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인터넷을 검색하였으나 제대로된 자료를 만나기 힘드네요.
경력자 영문이력서 신입 및 경력사원용 IT, Sales 직군 샘플을 공유합니다.
1. IT 컨설팅 presales position 영문이력서 샘플
아래 샘플은 첫 머리에 Key competencies (주요 경쟁력)에
인사담당자가 가장 관심있어할 만한 부분을 요약한 것이 돋보이네요.
특히 Skill을 세가지 종류로 분류하여 볼드체로 편집한 것이 눈에 확들어 옵니다.
Kim, Ha Ha
Heng Dong, Samsung Lemian 101-1101, Deuk-yang, Seoul, Korea.
•010-7357-1250 •sunny@gmail.com
Seeking Presales Position
Key Competencies For Presales Position
Business Development Skill: lead consulting project or quick assessment for presales activity, identity IT needs and persuade stakeholders of customer including executives to invest IT system.
Business Planning Skill: Conducted many internal tasks of business strategies and understood recent trends of System Integrators’ solution platform strategies in various area.
Direct Sales Skill: Although I was a HW components international sales leader in charge of US$7million in annual in the previous firm, as a management consultant in this company, I have knowledge of solution selling that focusing strategic approach such as activities of understanding customers’ business process, needs of transformation, estimating ROI and figuring out customers’ decision making steps including efficiently persuading key persons.
Ten years of management consulting, international sales and business development experience
- Propose Consulting and System Implementation of SRM and SCM (APS, FP) with Solution Providing Partners.
- Execute Quick Assessment to Identify Customers’ Needs for Proposal in the areas of SCM, Logistics and Procurement.
- Master planning, BPR/ISP, Process innovation and Optimization in the areas of Procurement, SCM, CRM, SRM and Logistics with talents in resolving conflicts, driving motivation and building relationships with customers that often far outlast projects
- System design in service procurement especially in process from RFQ/P, contract management and voucher system (LE)
- Assessment and envision PPS System for LLCNS
- Provide customized mobile phone RF products to global mobile manufacturers such as Apple, Nokia, Motorolla and Sharp by involving from early design stage to production ramp-up stage.
Ø Samsung SDS Entrue Consulting Business Unit
Senior Consultant Jan. 2009 ~ Present
• Process Innovation for General Procurement : Analyze and envision procurement process, such as RFP/bidding, reverse Auction, contract management, and defined business requirements for upgrading system with a solution provider (LG electronics)
• Envisioned the direction of target material cost planning system aligning with business plan such as expecting sales price (LG electronics)
• Change management for upgraded General Procurement System : Executed change management of transformation from one time purchasing to repetitive purchasing (L electronics)
• Next generation system design project : Conducted an in-depth analysis of business functions and designed a new merchandising and fulfillment process with an APS solution package.(LOE Duty Free Shop)
• New Business Feasibility Study for sensing-tracking-processing and setting up a new business unit (LCNS)
• Logistics network optimization and warehouse land selection for best efficiency (L networks)
• Advancement of Project Management System – Field : Analyzed as-is and derived improved system direction in the area of process management
Ø Antenna Co.,LTD International Technical Sales
General Manager / Team leader Feb. 2006 ~ Dec. 2008
· Sales and Marketing electrical module products for mobile phone to Nokia, Motorolla, Apple and Sharp
· Technical road shows for customers in USA, Japan, Taiwan and China.
Ø KT New Biz development team Feb. 2005 ~ Feb. 2006
· Execute Project Outsourcing
- Mobile Broadcast and Telecommunication Network System Implementation
· Presales
- Propose Electrical & Communication Trunk Line Installation to major communication companies, such as SKT, KT and LG Power Com.
- DMB(Digital Media Broadcasting) network installation for Subways
Ø CAMPmode (Research Institute) Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, U.S.A May. 2001 ~ April 2002
Research Assistant
- Reconfigurable slot antenna designs: participated the project of reconfigurable aperture program sponsored by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of U.S.A.)
Ø University of Colorado Graduated at May 2003, Colorado
Master of Science in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ø Seoul University.
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Graduated at Feb. 2002, Korea
2. Sale position 신입 영문이력서 샘플
3. Sale position 경력직 영문이력서 샘플
(외국계 기업 취업을 위한 영문이력서를 작성하는 3가지팁 블로그글)