뉴에그 가입 Q&A

Q: When Do I Get Paid For My Orders?

A: We issue payments onWednesday of each week. Please be advised that it can take up to 2 - 3 businessdays for the payment to be allocated to your financial institution. Paymentsare disbursed according to their invoice date on a Net 15 term. We will payyour orders within 15 days when it invoices in our system. (Generally 2 weeksafter it invoices).

Q: Why Am I Not ReceivingPayments for My Recent Orders?

A: Below are several reasons whyyou are not receiving payment:

 The account holder name on your bank records may beincorrect, please double check in the seller portal.

 Your W-9 form may have a problem (please check ifthere is a signature on the W-9 form and that all information listed on the W-9form matches the information listed under your main contact information in yourseller portal).

 Thebank account information may be incorrect or outdated. Please double check thisinformation and update any new bank account to process your ACH Payments.

 Lastly, payments are issued to sellers whoaccumulated at least $25 or more in sales. Payment will be held until yoursales reach this threshold.


Q: Do I Receive PaymentSettlements?

A: We will email you a statementevery time we pay you. You also have access to download statement by logging into the Seller Portal. Follow these directions:

1) On the navigation bar, click on “Report” and thenon “Payment Reports”.

2) Click on “Settlements” and then click on the “ViewTransactions” link for the settlement you desire to review.

3) You will be prompted to theTransaction Detail page. From this page, click on the “Export All”button on the bottom left corner. You will be prompted to save the file; oncesaved, you can open the file to review your payments in excel.


Q: Are Sellers Responsible ForCollecting Sales Tax?

A: No, Newegg is the Merchant ofRecord so we will be collecting sales tax on all orders. We only collect SalesTax for the State of California, Tennessee, and New Jersey since we have aphysical presence in these states. 3 Rev 1.0 08_09_12


Q: What If A Customer Contacts Me With A QuestionRegarding Sales Tax?

A: Please advise the customer tocontact our support team by emailing: marketplacesupport@newegg.com. We will beglad to address all questions and concerns.

Q: Will I Receive the 1099 TaxStatement during Tax Season?

A: No, because Newegg is theMerchant of Record; we will be sending the sales tax that was collected to theappropriate state for processing. You will not receive 1099 from us. You maydownload a copy of each settlement in your seller portal for reference. (Pleasereview: “Do I Receive Payment Settlements?” for instructions on how to downloadtransactions”)

Q: My Seller Account Status IsShowing Inactive, How Do I get it Activated?

A: Your seller account may beinactive because it was recently created. As a procedure to ensure qualityassurance, we ask sellers to begin the process by uploading product under theirseller portal. Once a few products have been uploaded, we will review yourlistings and help correct any potential mishaps in the process. This qualityassurance procedure has effectively help many sellers start off on the rightfoot, and help produce more sales. Once you have created your items, they willappear as disabled until your seller account has been activated. Our CategoryManager will verify your items and then activate your account so that you canbegin selling in our Marketplace platform. If you should happen to have anyquestions, you may contact our support team at: marketplacesupport@newegg.com.

Q: What Is The DifferenceBetween Courtesy Refund And RMA Refund?

A: Courtesy is used for when youwant to issue a partial refund back to our customer. A RMA refund is used forwhen you are requiring our customer to return the merchandise back to you.Please see our RMA Processing Guide in the help section located on the topright side of our seller portal for more information.

Please Note: Courtesy Refund does not refundcommission back to you and it does not refund Sales Tax (If Applicable) back toour customer. So we encourage our sellers to use RMA Refund whenever possible. 4 Rev 1.0 08_09_12


Q: How Long Am I Allowed To Ship An Order?

A: You are allowed only 72 hoursto ship an order upon receiving order confirmation from us. After 72 hours,orders will auto-void and you will not be paid, regardless if you shipped themerchandise.

Q: Can I Request To Have The 72Hour Order Processing Deadline Extended On Certain Items?

A: No, You are only allowed 72hours on all items sold on Newegg Marketplace. If you know certainitem(s) require more than 72 Hours to prepare, we encourage that you not list thoseitems on our marketplace platform.

Q: Will Newegg Be Responsible ToPursue The Customer For Payment If I Ship An Order That Was Auto-Voided (Past72 Hour Shipping Deadline)?

A: No, Newegg will not beresponsible to pursue the customer for payment on your behalf. Fulfillingorders within 72 hours is the responsibility of our sellers.

Q: Will Newegg Refund Me BackFor The Merchandise, If I Ship An Auto-Voided Order?

A: No, Newegg will not creditsellers for merchandise loss. If an order is not shipped within 72 hours,sellers are held responsible.

Q: Does The 72 Hour DeadlineInclude Weekends or Holidays?

A: No, The 72 Hour Deadlineoccurs during working business days only. Each order has a date time-stampwhich indicates when orders will auto-void. The 72 hour time-stamp iscalculated in Pacific Standard Time (PST). This time-stamp is located in theOrder List in our seller portal.

Please Note: If you are not in the PacificStandard Time Zone, please remember to process your orders earlier to preventauto-void events. 5 Rev 1.008_09_12


Q: Who Is Responsible For Fraud Prevention?

A: Newegg will be responsiblefor checking customer information for potential fraud. Once we validatedcustomer information, the order confirmation will be sent to your sellerportal. This is when we the 72 hour auto-void deadline begins.

Please Note: Sometimes you may receive anemail from us asking you to void or stop an order from shipping because welater discovered fraudulent activity after the order confirmation was sent toyou. Please do not be alarmed, you will still be paid for the item if you areunable to void the order. We ask that you attempt to recall any orders valuedabove $25 if they have been shipped. We will credit you any recall feesassessed by your shipping company to return the package back to you. If youhave questions regarding this, please email us at marketplacesupport@newegg.com

Q: How Do I Use Your Ship ByNewegg Service?

A: Please see the Help sectionlocated on the top right of our Seller Portal. A full disclosure will be listedin this section.

Q: Who Do I Contact If I HaveQuestions Regarding To Your Ship By Newegg Service (SBN)?

A: You may contact our Ship byNewegg (SBN) Team at MarketplaceFulfillment@Newegg.com.

Q: Who Do I Contact If I Have AQuestion or Issue Regarding Data-Feeds and Integration?

A: Our Datafeeds Team can assistyou via email at: Datafeeds@newegg.com

Q: Who Should I Contact If IHave A Question or Issue Regarding to Customer Service, Financial/Payment, orGeneral Marketplace Inquires?

A: You may contact our MerchantSupport Specialist Team at marketplacesupport@newegg.com

Q: Who Should I Contact If IHave Questions Regarding Seller Account Activation, Product Promotions, and anyseller account concerns?

A: You maycontact your respective category manager with your concern. If you areuncertain who to contact, please email our Merchant Support Specialist Team atmarketplacesupport@newegg.com

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