one of the things I noticed tonight – and I’ve known Hillary for a long time – this is the first time ever, ever, that Hillary is sitting down and speaking to major corporate leaders and not getting paid for it. (LAUGHTER)

It’s true. It’s true.

You know, last night, I called Hillary a “nasty woman,” but this stuff is all relative. After listening to Hillary rattle on and on and on, I don’t think so badly of Rosie O’Donnell anymore.


In fact, I’m actually starting to like Rosie a lot.


These events give not only the candidates a chance to be with each other in a very social setting; it also allows the candidates the opportunity to meet the other candidate’s team — good team.

I know Hillary met my campaign manager, and I got the chance to meet the people who are working so hard to get her elected. There they are — the heads of NBC, CNN, CBS, ABC — there’s the New York Times, right over there, and the Washington Post.


They’re working overtime. True. True.


Oh, this one’s going to get me in trouble.


Not with Hillary. You know, the president told me to stop whining, but I really have to say, the media is even more biased this year than ever before — ever. You want the proof? Michelle Obama gives a speech and everyone loves it — it’s fantastic. They think she’s absolutely great. My wife, Melania, gives the exact same speech —


— and people get on her case.


And I don’t get it. I don’t know why.


And it wasn’t her fault. Stand up, Melania. Come on. She took a lot of abuse.


Oh, I’m in trouble when I go home tonight. I’m — she didn’t know about that one. Am I okay? Is it okay?

Cardinal, please speak to her.


I’d like to address an important religious matter: the issue of going to confession. Or, as Hillary calls it, the Fourth of July weekend with FBI Director Comey.


Now, I’m told Hillary went to confession before tonight’s event, but the priest was having a hard time, when he asked about her sins, and she said she couldn’t remember 39 times.


Hillary is so corrupt, she got kicked off the Watergate Commission.


How corrupt do you have to be to get kicked off the Watergate Commission? Pretty corrupt. Hillary is, and has been, in politics since the 70s. What’s her pitch? The economy is busted? The government’s corrupt? Washington is failing? “Vote for me. I’ve been working on these problems for 30 years. I can fix it”, she says.

I wasn’t really sure if Hillary was going to be here tonight, because I guess you didn’t send her invitation by email. Or, maybe, you did and she just found out about it through the wonder of WikiLeaks.


We’ve learned so much from WikiLeaks. For example, Hillary believes that it’s vital to deceive the people by having one public policy —


— and a totally different policy in private. That’s okay. I don’t know who they’re angry at Hillary, you or I. For example, here she is tonight, in public, pretending not to hate Catholics.

Now some of you haven’t noticed, Hillary isn’t laughing as much as the rest of us. That’s because she knows the jokes. And all of the jokes were given to her in advance of the dinner by Donna Brazile. Which is – everyone knows, of course, Hillary’s belief that it takes a village, which only makes sense after all in places like Haiti, where she’s taken a number of them.


Thank you. I don’t know – and I don’t want this evening without saying something nice about my opponent. Hillary has been in Washington a long time. She knows a lot about how government works. And according to her sworn testimony Hillary has forgotten more things than most of us will ever, ever, ever know. That I can tell you.


We’re having some fun here tonight and that’s good.

On a personal note, what an amazing honor it is to be with all of you. And I want to congratulate Hillary on getting the nomination and we’re in there fighting and over the next 19 days somebody’s going to be chosen. We’ll see what happens. But I have great memories of coming to this dinner with my father over the years when I was a young man. Great experience for me.

This was always a special experience for him and me to be together. One thing we can all agree on is the need to support the great work that comes out of the dinner. Millions of dollars have been raised to support disadvantaged children, and I applaud the many people who have worked to make this wonderful event a critical lifeline for children in need.


And that we together broke the all-time record tonight is really something special. More than $6 million net, net, net, net. The cardinal told me that’s net net, Donald, remember. We can also agree on the need to stand up to anti-Catholic bias, to defend religious liberty and to create a culture that celebrates life. America is in many ways divided …


Thank you. America is in many ways divided like it’s never been before. And the great religious leaders here tonight give us all an example that we can follow. We’re living in a time, an age that we never thought possible before. The vicious barbarism we read about in history books, but never thought we’d see it in our so-called modern- day world. Who would have thought we would be witnessing what we’re witnessing today.

We’ve got to be very strong, very, very smart, and we’ve got to come together not only as a nation, but as a world community. Thank you very much, God bless you and God bless America. Thank you.


Thank you. Thank you very much.

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