'컨텐츠 신문'에 해당되는 글 842건

  1. 2016.09.28 가습기유해성분 추가 납품업체 30개 기업 리스트, 치약 외 구강세척제 세안크림도...
  2. 2016.09.27 가습기살균제 발견 아모레퍼시픽 치약 11종 리스트, 대형 마트에서 영수증 없이도 환불가능
  3. 2016.09.27 미국 대선 1차 TV 토론회 힐러리-트럼프 영문 자막 스크립트
  4. 2016.09.27 미국 대선 TV토론 여론조사 힐러리 우세! CNN 시청자 조사결과 즉시 발표
  5. 2016.09.27 미국 대선 1차 TV 토론 주요 논쟁 내용 - 한국 안보무임승차론 등 재 등장
  6. 2016.09.27 미국 TV 대선 토론회가 페이스북에서 라이브 생방송된다, 힐러리 vs 트럼프 격돌
  7. 2016.09.26 미국 대선후보 TV 토론회 클린턴-트럼프 한국시간 내일 27일 10시
  8. 2016.09.26 무이자 30일 대출을 대부업체 또는 저축은행 에서 받으면?
  9. 2016.09.23 중국업체 아이폰7 플러스 칩 스케일로 해체, A10 전격공개
  10. 2016.09.23 스마트홈 글로벌 스타트업 67개 기업
  11. 2016.09.23 설리:허드슨 강 기적 (SULLY)의 5분영상 YouTube에서 공개-스포일러 일부 포함
  12. 2016.09.23 영국 브렉시트, 유럽연합 탈퇴에 관한 협상, EU와 내년 초 부터
  13. 2016.09.22 메르세데스 벤츠 GLC, C 클래스 미국에서 리콜
  14. 2016.09.22 [파리모터쇼 2016] 신형 아우디 Q5 선보인다! LED 테일램프와 헤드라이트가 바뀌고 스마트폰연결성이 강화되다
  15. 2016.09.22 주택담보대출 신용등급별 금리 비교 (KB국민 KEB하나은행 신한은행 우리은행 SC 한국씨티은행 NH농협) 1
  16. 2016.09.22 맥 OS 시에라 한영전환 키 "caps lock"로 간편하게 바뀌다! 2
  17. 2016.09.21 조지 클루니 아말 클루니 부부 유엔에서 이슬람 테러 단체 규탄! 1
  18. 2016.09.21 신용보증기금 우수 창업기업 보증 상품
  19. 2016.09.21 맥북,아이맥에도 쉬리(Siri)가~, OS 시에나의 신기한 기능들!
  20. 2016.09.21 맥 OS 시에라(Sierra) 출시, 무료 업데이트 가능 모델 및 연식
  21. 2016.09.21 안젤리나 졸리, 브레드 피트에게 이혼 소송 제기, 아이들 문제 때문인듯
  22. 2016.09.20 저축은행 대출받으면 제때 갚고 있어도 일방적으로 추심업체에 채권 매각된다?
  23. 2016.09.20 보험금 탈때 알아 두어야할 사항 1) 보험사가 보험금을 제멋대로 감액해왔다는데…
  24. 2016.09.20 소니 알파 99, 새로운 A 마운트 Sony A99 II 풀 프레임 DSLR 발표 1
  25. 2016.09.19 아이폰7 사용자 히싱(hissing) '쉿쉿' 치찰음 노이즈 불만
  26. 2016.09.14 추석 서울시내 갈만한 곳 고양 파주 가볼만 한 곳, 추석연휴 서울무료주차 정보
  27. 2016.09.12 주택도시기금의 역할, 서민 무주택자 주택구입 전세 융자 상품
  28. 2016.09.12 애플 아이폰7 이어폰 구멍이 없어 라이트닝 단자 두개가 필요해~
  29. 2016.09.09 서울 지역별 로또 1등 당첨 판매점 분포 및 주소지
  30. 2016.09.08 소니 플레이스테이션4 신제품 PS4 프로 4K 뉴욕 출시계획 발표, 코드네임 "네오 Neo"

아모레퍼시픽의 치약 11종에 포함된 가습기 유해성분을 납품한 (주)미원상사에서 유해물질을 추가로 납품회사 30개 업체 리스트가 국회 환경노동위원회 소속 정의당 이정미 의원에 의해 밝혀졌다.


이중 국내업체는 애경산업, 미성통상, (주)우신화장품, 코스모코스, 대봉엘에스, 서울화장품, 코씰, 아이티산업, (주)태동씨앤에스, 에어로화학, 유씨엘(주), 피엔케미칼(주), 코스파인, (주)크린피스, 미성종합물산, (주)제일케미칼, 에버화학, 코리아나 화장품, 미래교역(주), 미성코스메틱(주), 현성케미칼 등이다. 

가습기 살균제 성분이 함유된 미원상사 제품




쉐이빙폼, 세안크림, 폼워시, 헤어삼푸,

바디샴푸, 목욕재료 등

아모레퍼시픽, 애경산업,




비누, 세제, 세안크림, 애완동물, 샴푸,

목욕재료 등

대봉엘에스, 에스티트레이딩,




쉐이빙폼, 폼워시, 샴푸, 세안크림,

바디샴푸, 목욕재료 등

애경산업, 미성통상


쉐이빙폼, 폼워시, 샴푸, 세안크림,

폼워시, 샴푸, 바디샴푸, 목욕재료



치약, 구강세척용, 샴푸 등






치약, 구강세척용, 샴푸 등


미성통상, (주)우신화장품,

코스모코스, 대봉엘에스,



치약, 구강세척용 등


아모레퍼시픽, 코씰, 미성통상,



치약, 구강세척용, 세제, 샴푸, 욕조거품, 섬유세제 등



대봉엘에스, (주)태동씨엔에스,



치약 및 구강세척용 등


유씨엘(주), 미성통상,




세제, 샴푸, 욕조거품, 화장품 등

미성통상, 코스파인,

(주)그린피스, 미성종합물산


치약 및 구강세척용, 세제, 샴푸,

욕조거품, 섬유세제용 등

(주)제일케미칼, 에버화학,



치약 및 구강세척용, 세제, 샴푸,

욕조거품, 섬유세제용 등



피엔케미칼(주), 미성코스메틱(주)

,현성케미칼, 미성통상

미원상사는 이들 30여개 업체에 CMIT/MIT가 방부제 목적으로 포함된 MICOLIN T440, MICOLIN S490 등의 원료 약3천톤을 공급했다.  MICOLIN S490은 2%의 물과, 소듐라우릴황산염 (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, SLS) 98%, CMIT/MIT 0.22ppm으로 구성되어 있다. 

미원상사는 CMIT/MIT 원료를 2012년 까지는 SK케미칼로부터 공급받았고 그 이후 지금까지 다우케미칼로부터 납품받는다. 

이정미 의원은 식품의약품안전처가 치약과 구강세정용 제품에 사용되는 원료를 엄밀히 검사하고, 유독물로 지정된 CMIT/MIT를 생활용품에 사용하지 못하도록 해야한다고 말했다. 

지금까지 아모레퍼시픽은 이정미 의원의 전량 회수 요구를 전적으로 수용했다. 

우리나라는 치약을 제외한 보디워시 등 화장품에 CMIT/MIT를 최대 15ppm까지 허용한다. 치약의 보존제는 벤조산나트륨을 포함한 3가지 종류 약제만 허용된다. 미국이나 유럽에서는 보디워시 같은 화장품 뿐만아니라 치약에도 CMIT/MIT를 보존제로 사용할 수 있다. 

이번 기회에 치약과 구강청정제 뿐만아니라, 보존제로 사용되는 원료에 대해 식약처의 정밀한 조사를 기대한다. 

[관련글 바로가기]

가습기살균제 발견 아모레퍼시픽 치약 11종 리스트, 대형 마트에서 영수증 없이도 환불가능


Posted by 샤르딘

가습기 발견 성분인 CMIT, MIT 성분이 치약에서 발견됬다.  아모레퍼시픽은 자사에서 제조한 모든 제품을 수거하고 있다.  치약은 입속에 들어가기 때문에 더욱 문제가 될수 있다. 

문제가 물질은메칠 클로로 이소치아졸리논과 메칠 이소치아졸리논의 혼합물 가습기 살균제에 사용되던 보존제이다.  가습기 살균제보다는 덜들어 있는 0.0022~0.0044ppm 정도의 함량이다. 

가습기 유해성분이 적발된 치약은 모두 아모레 퍼시픽제품으로 아래 11가지 종류이다. 












아모레퍼시픽은 원료공급업체인 미원상사 제품변질을 막으려 포함한 성분으로 아모레퍼시픽 측은 몰랐으며 원료공급업체의 잘못이라고 설명했다. 

한편 대형마트는 이번 사태의 책임을 통감하고 점포매대에서 철수시켰으며 전량 환불 조치에 나섰다. 

이마트는 사실이 식품의약품안전처에서 발표된 즉시 해상 상품을 환불해 주겠다고 밝혔다. 영수증이 없어도 소비자가 해당 상품을 가져오면환불해 준다. 

홈플러스도 점포매대에서 해당 제품을 철수하였으며, 구매자에게 영수증 없이 환불해 준다.  

롯데마트도 환불에 동참하여 제품을 매대에서 치우고 환불을 실시하기로 했다. 

[유해물질의 학술적 명칭]

정의당 이정미의원에 의하면 아모레퍼시픽에 가습기유해성분을 납품한 미원상사는 애경, 코리아나화장품 등 샴푸와 가글액 제품 등의 원료로 30개업체에 3천톤을 납품했다.


가습기유해성분 추가 납품업체 30개 기업 리스트, 치약 외 구강세척제 세안크림도...

Posted by 샤르딘

미국 대선 1차 텔레비젼 토론회 레스터 홀트 진행, 힐러리-트럼프 논쟁 발언 영문 원본 자막 스크립트

LESTER HOLT: Good evening from Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. I'm Lester Holt, anchor of "NBC Nightly News." I want to welcome you to the first presidential debate.

The participants tonight are Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. This debate is sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization. The commissiondrafted tonight's format, and the rules have been agreed to by the campaigns.

The 90-minute debate is divided into six segments, each 15 minutes long. We'll explore three topic areas tonight: Achievingprosperity; America's direction; and securing America. At the start of each segment, I will ask the same lead-off question to both candidates, and they will each have up to two minutes to respond. From that point until the end of the segment, we'll have an open discussion.

The questions are mine and have not been shared with the commission or the campaigns. The audience here in the room has agreed to remain silent so that we can focus on what the candidates are saying.

I will invite you to applaud, however, at this moment, as we welcome the candidates: Democratic nominee for president of the United States, Hillary Clinton, and Republican nominee for president of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

CLINTON: How are you, Donald?

HOLT: Good luck to you.

Well, I don't expect us to cover all the issues of this campaign tonight, but I remind everyone, there are two more presidential debates scheduled. We are going to focus on many of the issues that voters tell us are most important, and we're going to press for specifics. I am honored to have this role, but this evening belongs to the candidates and, just as important, to the American people.

Candidates, we look forward to hearing you articulate your policies and your positions, as well as your visions and your values. So, let's begin.

We're calling this opening segment "Achieving Prosperity." And central to that is jobs. There are two economic realities in America today. There's been a record six straight years of job growth, and new census numbers show incomes have increased at a record rate after years of stagnation. However, income inequality remains significant, and nearly half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

Beginning with you, Secretary Clinton, why are you a better choice than your opponent to create the kinds of jobs that will put more money into the pockets of American works?

CLINTON: Well, thank you, Lester, and thanks to Hofstra for hosting us.

The central question in this election is really what kind of country we want to be and what kind of future we'll build together. Today is my granddaughter's second birthday, so I think about this a lot.First, we have to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. That means we need new jobs, good jobs, with rising incomes.

I want us to invest in you. I want us to invest in your future. That means jobs in infrastructure, in advanced manufacturing, innovation and technology, clean, renewable energy, and small business, because most of the new jobs will come from small business. We also have to make the economy fairer. That starts with raising the national minimum wage and also guarantee,finally, equal pay for women's work.

CLINTON: I also want to see more companies do profit-sharing. If you help create the profits, you should be able to share in them, not just the executives at the top.

And I want us to do more to support people who are struggling to balance family and work. I've heard from so many of you about the difficult choices you face and the stresses that you're under. So let's have paid family leave, earned sick days. Let's be sure we have affordable child care and debt-free college.

How are we going to do it? We're going to do it by having the wealthy pay their fair share and close the corporate loopholes.

Finally, we tonight are on the stage together, Donald Trump and I.Donald, it's good to be with you. We're going to have a debate where we are talking about the important issues facing our country. You have to judge us, who can shoulder the immense, awesome responsibilities of the presidency, who can put into action the plans that will make your life better. I hope that I will be able to earn your vote on November 8th.

HOLT: Secretary Clinton, thank you.

Mr. Trump, the same question to you. It's about putting money -- more money into the pockets of American workers. You have up to two minutes.

TRUMP: Thank you, Lester. Our jobs are fleeing the country. They're going to Mexico. They're going to many other countries. You look at what China is doing to our country in terms of making our product. They're devaluing their currency, and there's nobody in our government to fight them. And we have a very good fight. And we have a winning fight. Because they're using our country as a piggy bank to rebuild China, and many other countries are doing the same thing.

So we're losing our good jobs, so many of them. When you look at what's happening in Mexico, a friend of mine who builds plants said it's the eighth wonder of the world. They're building some of the biggest plants anywhere in the world, some of the most sophisticated, some of the best plants. With the United States, as he said, not so much.

So Ford is leaving. You see that, their small car division leaving. Thousands of jobs leaving Michigan, leaving Ohio. They're all leaving. And we can't allow it to happen anymore. As far as child care is concerned and so many other things, I think Hillary and I agree on that. We probably disagree a little bit as to numbers and amounts and what we're going to do, but perhaps we'll be talking about that later.

But we have to stop our jobs from being stolen from us. We have to stop our companies from leaving the United States and, with it, firing all of their people. All you have to do is take a look at Carrier air conditioning in Indianapolis. They left -- fired 1,400 people. They're going to Mexico. So many hundreds and hundreds of companies are doing this.

TRUMP: We cannot let it happen. Under my plan, I'll be reducing taxes tremendously, from 35 percent to 15 percent for companies, small and big businesses. That's going to be a job creator like we haven't seen since Ronald Reagan. It's going to be a beautiful thing to watch.

Companies will come. They will build. They will expand. New companies will start. And I look very, very much forward to doing it. We have to renegotiate our trade deals, and we have to stop these countries from stealing our companies and our jobs.

HOLT: Secretary Clinton, would you like to respond?

CLINTON: Well, I think that trade is an important issue. Of course, we are 5 percent of the world's population; we have to trade with the other 95 percent. And we need to have smart, fair trade deals.

We also, though, need to have a tax system that rewards work and not just financial transactions. And the kind of plan that Donald has put forth would be trickle-down economics all over again. In fact, it would be the most extreme version, the biggest tax cuts for the top percent of the people in this country than we've ever had.

I call it trumped-up trickle-down, because that's exactly what it would be. That is not how we grow the economy.

We just have a different view about what's best for growing the economy, how we make investments that will actually produce jobs and rising incomes.

I think we come at it from somewhat different perspectives. I understand that. You know, Donald was very fortunate in his life, and that's all to his benefit. He started his business with $14 million, borrowed from his father, and he really believes that the more you help wealthy people, the better off we'll be and that everything will work out from there.

I don't buy that. I have a different experience. My father was a small-businessman. He worked really hard. He printed drapery fabrics on long tables, where he pulled out those fabrics and he went down with a silkscreen and dumped the paint in and took the squeegee and kept going.

And so what I believe is the more we can do for the middle class, the more we can invest in you, your education, your skills, your future, the better we will be off and the better we'll grow. That's the kind of economy I want us to see again.

HOLT: Let me follow up with Mr. Trump, if you can. You've talked about creating 25 million jobs, and you've promised to bring back millions of jobs for Americans. How are you going to bring back the industries that have left this country for cheaper labor overseas? How, specifically, are you going to tell American manufacturers that you have to come back?

TRUMP: Well, for one thing -- and before we start on that -- my father gave me a very small loan in 1975, and I built it into a company that's worth many, many billions of dollars, with some of the greatest assets in the world, and I say that only because that's the kind of thinking that our country needs.

Our country's in deep trouble. We don't know what we're doing when it comes to devaluations and all of these countries all over the world, especially China. They're the best, the best ever at it. What they're doing to us is a very, very sad thing.

So we have to do that. We have to renegotiate our trade deals. And, Lester, they're taking our jobs, they're giving incentives, they're doing things that, frankly, we don't do.

Let me give you the example of Mexico. They have a VAT tax. We're on a different system. When we sell into Mexico, there's a tax. When they sell in -- automatic, 16 percent, approximately. When they sell into us, there's no tax. It's a defective agreement. It's been defective for a long time, many years, but the politicians haven't done anything about it.

Now, in all fairness to Secretary Clinton -- yes, is that OK? Good. I want you to be very happy. It's very important to me.

But in all fairness to Secretary Clinton, when she started talking about this, it was really very recently. She's been doing this for 30 years. And why hasn't she made the agreements better? The NAFTA agreement is defective. Just because of the tax and many other reasons, but just because of the fact...

HOLT: Let me interrupt just a moment, but...

TRUMP: Secretary Clinton and others, politicians, should have been doing this for years, not right now, because of the fact that we've created a movement. They should have been doing this for years. What's happened to our jobs and our country and our economy generally is -- look, we owe $20 trillion. We cannot do it any longer, Lester. HOLT: Back to the question, though. How do you bring back -- specifically bring back jobs, American manufacturers? How do you make them bring the jobs back?

TRUMP: Well, the first thing you do is don't let the jobs leave. The companies are leaving. I could name, I mean, there are thousands of them. They're leaving, and they're leaving in bigger numbers than ever.

And what you do is you say, fine, you want to go to Mexico or some other country, good luck. We wish you a lot of luck. But if you think you're going to make your air conditioners or your cars or your cookies or whatever you make and bring them into our country without a tax, you're wrong.

And once you say you're going to have to tax them coming in, and our politicians never do this, because they have special interests and the special interests want those companies to leave, because in many cases, they own the companies. So what I'm saying is, we can stop them from leaving. We have to stop them from leaving. And that's a big, big factor.

HOLT: Let me let Secretary Clinton get in here.

CLINTON: Well, let's stop for a second and remember where we were eight years ago. We had the worst financial crisis, the Great Recession, the worst since the 1930s. That was in large part because of tax policies that slashed taxes on the wealthy, failed to invest in the middle class, took their eyes off of Wall Street, and created a perfect storm.

In fact, Donald was one of the people who rooted for the housing crisis. He said, back in 2006, "Gee, I hope it does collapse, because then I can go in and buy some and make some money." Well, it did collapse.

TRUMP: That's called business, by the way.

CLINTON: Nine million people -- nine million people lost their jobs. Five million people lost their homes. And $13 trillion in family wealth was wiped out.

Now, we have come back from that abyss. And it has not been easy. So we're now on the precipice of having a potentially much better economy, but the last thing we need to do is to go back to the policies that failed us in the first place.

Independent experts have looked at what I've proposed and looked at what Donald's proposed, and basically they've said this, that if his tax plan, which would blow up the debt by over $5 trillion and would in some instances disadvantage middle-class families compared to the wealthy, were to go into effect, we would lose 3.5 million jobs and maybe have another recession.

They've looked at my plans and they've said, OK, if we can do this, and I intend to get it done, we will have 10 million more new jobs, because we will be making investments where we can grow the economy. Take clean energy. Some country is going to be the clean- energy superpower of the 21st century. Donald thinks that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese. I think it's real.

TRUMP: I did not. I did not. I do not say that.

CLINTON: I think science is real.

TRUMP: I do not say that.

CLINTON: And I think it's important that we grip this and deal with it, both at home and abroad. And here's what we can do. We can deploy a half a billion more solar panels. We can have enough clean energy to power every home. We can build a new modern electric grid. That's a lot of jobs; that's a lot of new economic activity.

So I've tried to be very specific about what we can and should do, and I am determined that we're going to get the economy really moving again, building on the progress we've made over the last eight years, but never going back to what got us in trouble in the first place.

HOLT: Mr. Trump?

TRUMP: She talks about solar panels. We invested in a solar company, our country. That was a disaster. They lost plenty of money on that one.

Now, look, I'm a great believer in all forms of energy, but we're putting a lot of people out of work. Our energy policies are a disaster. Our country is losing so much in terms of energy, in terms of paying off our debt. You can't do what you're looking to do with $20 trillion in debt.

The Obama administration, from the time they've come in, is over 230 years' worth of debt, and he's topped it. He's doubled it in a course of almost eight years, seven-and-a-half years, to be semi- exact.

So I will tell you this. We have to do a much better job at keeping our jobs. And we have to do a much better job at giving companies incentives to build new companies or to expand, because they're not doing it.

And all you have to do is look at Michigan and look at Ohio and look at all of these places where so many of their jobs and their companies are just leaving, they're gone.

And, Hillary, I'd just ask you this. You've been doing this for 30 years. Why are you just thinking about these solutions right now? For 30 years, you've been doing it, and now you're just starting to think of solutions.

CLINTON: Well, actually...

TRUMP: I will bring -- excuse me. I will bring back jobs. You can't bring back jobs.

CLINTON: Well, actually, I have thought about this quite a bit.

TRUMP: Yeah, for 30 years.

CLINTON: And I have -- well, not quite that long. I think my husband did a pretty good job in the 1990s. I think a lot about what worked and how we can make it work again...

TRUMP: Well, he approved NAFTA...


CLINTON: ... million new jobs, a balanced budget...

TRUMP: He approved NAFTA, which is the single worst trade deal ever approved in this country.

CLINTON: Incomes went up for everybody. Manufacturing jobs went up also in the 1990s, if we're actually going to look at the facts.

When I was in the Senate, I had a number of trade deals that came before me, and I held them all to the same test. Will they create jobs in America? Will they raise incomes in America? And are they good for our national security? Some of them I voted for. The biggest one, a multinational one known as CAFTA, I voted against. And because I hold the same standards as I look at all of these trade deals.

But let's not assume that trade is the only challenge we have in the economy. I think it is a part of it, and I've said what I'm going to do. I'm going to have a special prosecutor. We're going to enforce the trade deals we have, and we're going to hold people accountable.

When I was secretary of state, we actually increased American exports globally 30 percent. We increased them to China 50 percent. So I know how to really work to get new jobs and to get exports that helped to create more new jobs.

HOLT: Very quickly...

TRUMP: But you haven't done it in 30 years or 26 years or any number you want to...

CLINTON: Well, I've been a senator, Donald...

TRUMP: You haven't done it. You haven't done it.

CLINTON: And I have been a secretary of state...

TRUMP: Excuse me.

CLINTON: And I have done a lot...

TRUMP: Your husband signed NAFTA, which was one of the worst things that ever happened to the manufacturing industry.

CLINTON: Well, that's your opinion. That is your opinion.

TRUMP: You go to New England, you go to Ohio, Pennsylvania, you go anywhere you want, Secretary Clinton, and you will see devastation where manufacture is down 30, 40, sometimes 50 percent. NAFTA is the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere, but certainly ever signed in this country.

And now you want to approve Trans-Pacific Partnership. You were totally in favor of it. Then you heard what I was saying, how bad it is, and you said, I can't win that debate. But you know that if you did win, you would approve that, and that will be almost as bad as NAFTA. Nothing will ever top NAFTA.

CLINTON: Well, that is just not accurate. I was against it once it was finally negotiated and the terms were laid out. I wrote about that in...

TRUMP: You called it the gold standard.


TRUMP: You called it the gold standard of trade deals. You said it's the finest deal you've ever seen.


TRUMP: And then you heard what I said about it, and all of a sudden you were against it.

CLINTON: Well, Donald, I know you live in your own reality, but that is not the facts. The facts are -- I did say I hoped it would be a good deal, but when it was negotiated...


CLINTON: ... which I was not responsible for, I concluded it wasn't. I wrote about that in my book...

TRUMP: So is it President Obama's fault?

CLINTON: ... before you even announced.

TRUMP: Is it President Obama's fault?

CLINTON: Look, there are differences...

TRUMP: Secretary, is it President Obama's fault?

CLINTON: There are...

TRUMP: Because he's pushing it.

CLINTON: There are different views about what's good for our country, our economy, and our leadership in the world. And I think it's important to look at what we need to do to get the economy going again. That's why I said new jobs with rising incomes, investments, not in more tax cuts that would add $5 trillion to the debt.

TRUMP: But you have no plan.

CLINTON: But in -- oh, but I do.

TRUMP: Secretary, you have no plan.

CLINTON: In fact, I have written a book about it. It's called "Stronger Together." You can pick it up tomorrow at a bookstore...

TRUMP: That's about all you've...


HOLT: Folks, we're going to...

CLINTON: ... or at an airport near you.

HOLT: We're going to move to...

CLINTON: But it's because I see this -- we need to have strong growth, fair growth, sustained growth. We also have to look at how we help families balance the responsibilities at home and the responsibilities at business.

So we have a very robust set of plans. And people have looked at both of our plans, have concluded that mine would create 10 million jobs and yours would lose us 3.5 million jobs, and explode the debt which would have a recession.

TRUMP: You are going to approve one of the biggest tax cuts in history. You are going to approve one of the biggest tax increases in history. You are going to drive business out. Your regulations are a disaster, and you're going to increase regulations all over the place.

And by the way, my tax cut is the biggest since Ronald Reagan. I'm very proud of it. It will create tremendous numbers of new jobs. But regulations, you are going to regulate these businesses out of existence.

When I go around -- Lester, I tell you this, I've been all over. And when I go around, despite the tax cut, the thing -- the things that business as in people like the most is the fact that I'm cutting regulation. You have regulations on top of regulations, and new companies cannot form and old companies are going out of business. And you want to increase the regulations and make them even worse.

I'm going to cut regulations. I'm going to cut taxes big league, and you're going to raise taxes big league, end of story.

HOLT: Let me get you to pause right there, because we're going to move into -- we're going to move into the next segment. We're going to talk taxes...

CLINTON: That can't -- that can't be left to stand.

HOLT: Please just take 30 seconds and then we're going to go on.

CLINTON: I kind of assumed that there would be a lot of these charges and claims, and so...

TRUMP: Facts.

CLINTON: So we have taken the home page of my website, HillaryClinton.com, and we've turned it into a fact-checker. So if you want to see in real-time what the facts are, please go and take a look. Because what I have proposed...

TRUMP: And take a look at mine, also, and you'll see.

CLINTON: ... would not add a penny to the debt, and your plans would add $5 trillion to the debt. What I have proposed would cut regulations and streamline them for small businesses. What I have proposed would be paid for by raising taxes on the wealthy, because they have made all the gains in the economy. And I think it's time that the wealthy and corporations paid their fair share to support this country.

HOLT: Well, you just opened the next segment.

TRUMP: Well, could I just finish -- I think I...


HOLT: I'm going to give you a chance right here...

TRUMP: I think I should -- you go to her website, and you take a look at her website.

HOLT: ... with a new 15-minute segment...

TRUMP: She's going to raise taxes $1.3 trillion.

HOLT: Mr. Trump, I'm going to...

TRUMP: And look at her website. You know what? It's no difference than this. She's telling us how to fight ISIS. Just go to her website. She tells you how to fight ISIS on her website. I don't think General Douglas MacArthur would like that too much.

HOLT: The next segment, we're continuing...

CLINTON: Well, at least I have a plan to fight ISIS.

HOLT: ... achieving prosperity...

TRUMP: No, no, you're telling the enemy everything you want to do.

CLINTON: No, we're not. No, we're not.

TRUMP: See, you're telling the enemy everything you want to do.No wonder you've been fighting -- no wonder you've been fighting ISIS your entire adult life.

CLINTON: That's a -- that's -- go to the -- please, fact checkers, get to work.

HOLT: OK, you are unpacking a lot here. And we're still on the issue of achieving prosperity. And I want to talk about taxes. The fundamental difference between the two of you concerns the wealthy.

Secretary Clinton, you're calling for a tax increase on the wealthiest Americans. I'd like you to further defend that. And, Mr. Trump, you're calling for tax cuts for the wealthy. I'd like you to defend that. And this next two-minute answer goes to you, Mr. Trump.

TRUMP: Well, I'm really calling for major jobs, because the wealthy are going create tremendous jobs. They're going to expand their companies. They're going to do a tremendous job.

I'm getting rid of the carried interest provision. And if you really look, it's not a tax -- it's really not a great thing for the wealthy. It's a great thing for the middle class. It's a great thing for companies to expand.

And when these people are going to put billions and billions of dollars into companies, and when they're going to bring $2.5 trillion back from overseas, where they can't bring the money back, because politicians like Secretary Clinton won't allow them to bring the money back, because the taxes are so onerous, and the bureaucratic red tape, so what -- is so bad.

So what they're doing is they're leaving our country, and they're, believe it or not, leaving because taxes are too high and because some of them have lots of money outside of our country. And instead of bringing it back and putting the money to work, because they can't work out a deal to -- and everybody agrees it should be brought back.

Instead of that, they're leaving our country to get their money, because they can't bring their money back into our country, because of bureaucratic red tape, because they can't get together.Because we have -- we have a president that can't sit them around a table and get them to approve something.

And here's the thing. Republicans and Democrats agree that this should be done, $2.5 trillion. I happen to think it's double that. It's probably $5 trillion that we can't bring into our country, Lester. And with a little leadership, you'd get it in here very quickly, and it could be put to use on the inner cities and lots of other things, and it would be beautiful.

But we have no leadership. And honestly, that starts with Secretary Clinton.

HOLT: All right. You have two minutes of the same question to defend tax increases on the wealthiest Americans, Secretary Clinton.

CLINTON: I have a feeling that by, the end of this evening, I'm going to be blamed for everything that's ever happened.

TRUMP: Why not?

CLINTON: Why not? Yeah, why not?


You know, just join the debate by saying more crazy things. Now, let me say this, it is absolutely the case...

TRUMP: There's nothing crazy about not letting our companies bring their money back into their country.

HOLT: This is -- this is Secretary Clinton's two minutes, please.


CLINTON: Yeah, well, let's start the clock again, Lester. We've looked at your tax proposals. I don't see changes in the corporate tax rates or the kinds of proposals you're referring to that would cause the repatriation, bringing back of money that's stranded overseas. I happen to support that.

TRUMP: Then you didn't read it.

CLINTON: I happen to -- I happen to support that in a way that will actually work to our benefit. But when I look at what you have proposed, you have what is called now the Trump loophole, because it would so advantage you and the business you do. You've proposed an approach that has a...

TRUMP: Who gave it that name? The first I've -- who gave it that name?


HOLT: Mr. Trump, this is Secretary Clinton's two minutes.

CLINTON: ... $4 billion tax benefit for your family. And when you look at what you are proposing...

TRUMP: How much? How much for my family? CLINTON: ... it is...

TRUMP: Lester, how much?

CLINTON: ... as I said, trumped-up trickle-down. Trickle-down did not work. It got us into the mess we were in, in 2008 and 2009. Slashing taxes on the wealthy hasn't worked.

And a lot of really smart, wealthy people know that. And they are saying, hey, we need to do more to make the contributions we should be making to rebuild the middle class.

CLINTON: I don't think top-down works in America. I think building the middle class, investing in the middle class, making college debt-free so more young people can get their education, helping people refinance their -- their debt from college at a lower rate. Those are the kinds of things that will really boost the economy. Broad-based, inclusive growth is what we need in America, not more advantages for people at the very top.

HOLT: Mr. Trump, we're...

TRUMP: Typical politician. All talk, no action. Sounds good, doesn't work. Never going to happen. Our country is suffering because people like Secretary Clinton have made such bad decisions in terms of our jobs and in terms of what's going on.

Now, look, we have the worst revival of an economy since the Great Depression. And believe me: We're in a bubble right now. And the only thing that looks good is the stock market, but if you raise interest rates even a little bit, that's going to come crashing down.

We are in a big, fat, ugly bubble. And we better be awfully careful. And we have a Fed that's doing political things. This Janet Yellen of the Fed. The Fed is doing political -- by keeping the interest rates at this level. And believe me: The day Obama goes off, and he leaves, and goes out to the golf course for the rest of his life to play golf, when they raise interest rates, you're going to see some very bad things happen, because the Fed is not doing their job. The Fed is being more political than Secretary Clinton.

HOLT: Mr. Trump, we're talking about the burden that Americans have to pay, yet you have not released your tax returns. And the reason nominees have released their returns for decades is so that voters will know if their potential president owes money to -- who he owes it to and any business conflicts. Don't Americans have a right to know if there are any conflicts of interest?

TRUMP: I don't mind releasing -- I'm under a routine audit. And it'll be released. And -- as soon as the audit's finished, it will be released.

But you will learn more about Donald Trump by going down to the federal elections, where I filed a 104-page essentially financial statement of sorts, the forms that they have. It shows income -- in fact, the income -- I just looked today -- the income is filed at $694 million for this past year, $694 million. If you would have told me I was going to make that 15 or 20 years ago, I would have been very surprised.

But that's the kind of thinking that our country needs. When we have a country that's doing so badly, that's being ripped off by every single country in the world, it's the kind of thinking that our country needs, because everybody -- Lester, we have a trade deficit with all of the countries that we do business with, of almost $800 billion a year. You know what that is? That means, who's negotiating these trade deals?

We have people that are political hacks negotiating our trade deals.

HOLT: The IRS says an audit...

TRUMP: Excuse me.

HOLT: ... of your taxes -- you're perfectly free to release your taxes during an audit. And so the question, does the public's right to know outweigh your personal...

TRUMP: Well, I told you, I will release them as soon as the audit.Look, I've been under audit almost for 15 years. I know a lot of wealthy people that have never been audited. I said, do you get audited? I get audited almost every year.

And in a way, I should be complaining. I'm not even complaining. I don't mind it. It's almost become a way of life. I get audited by the IRS. But other people don't.

I will say this. We have a situation in this country that has to be taken care of. I will release my tax returns -- against my lawyer's wishes -- when she releases her 33,000 e-mails that have been deleted. As soon as she releases them, I will release.


I will release my tax returns. And that's against -- my lawyers, they say, "Don't do it." I will tell you this. No -- in fact, watching shows, they're reading the papers. Almost every lawyer says, you don't release your returns until the audit's complete. When the audit's complete, I'll do it. But I would go against them if she releases her e-mails.

HOLT: So it's negotiable?

TRUMP: It's not negotiable, no. Let her release the e-mails. Why did she delete 33,000...

HOLT: Well, I'll let her answer that. But let me just admonish the audience one more time. There was an agreement. We did ask you to be silent, so it would be helpful for us. Secretary Clinton?

CLINTON: Well, I think you've seen another example of bait-and- switch here. For 40 years, everyone running for president has released their tax returns. You can go and see nearly, I think, 39, 40 years of our tax returns, but everyone has done it. We know the IRS has made clear there is no prohibition on releasing it when you're under audit.

So you've got to ask yourself, why won't he release his tax returns? And I think there may be a couple of reasons. First, maybe he's not as rich as he says he is. Second, maybe he's not as charitable as he claims to be.

CLINTON: Third, we don't know all of his business dealings, but we have been told through investigative reporting that he owes about $650 million to Wall Street and foreign banks. Or maybe he doesn't want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he's paid nothing in federal taxes, because the only years that anybody's ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didn't pay any federal income tax.

TRUMP: That makes me smart.

CLINTON: So if he's paid zero, that means zero for troops, zero for vets, zero for schools or health. And I think probably he's not all that enthusiastic about having the rest of our country see what the real reasons are, because it must be something really important, even terrible, that he's trying to hide.

And the financial disclosure statements, they don't give you the tax rate. They don't give you all the details that tax returns would. And it just seems to me that this is something that the American people deserve to see. And I have no reason to believe that he's ever going to release his tax returns, because there's something he's hiding.

And we'll guess. We'll keep guessing at what it might be that he's hiding. But I think the question is, were he ever to get near the White House, what would be those conflicts? Who does he owe money to? Well, he owes you the answers to that, and he should provide them.

HOLT: He also -- he also raised the issue of your e-mails. Do you want to respond to that?

CLINTON: I do. You know, I made a mistake using a private e- mail. TRUMP: That's for sure.

CLINTON: And if I had to do it over again, I would, obviously, do it differently. But I'm not going to make any excuses. It was a mistake, and I take responsibility for that.

HOLT: Mr. Trump?

TRUMP: That was more than a mistake. That was done purposely. OK? That was not a mistake. That was done purposely. When you have your staff taking the Fifth Amendment, taking the Fifth so they're not prosecuted, when you have the man that set up the illegal server taking the Fifth, I think it's disgraceful. And believe me, this country thinks it's -- really thinks it's disgraceful, also.

As far as my tax returns, you don't learn that much from tax returns. That I can tell you. You learn a lot from financial disclosure. And you should go down and take a look at that.

The other thing, I'm extremely underleveraged. The report that said $650 -- which, by the way, a lot of friends of mine that know my business say, boy, that's really not a lot of money. It's not a lot of money relative to what I had.

The buildings that were in question, they said in the same report, which was -- actually, it wasn't even a bad story, to be honest with you, but the buildings are worth $3.9 billion. And the $650 isn't even on that. But it's not $650. It's much less than that.

But I could give you a list of banks, I would -- if that would help you, I would give you a list of banks. These are very fine institutions, very fine banks. I could do that very quickly.

I am very underleveraged. I have a great company. I have a tremendous income. And the reason I say that is not in abraggadocios way. It's because it's about time that this country had somebody running it that has an idea about money.

When we have $20 trillion in debt, and our country's a mess, you know, it's one thing to have $20 trillion in debt and our roads are good and our bridges are good and everything's in great shape, our airports. Our airports are like from a third world country.

You land at LaGuardia, you land at Kennedy, you land at LAX, you land at Newark, and you come in from Dubai and Qatar and you see these incredible -- you come in from China, you see these incredible airports, and you land -- we've become a third world country.

So the worst of all things has happened. We owe $20 trillion, and we're a mess. We haven't even started. And we've spent $6 trillion in the Middle East, according to a report that I just saw. Whether it's 6 or 5, but it looks like it's 6, $6 trillion in the Middle East, we could have rebuilt our country twice.

And it's really a shame. And it's politicians like Secretary Clinton that have caused this problem. Our country has tremendous problems. We're a debtor nation. We're a serious debtor nation.And we have a country that needs new roads, new tunnels, new bridges, new airports, new schools, new hospitals. And we don't have the money, because it's been squandered on so many of your ideas.

HOLT: We'll let you respond and we'll move on to the next segment.

CLINTON: And maybe because you haven't paid any federal income tax for a lot of years. (APPLAUSE)

And the other thing I think is important...

TRUMP: It would be squandered, too, believe me.

CLINTON: ... is if your -- if your main claim to be president of the United States is your business, then I think we should talk about that. You know, your campaign manager said that you built a lot of businesses on the backs of little guys.

And, indeed, I have met a lot of the people who were stiffed by you and your businesses, Donald. I've met dishwashers, painters, architects, glass installers, marble installers, drapery installers, like my dad was, who you refused to pay when they finished the work that you asked them to do.

We have an architect in the audience who designed one of your clubhouses at one of your golf courses. It's a beautiful facility. It immediately was put to use. And you wouldn't pay what the man needed to be paid, what he was charging you to do...

TRUMP: Maybe he didn't do a good job and I was unsatisfied with his work...

CLINTON: Well, to...

TRUMP: Which our country should do, too.

CLINTON: Do the thousands of people that you have stiffed over the course of your business not deserve some kind of apology from someone who has taken their labor, taken the goods that they produced, and then refused to pay them?

I can only say that I'm certainly relieved that my late father never did business with you. He provided a good middle-class life for us, but the people he worked for, he expected the bargain to be kept on both sides.

And when we talk about your business, you've taken business bankruptcy six times. There are a lot of great businesspeople that have never taken bankruptcy once. You call yourself the King of Debt. You talk about leverage. You even at one time suggested that you would try to negotiate down the national debt of the United States.

TRUMP: Wrong. Wrong.

CLINTON: Well, sometimes there's not a direct transfer of skills from business to government, but sometimes what happened in business would be really bad for government.

HOLT: Let's let Mr. Trump...

CLINTON: And we need to be very clear about that.

TRUMP: So, yeah, I think -- I do think it's time. Look, it's all words, it's all sound bites. I built an unbelievable company. Some of the greatest assets anywhere in the world, real estate assets anywhere in the world, beyond the United States, in Europe, lots of different places. It's an unbelievable company.

But on occasion, four times, we used certain laws that are there. And when Secretary Clinton talks about people that didn't get paid, first of all, they did get paid a lot, but taken advantage of the laws of the nation.

Now, if you want to change the laws, you've been there a long time, change the laws. But I take advantage of the laws of the nation because I'm running a company. My obligation right now is to do well for myself, my family, my employees, for my companies. And that's what I do.

But what she doesn't say is that tens of thousands of people that are unbelievably happy and that love me. I'll give you an example. We're just opening up on Pennsylvania Avenue right next to the White House, so if I don't get there one way, I'm going to get to Pennsylvania Avenue another.

But we're opening the Old Post Office. Under budget, ahead of schedule, saved tremendous money. I'm a year ahead of schedule. And that's what this country should be doing.

We build roads and they cost two and three and four times what they're supposed to cost. We buy products for our military and they come in at costs that are so far above what they were supposed to be, because we don't have people that know what they're doing.

When we look at the budget, the budget is bad to a large extent because we have people that have no idea as to what to do and how to buy. The Trump International is way under budget and way ahead of schedule. And we should be able to do that for our country.

HOLT: Well, we're well behind schedule, so I want to move to our next segment. We move into our next segment talking about America's direction. And let's start by talking about race.

The share of Americans who say race relations are bad in this country is the highest it's been in decades, much of it amplified by shootings of African-Americans by police, as we've seen recently in Charlotte and Tulsa. Race has been a big issue in this campaign, and one of you is going to have to bridge a very wide and bitter gap.

So how do you heal the divide? Secretary Clinton, you get two minutes on this.

CLINTON: Well, you're right. Race remains a significant challenge in our country. Unfortunately, race still determines too much, often determines where people live, determines what kind of education in their public schools they can get, and, yes, it determines how they're treated in the criminal justice system. We've just seen those two tragic examples in both Tulsa and Charlotte.

And we've got to do several things at the same time. We have to restore trust between communities and the police. We have to work to make sure that our police are using the best training, the best techniques, that they're well prepared to use force only when necessary. Everyone should be respected by the law, and everyone should respect the law.

CLINTON: Right now, that's not the case in a lot of our neighborhoods. So I have, ever since the first day of my campaign, called for criminal justice reform. I've laid out a platform that I think would begin to remedy some of the problems we have in the criminal justice system.

But we also have to recognize, in addition to the challenges that we face with policing, there are so many good, brave police officers who equally want reform. So we have to bring communities together in order to begin working on that as a mutual goal. And we've got to get guns out of the hands of people who should not have them.

The gun epidemic is the leading cause of death of young African- American men, more than the next nine causes put together. So we have to do two things, as I said. We have to restore trust. We have to work with the police. We have to make sure they respect the communities and the communities respect them. And we have to tackle the plague of gun violence, which is a big contributor to a lot of the problems that we're seeing today.

HOLT: All right, Mr. Trump, you have two minutes. How do you heal the divide?

TRUMP: Well, first of all, Secretary Clinton doesn't want to use a couple of words, and that's law and order. And we need law and order. If we don't have it, we're not going to have a country.

And when I look at what's going on in Charlotte, a city I love, a city where I have investments, when I look at what's going on throughout various parts of our country, whether it's -- I mean, I can just keep naming them all day long -- we need law and order in our country.

I just got today the, as you know, the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police, we just -- just came in. We have endorsements from, I think, almost every police group, very -- I mean, a large percentage of them in the United States.

We have a situation where we have our inner cities, African- Americans, Hispanics are living in he'll because it's so dangerous.You walk down the street, you get shot.

In Chicago, they've had thousands of shootings, thousands since January 1st. Thousands of shootings. And I'm saying, where is this? Is this a war-torn country? What are we doing? And we have to stop the violence. We have to bring back law and order. In a place like Chicago, where thousands of people have been killed, thousands over the last number of years, in fact, almost 4,000 have been killed since Barack Obama became president, over -- almost 4,000 people in Chicago have been killed. We have to bring back law and order.

Now, whether or not in a place like Chicago you do stop and frisk, which worked very well, Mayor Giuliani is here, worked very well in New York. It brought the crime rate way down. But you take the gun away from criminals that shouldn't be having it.

We have gangs roaming the street. And in many cases, they're illegally here, illegal immigrants. And they have guns. And they shoot people. And we have to be very strong. And we have to be very vigilant.

We have to be -- we have to know what we're doing. Right now, our police, in many cases, are afraid to do anything. We have to protect our inner cities, because African-American communities are being decimated by crime, decimated.

HOLT: Your two -- your two minutes expired, but I do want to follow up. Stop-and-frisk was ruled unconstitutional in New York, because it largely singled out black and Hispanic young men.

TRUMP: No, you're wrong. It went before a judge, who was a very against-police judge. It was taken away from her. And our mayor, our new mayor, refused to go forward with the case. They would have won an appeal. If you look at it, throughout the country, there are many places where it's allowed.

HOLT: The argument is that it's a form of racial profiling.

TRUMP: No, the argument is that we have to take the guns away from these people that have them and they are bad people that shouldn't have them.

These are felons. These are people that are bad people that shouldn't be -- when you have 3,000 shootings in Chicago from January 1st, when you have 4,000 people killed in Chicago by guns, from the beginning of the presidency of Barack Obama, his hometown, you have to have stop-and-frisk.

You need more police. You need a better community, you know, relation. You don't have good community relations in Chicago. It's terrible. I have property there. It's terrible what's going on in Chicago.

But when you look -- and Chicago's not the only -- you go to Ferguson, you go to so many different places. You need better relationships. I agree with Secretary Clinton on this.

TRUMP: You need better relationships between the communities and the police, because in some cases, it's not good.

But you look at Dallas, where the relationships were really studied, the relationships were really a beautiful thing, and then five police officers were killed one night very violently. So there's some bad things going on. Some really bad things.

HOLT: Secretary Clinton...

TRUMP: But we need -- Lester, we need law and order. And we need law and order in the inner cities, because the people that are most affected by what's happening are African-American and Hispanic people. And it's very unfair to them what our politicians are allowing to happen.

HOLT: Secretary Clinton?

CLINTON: Well, I've heard -- I've heard Donald say this at his rallies, and it's really unfortunate that he paints such a dire negative picture of black communities in our country.


CLINTON: You know, the vibrancy of the black church, the black businesses that employ so many people, the opportunities that so many families are working to provide for their kids. There's a lot that we should be proud of and we should be supporting and lifting up.

But we do always have to make sure we keep people safe. There are the right ways of doing it, and then there are ways that are ineffective. Stop-and-frisk was found to be unconstitutional and, in part, because it was ineffective. It did not do what it needed to do.

Now, I believe in community policing. And, in fact, violent crime is one-half of what it was in 1991. Property crime is down 40 percent. We just don't want to see it creep back up. We've had 25 years of very good cooperation.

But there were some problems, some unintended consequences. Too many young African-American and Latino men ended up in jail for nonviolent offenses. And it's just a fact that if you're a young African-American man and you do the same thing as a young white man, you are more likely to be arrested, charged, convicted, and incarcerated. So we've got to address the systemic racism in our criminal justice system. We cannot just say law and order. We have to say -- we have to come forward with a plan that is going to divert people from the criminal justice system, deal with mandatory minimum sentences, which have put too many people away for too long for doing too little.

We need to have more second chance programs. I'm glad that we're ending private prisons in the federal system; I want to see them ended in the state system. You shouldn't have a profit motivation to fill prison cells with young Americans. So there are some positive ways we can work on this.

And I believe strongly that commonsense gun safety measures would assist us. Right now -- and this is something Donald has supported, along with the gun lobby -- right now, we've got too many military- style weapons on the streets. In a lot of places, our police are outgunned. We need comprehensive background checks, and we need to keep guns out of the hands of those who will do harm.

And we finally need to pass a prohibition on anyone who's on the terrorist watch list from being able to buy a gun in our country. If you're too dangerous to fly, you are too dangerous to buy a gun. So there are things we can do, and we ought to do it in a bipartisan way.

HOLT: Secretary Clinton, last week, you said we've got to do everything possible to improve policing, to go right at implicit bias. Do you believe that police are implicitly biased against black people?

CLINTON: Lester, I think implicit bias is a problem for everyone, not just police. I think, unfortunately, too many of us in our great country jump to conclusions about each other. And therefore, I think we need all of us to be asking hard questions about, you know, why am I feeling this way?

But when it comes to policing, since it can have literally fatal consequences, I have said, in my first budget, we would put money into that budget to help us deal with implicit bias by retraining a lot of our police officers.

I've met with a group of very distinguished, experienced police chiefs a few weeks ago. They admit it's an issue. They've got a lot of concerns. Mental health is one of the biggest concerns, because now police are having to handle a lot of really difficult mental health problems on the street.

CLINTON: They want support, they want more training, they want more assistance. And I think the federal government could be in a position where we would offer and provide that.

HOLT: Mr. Trump...

TRUMP: I'd like to respond to that.

HOLT: Please.

TRUMP: First of all, I agree, and a lot of people even within my own party want to give certain rights to people on watch lists and no- fly lists. I agree with you. When a person is on a watch list or a no-fly list, and I have the endorsement of the NRA, which I'm very proud of. These are very, very good people, and they're protecting the Second Amendment.

But I think we have to look very strongly at no-fly lists and watch lists. And when people are on there, even if they shouldn't be on there, we'll help them, we'll help them legally, we'll help them get off. But I tend to agree with that quite strongly.

I do want to bring up the fact that you were the one that brought up the words super-predator about young black youth. And that's a term that I think was a -- it's -- it's been horribly met, as you know. I think you've apologized for it. But I think it was a terrible thing to say.

And when it comes to stop-and-frisk, you know, you're talking about takes guns away. Well, I'm talking about taking guns away from gangs and people that use them. And I don't think -- I really don't think you disagree with me on this, if you want to know the truth.

I think maybe there's a political reason why you can't say it, but I really don't believe -- in New York City, stop-and-frisk, we had 2,200 murders, and stop-and-frisk brought it down to 500 murders. Five hundred murders is a lot of murders. It's hard to believe, 500 is like supposed to be good?

But we went from 2,200 to 500. And it was continued on by Mayor Bloomberg. And it was terminated by current mayor. But stop-and- frisk had a tremendous impact on the safety of New York City. Tremendous beyond belief. So when you say it has no impact, it really did. It had a very, very big impact.

CLINTON: Well, it's also fair to say, if we're going to talk about mayors, that under the current mayor, crime has continued to drop, including murders. So there is...

TRUMP: No, you're wrong. You're wrong.

CLINTON: No, I'm not.

TRUMP: Murders are up. All right. You check it.

CLINTON: New York -- New York has done an excellent job. And I give credit -- I give credit across the board going back two mayors, two police chiefs, because it has worked. And other communities need to come together to do what will work, as well.

Look, one murder is too many. But it is important that we learn about what has been effective. And not go to things that sound good that really did not have the kind of impact that we would want. Who disagrees with keeping neighborhoods safe?

But let's also add, no one should disagree about respecting the rights of young men who live in those neighborhoods. And so we need to do a better job of working, again, with the communities, faith communities, business communities, as well as the police to try to deal with this problem.

HOLT: This conversation is about race. And so, Mr. Trump, I have to ask you for five...

TRUMP: I'd like to just respond, if I might.

HOLT: Please -- 20 seconds.

TRUMP: I'd just like to respond.

HOLT: Please respond, then I've got a quick follow-up for you.

TRUMP: I will. Look, the African-American community has been let down by our politicians. They talk good around election time, like right now, and after the election, they said, see ya later, I'll see you in four years.

The African-American community -- because -- look, the community within the inner cities has been so badly treated. They've been abused and used in order to get votes by Democrat politicians, because that's what it is. They've controlled these communities for up to 100 years.

HOLT: Mr. Trump, let me...


CLINTON: Well, I -- I do think...

TRUMP: And I will tell you, you look at the inner cities -- and I just left Detroit, and I just left Philadelphia, and I just -- you know, you've seen me, I've been all over the place. You decided to stay home, and that's OK. But I will tell you, I've been all over. And I've met some of the greatest people I'll ever meet within these communities. And they are very, very upset with what their politicians have told them and what their politicians have done.

HOLT: Mr. Trump, I...

CLINTON: I think -- I think -- I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate. And, yes, I did. And you know what else I prepared for? I prepared to be president. And I think that's a good thing.


HOLT: Mr. Trump, for five years, you perpetuated a false claim that the nation's first black president was not a natural-born citizen. You questioned his legitimacy. In the last couple of weeks, you acknowledged what most Americans have accepted for years: The president was born in the United States. Can you tell us what took you so long?

TRUMP: I'll tell you very -- well, just very simple to say. Sidney Blumenthal works for the campaign and close -- very close friend of Secretary Clinton. And her campaign manager, Patti Doyle, went to -- during the campaign, her campaign against President Obama, fought very hard. And you can go look it up, and you can check it out.

TRUMP: And if you look at CNN this past week, Patti Solis Doyle was on Wolf Blitzer saying that this happened. Blumenthal sent McClatchy, highly respected reporter at McClatchy, to Kenya to find out about it. They were pressing it very hard. She failed to get the birth certificate.

When I got involved, I didn't fail. I got him to give the birth certificate. So I'm satisfied with it. And I'll tell you why I'm satisfied with it.

HOLT: That was...


TRUMP: Because I want to get on to defeating ISIS, because I want to get on to creating jobs, because I want to get on to having a strong border, because I want to get on to things that are very important to me and that are very important to the country.

HOLT: I will let you respond. It's important. But I just want to get the answer here. The birth certificate was produced in 2011. You've continued to tell the story and question the president's legitimacy in 2012, '13, '14, '15...

TRUMP: Yeah.

HOLT: .... as recently as January. So the question is, what changed your mind?

TRUMP: Well, nobody was pressing it, nobody was caring much about it. I figured you'd ask the question tonight, of course. But nobody was caring much about it. But I was the one that got him to produce the birth certificate. And I think I did a good job.

Secretary Clinton also fought it. I mean, you know -- now, everybody in mainstream is going to say, oh, that's not true. Look, it's true. Sidney Blumenthal sent a reporter -- you just have to take a look at CNN, the last week, the interview with your former campaign manager. And she was involved. But just like she can't bring back jobs, she can't produce.

HOLT: I'm sorry. I'm just going to follow up -- and I will let you respond to that, because there's a lot there. But we're talking about racial healing in this segment. What do you say to Americans, people of color who...


TRUMP: Well, it was very -- I say nothing. I say nothing, because I was able to get him to produce it. He should have produced it a long time before. I say nothing.

But let me just tell you. When you talk about healing, I think that I've developed very, very good relationships over the last little while with the African-American community. I think you can see that.

And I feel that they really wanted me to come to that conclusion. And I think I did a great job and a great service not only for the country, but even for the president, in getting him to produce his birth certificate.

HOLT: Secretary Clinton?

CLINTON: Well, just listen to what you heard.


And clearly, as Donald just admitted, he knew he was going to stand on this debate stage, and Lester Holt was going to be asking us questions, so he tried to put the whole racist birther lie to bed.

But it can't be dismissed that easily. He has really started his political activity based on this racist lie that our first black president was not an American citizen. There was absolutely no evidence for it, but he persisted, he persisted year after year, because some of his supporters, people that he was trying to bring into his fold, apparently believed it or wanted to believe it.

But, remember, Donald started his career back in 1973 being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African-Americans, and he made sure that the people who worked for him understood that was the policy. He actually was sued twice by the Justice Department.

So he has a long record of engaging in racist behavior. And the birther lie was a very hurtful one. You know, Barack Obama is a man of great dignity. And I could tell how much it bothered him and annoyed him that this was being touted and used against him.

But I like to remember what Michelle Obama said in her amazing speech at our Democratic National Convention: When they go low, we go high. And Barack Obama went high, despite Donald Trump's best efforts to bring him down.

HOLT: Mr. Trump, you can respond and we're going to move on to the next segment.

TRUMP: I would love to respond. First of all, I got to watch in preparing for this some of your debates against Barack Obama. You treated him with terrible disrespect. And I watched the way you talk now about how lovely everything is and how wonderful you are. It doesn't work that way. You were after him, you were trying to -- you even sent out or your campaign sent out pictures of him in a certain garb, very famous pictures. I don't think you can deny that.

But just last week, your campaign manager said it was true. So when you tried to act holier than thou, it really doesn't work. It really doesn't.

Now, as far as the lawsuit, yes, when I was very young, I went into my father's company, had a real estate company in Brooklyn and Queens, and we, along with many, many other companies throughout the country -- it was a federal lawsuit -- were sued. We settled the suit with zero -- with no admission of guilt. It was very easy to do.

TRUMP: I notice you bring that up a lot. And, you know, I also notice the very nasty commercials that you do on me in so many different ways, which I don't do on you. Maybe I'm trying to save the money.

But, frankly, I look -- I look at that, and I say, isn't that amazing? Because I settled that lawsuit with no admission of guilt, but that was a lawsuit brought against many real estate firms, and it's just one of those things.

I'll go one step further. In Palm Beach, Florida, tough community, a brilliant community, a wealthy community, probably the wealthiest community there is in the world, I opened a club, and really got great credit for it. No discrimination against African- Americans, against Muslims, against anybody. And it's a tremendously successful club. And I'm so glad I did it. And I have been given great credit for what I did. And I'm very, very proud of it. And that's the way I feel. That is the true way I feel.

HOLT: Our next segment is called "Securing America." We want to start with a 21st century war happening every day in this country. Our institutions are under cyber attack, and our secrets are being stolen. So my question is, who's behind it? And how do we fight it?

Secretary Clinton, this answer goes to you.

CLINTON: Well, I think cyber security, cyber warfare will be one of the biggest challenges facing the next president, because clearly we're facing at this point two different kinds of adversaries. There are the independent hacking groups that do it mostly for commercial reasons to try to steal information that they can use to make money.

But increasingly, we are seeing cyber attacks coming from states, organs of states. The most recent and troubling of these has been Russia. There's no doubt now that Russia has used cyber attacks against all kinds of organizations in our country, and I am deeply concerned about this. I know Donald's very praiseworthy of Vladimir Putin, but Putin is playing a really...


CLINTON: ... tough, long game here. And one of the things he's done is to let loose cyber attackers to hack into government files, to hack into personal files, hack into the Democratic National Committee. And we recently have learned that, you know, that this is one of their preferred methods of trying to wreak havoc and collect information. We need to make it very clear -- whether it's Russia, China, Iran or anybody else -- the United States has much greater capacity. And we are not going to sit idly by and permit state actors to go after our information, our private-sector information or our public-sector information.

And we're going to have to make it clear that we don't want to use the kinds of tools that we have. We don't want to engage in a different kind of warfare. But we will defend the citizens of this country.

And the Russians need to understand that. I think they've been treating it as almost a probing, how far would we go, how much would we do. And that's why I was so -- I was so shocked when Donald publicly invited Putin to hack into Americans. That is just unacceptable. It's one of the reasons why 50 national security officials who served in Republican information -- in administrations...

HOLT: Your two minutes have expired.

CLINTON: ... have said that Donald is unfit to be the commander- in-chief. It's comments like that that really worry people who understand the threats that we face.

HOLT: Mr. Trump, you have two minutes and the same question. Who's behind it? And how do we fight it?

TRUMP: I do want to say that I was just endorsed -- and more are coming next week -- it will be over 200 admirals, many of them here -- admirals and generals endorsed me to lead this country. That just happened, and many more are coming. And I'm very proud of it.

In addition, I was just endorsed by ICE. They've never endorsed anybody before on immigration. I was just endorsed by ICE. I was just recently endorsed -- 16,500 Border Patrol agents.

So when Secretary Clinton talks about this, I mean, I'll take the admirals and I'll take the generals any day over the political hacks that I see that have led our country so brilliantly over the last 10 years with their knowledge. OK? Because look at the mess that we're in. Look at the mess that we're in.

As far as the cyber, I agree to parts of what Secretary Clinton said. We should be better than anybody else, and perhaps we're not. I don't think anybody knows it was Russia that broke into the DNC. She's saying Russia, Russia, Russia, but I don't -- maybe it was. I mean, it could be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK?

TRUMP: You don't know who broke in to DNC.

But what did we learn with DNC? We learned that Bernie Sanders was taken advantage of by your people, by Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Look what happened to her. But Bernie Sanders was taken advantage of. That's what we learned.

Now, whether that was Russia, whether that was China, whether it was another country, we don't know, because the truth is, under President Obama we've lost control of things that we used to have control over.

We came in with the Internet, we came up with the Internet, and I think Secretary Clinton and myself would agree very much, when you look at what ISIS is doing with the Internet, they're beating us at our own game. ISIS.

So we have to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is -- it is a huge problem. I have a son. He's 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers, it's unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe it's hardly doable.

But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing. But that's true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester, and certainly cyber is one of them.

HOLT: Secretary Clinton?

CLINTON: Well, I think there are a number of issues that we should be addressing. I have put forth a plan to defeat ISIS. It does involve going after them online. I think we need to do much more with our tech companies to prevent ISIS and their operatives from being able to use the Internet to radicalize, even direct people in our country and Europe and elsewhere.

But we also have to intensify our air strikes against ISIS and eventually support our Arab and Kurdish partners to be able to actually take out ISIS in Raqqa, end their claim of being a Caliphate.

We're making progress. Our military is assisting in Iraq. And we're hoping that within the year we'll be able to push ISIS out of Iraq and then, you know, really squeeze them in Syria.

But we have to be cognizant of the fact that they've had foreign fighters coming to volunteer for them, foreign money, foreign weapons, so we have to make this the top priority.

And I would also do everything possible to take out their leadership. I was involved in a number of efforts to take out Al Qaida leadership when I was secretary of state, including, of course, taking out bin Laden. And I think we need to go after Baghdadi, as well, make that one of our organizing principles. Because we've got to defeat ISIS, and we've got to do everything we can to disrupt their propaganda efforts online.

HOLT: You mention ISIS, and we think of ISIS certainly as over there, but there are American citizens who have been inspired to commit acts of terror on American soil, the latest incident, of course, the bombings we just saw in New York and New Jersey, the knife attack at a mall in Minnesota, in the last year, deadly attacks in San Bernardino and Orlando. I'll ask this to both of you. Tell us specifically how you would prevent homegrown attacks by American citizens, Mr. Trump?

TRUMP: Well, first I have to say one thing, very important. Secretary Clinton is talking about taking out ISIS. "We will take out ISIS." Well, President Obama and Secretary Clinton created a vacuum the way they got out of Iraq, because they got out -- what, they shouldn't have been in, but once they got in, the way they got out was a disaster. And ISIS was formed.

So she talks about taking them out. She's been doing it a long time. She's been trying to take them out for a long time. But they wouldn't have even been formed if they left some troops behind, like 10,000 or maybe something more than that. And then you wouldn't have had them.

Or, as I've been saying for a long time, and I think you'll agree, because I said it to you once, had we taken the oil -- and we should have taken the oil -- ISIS would not have been able to form either, because the oil was their primary source of income. And now they have the oil all over the place, including the oil -- a lot of the oil in Libya, which was another one of her disasters.

HOLT: Secretary Clinton?

CLINTON: Well, I hope the fact-checkers are turning up the volume and really working hard. Donald supported the invasion of Iraq.

TRUMP: Wrong.

CLINTON: That is absolutely proved over and over again.

TRUMP: Wrong. Wrong.

CLINTON: He actually advocated for the actions we took in Libya and urged that Gadhafi be taken out, after actually doing some business with him one time.

CLINTON: But the larger point -- and he says this constantly -- is George W. Bush made the agreement about when American troops would leave Iraq, not Barack Obama.

And the only way that American troops could have stayed in Iraq is to get an agreement from the then-Iraqi government that would have protected our troops, and the Iraqi government would not give that.

But let's talk about the question you asked, Lester. The question you asked is, what do we do here in the United States? That's the most important part of this. How do we prevent attacks? How do we protect our people?

And I think we've got to have an intelligence surge, where we are looking for every scrap of information. I was so proud of law enforcement in New York, in Minnesota, in New Jersey. You know, they responded so quickly, so professionally to the attacks that occurred by Rahami. And they brought him down. And we may find out more information because he is still alive, which may prove to be an intelligence benefit.

So we've got to do everything we can to vacuum up intelligence from Europe, from the Middle East. That means we've got to work more closely with our allies, and that's something that Donald has been very dismissive of.

We're working with NATO, the longest military alliance in the history of the world, to really turn our attention to terrorism. We're working with our friends in the Middle East, many of which, as you know, are Muslim majority nations. Donald has consistently insulted Muslims abroad, Muslims at home, when we need to be cooperating with Muslim nations and with the American Muslim community.

They're on the front lines. They can provide information to us that we might not get anywhere else. They need to have close working cooperation with law enforcement in these communities, not be alienated and pushed away as some of Donald's rhetoric, unfortunately, has led to.

HOLT: Mr. Trump...

TRUMP: Well, I have to respond.

HOLT: Please respond.

TRUMP: The secretary said very strongly about working with -- we've been working with them for many years, and we have the greatest mess anyone's ever seen. You look at the Middle East, it's a total mess. Under your direction, to a large extent.

But you look at the Middle East, you started the Iran deal, that's another beauty where you have a country that was ready to fall, I mean, they were doing so badly. They were choking on the sanctions. And now they're going to be actually probably a major power at some point pretty soon, the way they're going.

But when you look at NATO, I was asked on a major show, what do you think of NATO? And you have to understand, I'm a businessperson. I did really well. But I have common sense. And I said, well, I'll tell you. I haven't given lots of thought to NATO. But two things.

Number one, the 28 countries of NATO, many of them aren't paying their fair share. Number two -- and that bothers me, because we should be asking -- we're defending them, and they should at least be paying us what they're supposed to be paying by treaty and contract.

And, number two, I said, and very strongly, NATO could be obsolete, because -- and I was very strong on this, and it was actually covered very accurately in the New York Times, which is unusual for the New York Times, to be honest -- but I said, they do not focus on terror. And I was very strong. And I said it numerous times.

And about four months ago, I read on the front page of the Wall Street Journal that NATO is opening up a major terror division. And I think that's great. And I think we should get -- because we pay approximately 73 percent of the cost of NATO. It's a lot of money to protect other people. But I'm all for NATO. But I said they have to focus on terror, also.

And they're going to do that. And that was -- believe me -- I'm sure I'm not going to get credit for it -- but that was largely because of what I was saying and my criticism of NATO.

I think we have to get NATO to go into the Middle East with us, in addition to surrounding nations, and we have to knock the hell out of ISIS, and we have to do it fast, when ISIS formed in this vacuum created by Barack Obama and Secretary Clinton. And believe me, you were the ones that took out the troops. Not only that, you named the day. They couldn't believe it. They sat back probably and said, I can't believe it. They said...

CLINTON: Lester, we've covered...

TRUMP: No, wait a minute.

CLINTON: We've covered this ground.

TRUMP: When they formed, when they formed, this is something that never should have happened. It should have never happened. Now, you're talking about taking out ISIS. But you were there, and you were secretary of state when it was a little infant. Now it's in over 30 countries. And you're going to stop them? I don't think so.

HOLT: Mr. Trump, a lot of these are judgment questions. You had supported the war in Iraq before the invasion. What makes your...

TRUMP: I did not support the war in Iraq.

HOLT: In 2002...

TRUMP: That is a mainstream media nonsense put out by her, because she -- frankly, I think the best person in her campaign is mainstream media.

HOLT: My question is, since you supported it...

TRUMP: Just -- would you like to hear...

HOLT: ... why is your -- why is your judgment...

TRUMP: Wait a minute. I was against the war in Iraq. Just so you put it out.

HOLT: The record shows otherwise, but why -- why was...

TRUMP: The record does not show that.

HOLT: Why was -- is your judgment any...

TRUMP: The record shows that I'm right. When I did an interview with Howard Stern, very lightly, first time anyone's asked me that, I said, very lightly, I don't know, maybe, who knows? Essentially. I then did an interview with Neil Cavuto. We talked about the economy is more important. I then spoke to Sean Hannity, which everybody refuses to call Sean Hannity. I had numerous conversations with Sean Hannity at Fox. And Sean Hannity said -- and he called me the other day -- and I spoke to him about it -- he said you were totally against the war, because he was for the war.

HOLT: Why is your judgment better than...

TRUMP: And when he -- excuse me. And that was before the war started. Sean Hannity said very strongly to me and other people -- he's willing to say it, but nobody wants to call him. I was against the war. He said, you used to have fights with me, because Sean was in favor of the war.

And I understand that side, also, not very much, because we should have never been there. But nobody called Sean Hannity. And then they did an article in a major magazine, shortly after the war started. I think in '04. But they did an article which had me totally against the war in Iraq.

And one of your compatriots said, you know, whether it was before or right after, Trump was definitely -- because if you read this article, there's no doubt. But if somebody -- and I'll ask the press -- if somebody would call up Sean Hannity, this was before the war started. He and I used to have arguments about the war. I said, it's a terrible and a stupid thing. It's going to destabilize the Middle East. And that's exactly what it's done. It's been a disaster.

HOLT: My reference was to what you had said in 2002, and my question was...

TRUMP: No, no. You didn't hear what I said.

HOLT: Why is your judgment -- why is your judgment any different than Mrs. Clinton's judgment?

TRUMP: Well, I have much better judgment than she does. There's no question about that. I also have a much better temperament than she has, you know?


I have a much better -- she spent -- let me tell you -- she spent hundreds of millions of dollars on an advertising -- you know, they get Madison Avenue into a room, they put names -- oh, temperament, let's go after -- I think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament. I have a winning temperament. I know how to win. She does not have a...

HOLT: Secretary Clinton?

TRUMP: Wait. The AFL-CIO the other day, behind the blue screen, I don't know who you were talking to, Secretary Clinton, but you were totally out of control. I said, there's a person with a temperament that's got a problem.

HOLT: Secretary Clinton?



Let's talk about two important issues that were briefly mentioned by Donald, first, NATO. You know, NATO as a military alliance has something called Article 5, and basically it says this: An attack on one is an attack on all. And you know the only time it's ever been invoked? After 9/11, when the 28 nations of NATO said that they would go to Afghanistan with us to fight terrorism, something that they still are doing by our side.

With respect to Iran, when I became secretary of state, Iran was weeks away from having enough nuclear material to form a bomb. They had mastered the nuclear fuel cycle under the Bush administration. They had built covert facilities. They had stocked them with centrifuges that were whirling away.

And we had sanctioned them. I voted for every sanction against Iran when I was in the Senate, but it wasn't enough. So I spent a year-and-a-half putting together a coalition that included Russia and China to impose the toughest sanctions on Iran.

And we did drive them to the negotiating table. And my successor, John Kerry, and President Obama got a deal that put a lid on Iran's nuclear program without firing a single shot. That's diplomacy. That's coalition-building. That's working with other nations.

The other day, I saw Donald saying that there were some Iranian sailors on a ship in the waters off of Iran, and they were taunting American sailors who were on a nearby ship. He said, you know, if they taunted our sailors, I'd blow them out of the water and start another war. That's not good judgment.

TRUMP: That would not start a war.

CLINTON: That is not the right temperament to be commander-in- chief, to be taunted. And the worst part...

TRUMP: No, they were taunting us.

CLINTON: ... of what we heard Donald say has been about nuclear weapons. He has said repeatedly that he didn't care if other nations got nuclear weapons, Japan, South Korea, even Saudi Arabia. It has been the policy of the United States, Democrats and Republicans, to do everything we could to reduce the proliferation of nuclear weapons. He even said, well, you know, if there were nuclear war in East Asia, well, you know, that's fine...

TRUMP: Wrong.

CLINTON: ... have a good time, folks.

TRUMP: It's lies.

CLINTON: And, in fact, his cavalier attitude about nuclear weapons is so deeply troubling. That is the number-one threat we face in the world. And it becomes particularly threatening if terrorists ever get their hands on any nuclear material. So a man who can be provoked by a tweet should not have his fingers anywhere near the nuclear codes, as far as I think anyone with any sense about this should be concerned.

TRUMP: That line's getting a little bit old, I must say. I would like to...

CLINTON: It's a good one, though. It well describes the problem.


TRUMP: It's not an accurate one at all. It's not an accurate one. So I just want to give a lot of things -- and just to respond. I agree with her on one thing. The single greatest problem the world has is nuclear armament, nuclear weapons, not global warming, like you think and your -- your president thinks.

Nuclear is the single greatest threat. Just to go down the list, we defend Japan, we defend Germany, we defend South Korea, we defend Saudi Arabia, we defend countries. They do not pay us. But they should be paying us, because we are providing tremendous service and we're losing a fortune. That's why we're losing -- we're losing -- we lose on everything. I say, who makes these -- we lose on everything. All I said, that it's very possible that if they don't pay a fair share, because this isn't 40 years ago where we could do what we're doing. We can't defend Japan, a behemoth, selling us cars by the million...

HOLT: We need to move on.

TRUMP: Well, wait, but it's very important. All I said was, they may have to defend themselves or they have to help us out. We're a country that owes $20 trillion. They have to help us out.

HOLT: Our last...

TRUMP: As far as the nuclear is concerned, I agree. It is the single greatest threat that this country has.

HOLT: Which leads to my next question, as we enter our last segment here (inaudible) the subject of securing America. On nuclear weapons, President Obama reportedly considered changing the nation's longstanding policy on first use. Do you support the current policy? Mr. Trump, you have two minutes on that.

TRUMP: Well, I have to say that, you know, for what Secretary Clinton was saying about nuclear with Russia, she's very cavalier in the way she talks about various countries. But Russia has been expanding their -- they have a much newer capability than we do. We have not been updating from the new standpoint.

I looked the other night. I was seeing B-52s, they're old enough that your father, your grandfather could be flying them. We are not -- we are not keeping up with other countries. I would like everybody to end it, just get rid of it. But I would certainly not do first strike.

I think that once the nuclear alternative happens, it's over. At the same time, we have to be prepared. I can't take anything off the table. Because you look at some of these countries, you look at North Korea, we're doing nothing there. China should solve that problem for us. China should go into North Korea. China is totally powerful as it relates to North Korea.

And by the way, another one powerful is the worst deal I think I've ever seen negotiated that you started is the Iran deal. Iran is one of their biggest trading partners. Iran has power over North Korea.

And when they made that horrible deal with Iran, they should have included the fact that they do something with respect to North Korea. And they should have done something with respect to Yemen and all these other places.

And when asked to Secretary Kerry, why didn't you do that? Why didn't you add other things into the deal? One of the great giveaways of all time, of all time, including $400 million in cash. Nobody's ever seen that before. That turned out to be wrong. It was actually $1.7 billion in cash, obviously, I guess for the hostages. It certainly looks that way.

So you say to yourself, why didn't they make the right deal? This is one of the worst deals ever made by any country in history. The deal with Iran will lead to nuclear problems. All they have to do is sit back 10 years, and they don't have to do much.

HOLT: Your two minutes is expired.

TRUMP: And they're going to end up getting nuclear. I met with Bibi Netanyahu the other day. Believe me, he's not a happy camper.

HOLT: All right. Mrs. Clinton, Secretary Clinton, you have two minutes.

CLINTON: Well, let me -- let me start by saying, words matter. Words matter when you run for president. And they really matter when you are president. And I want to reassure our allies in Japan and South Korea and elsewhere that we have mutual defense treaties and we will honor them.

It is essential that America's word be good. And so I know that this campaign has caused some questioning and worries on the part of many leaders across the globe. I've talked with a number of them. But I want to -- on behalf of myself, and I think on behalf of a majority of the American people, say that, you know, our word is good.

It's also important that we look at the entire global situation. There's no doubt that we have other problems with Iran. But personally, I'd rather deal with the other problems having put that lid on their nuclear program than still to be facing that.

And Donald never tells you what he would do. Would he have started a war? Would he have bombed Iran? If he's going to criticize a deal that has been very successful in giving us access to Iranian facilities that we never had before, then he should tell us what his alternative would be. But it's like his plan to defeat ISIS. He says it's a secret plan, but the only secret is that he has no plan.

So we need to be more precise in how we talk about these issues. People around the word follow our presidential campaigns so closely, trying to get hints about what we will do. Can they rely on us? Are we going to lead the world with strength and in accordance with our values? That's what I intend to do. I intend to be a leader of our country that people can count on, both here at home and around the world, to make decisions that will further peace and prosperity, but also stand up to bullies, whether they're abroad or at home.

We cannot let those who would try to destabilize the world to interfere with American interests and security...

HOLT: Your two minutes is...

CLINTON: ... to be given any opportunities at all.

HOLT: ... is expired.

TRUMP: Lester, one thing I'd like to say.

HOLT: Very quickly. Twenty seconds.

TRUMP: I will go very quickly. But I will tell you that Hillary will tell you to go to her website and read all about how to defeat ISIS, which she could have defeated by never having it, you know, get going in the first place. Right now, it's getting tougher and tougher to defeat them, because they're in more and more places, more and more states, more and more nations.

HOLT: Mr. Trump...

TRUMP: And it's a big problem. And as far as Japan is concerned, I want to help all of our allies, but we are losing billions and billions of dollars. We cannot be the policemen of the world. We cannot protect countries all over the world...

HOLT: We have just...

TRUMP: ... where they're not paying us what we need.

HOLT: We have just a few final questions...

TRUMP: And she doesn't say that, because she's got no business ability. We need heart. We need a lot of things. But you have to have some basic ability. And sadly, she doesn't have that. All of the things that she's talking about could have been taken care of during the last 10 years, let's say, while she had great power. But they weren't taken care of. And if she ever wins this race, they won't be taken care of.

HOLT: Mr. Trump, this year Secretary Clinton became the first woman nominated for president by a major party. Earlier this month, you said she doesn't have, quote, "a presidential look." She's standing here right now. What did you mean by that?

TRUMP: She doesn't have the look. She doesn't have the stamina. I said she doesn't have the stamina. And I don't believe she does have the stamina. To be president of this country, you need tremendous stamina.

HOLT: The quote was, "I just don't think she has the presidential look."

TRUMP: You have -- wait a minute. Wait a minute, Lester. You asked me a question. Did you ask me a question?

You have to be able to negotiate our trade deals. You have to be able to negotiate, that's right, with Japan, with Saudi Arabia. I mean, can you imagine, we're defending Saudi Arabia? And with all of the money they have, we're defending them, and they're not paying? All you have to do is speak to them. Wait. You have so many different things you have to be able to do, and I don't believe that Hillary has the stamina.

HOLT: Let's let her respond. CLINTON: Well, as soon as he travels to 112 countries and negotiates a peace deal, a cease-fire, a release of dissidents, an opening of new opportunities in nations around the world, or even spends 11 hours testifying in front of a congressional committee, he can talk to me about stamina.


TRUMP: The world -- let me tell you. Let me tell you. Hillary has experience, but it's bad experience. We have made so many bad deals during the last -- so she's got experience, that I agree.


But it's bad, bad experience. Whether it's the Iran deal that you're so in love with, where we gave them $150 billion back, whether it's the Iran deal, whether it's anything you can -- name -- you almost can't name a good deal. I agree. She's got experience, but it's bad experience. And this country can't afford to have another four years of that kind of experience.

HOLT: We are at -- we are at the final question.


CLINTON: Well, one thing. One thing, Lester.

HOLT: Very quickly, because we're at the final question now.

CLINTON: You know, he tried to switch from looks to stamina. But this is a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs, and someone who has said pregnancy is an inconvenience to employers, who has said...

TRUMP: I never said that.

CLINTON: .... women don't deserve equal pay unless they do as good a job as men.

TRUMP: I didn't say that.

CLINTON: And one of the worst things he said was about a woman in a beauty contest. He loves beauty contests, supporting them and hanging around them. And he called this woman "Miss Piggy." Then he called her "Miss Housekeeping," because she was Latina. Donald, she has a name.

TRUMP: Where did you find this? Where did you find this?

CLINTON: Her name is Alicia Machado.

TRUMP: Where did you find this?

CLINTON: And she has become a U.S. citizen, and you can bet...

TRUMP: Oh, really? CLINTON: ... she's going to vote this November.

TRUMP: OK, good. Let me just tell you...


HOLT: Mr. Trump, could we just take 10 seconds and then we ask the final question...

TRUMP: You know, Hillary is hitting me with tremendous commercials. Some of it's said in entertainment. Some of it's said -- somebody who's been very vicious to me, Rosie O'Donnell, I said very tough things to her, and I think everybody would agree that she deserves it and nobody feels sorry for her.

But you want to know the truth? I was going to say something...

HOLT: Please very quickly.

TRUMP: ... extremely rough to Hillary, to her family, and I said to myself, "I can't do it. I just can't do it. It's inappropriate. It's not nice." But she spent hundreds of millions of dollars on negative ads on me, many of which are absolutely untrue. They're untrue. And they're misrepresentations.

And I will tell you this, Lester: It's not nice. And I don't deserve that.

But it's certainly not a nice thing that she's done. It's hundreds of millions of ads. And the only gratifying thing is, I saw the polls come in today, and with all of that money...

HOLT: We have to move on to the final question.

TRUMP: ... $200 million is spent, and I'm either winning or tied, and I've spent practically nothing.


HOLT: One of you will not win this election. So my final question to you tonight, are you willing to accept the outcome as the will of the voters? Secretary Clinton?

CLINTON: Well, I support our democracy. And sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But I certainly will support the outcome of this election.

And I know Donald's trying very hard to plant doubts about it, but I hope the people out there understand: This election's really up to you. It's not about us so much as it is about you and your families and the kind of country and future you want. So I sure hope you will get out and vote as though your future depended on it, because I think it does.

HOLT: Mr. Trump, very quickly, same question. Will you accept the outcome as the will of the voters? TRUMP: I want to make America great again. We are a nation that is seriously troubled. We're losing our jobs. People are pouring into our country.

The other day, we were deporting 800 people. And perhaps they passed the wrong button, they pressed the wrong button, or perhaps worse than that, it was corruption, but these people that we were going to deport for good reason ended up becoming citizens. Ended up becoming citizens. And it was 800. And now it turns out it might be 1,800, and they don't even know.

HOLT: Will you accept the outcome of the election?

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TRUMP: Look, here's the story. I want to make America great again. I'm going to be able to do it. I don't believe Hillary will. The answer is, if she wins, I will absolutely support her.


HOLT: All right. Well, that is going to do it for us. That concludes our debate for this evening, a spirit one. We covered a lot of ground, not everything as I suspected we would.

The next presidential debates are scheduled for October 9th at Washington University in St. Louis and October 19th at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. The conversation will continue.

A reminder. The vice presidential debate is scheduled for October 4th at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia. My thanks to Hillary Clinton and to Donald Trump and to Hofstra University for hosting us tonight. Good night, everyone. 

미국 대선 TV토론 여론조사 힐러리 우세! CNN 시청자 조사결과 즉시 발표

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CNN의 TV 토론 시청자를 대상으로 대선토론 직후 지지도 여론조사를 한 결과를 즉시 발표 했다. 힐러리가 대선토론에서 우세한 것으로 나타났다.  

CNN은 자체 여론조사의 부정확성에 대해서 먼저 언급했는데, 이 결과는 여론조사에 참여한 집단이 '힐러리 프렌들리'임을 먼저 밝혔다.  대선 토론 을 시청한 여론 조사자 들중 민주당이 41%이며, 공화당을 지지하는 쪽이 26%로 힐러리 지지세력이 많은 여론조사 풀이라는 것이다. 이는 보통 미국 미디어 매체들이 여론조사할 때의 샘플보다 약 10% 정도로 민주당 참여자가 많고, 공화당 참여자는 2% 적은 샘플 집단이다. 

 CNN-ORC Pole 토론회 시청자 조사에서  힐러리 클린턴이 62%이고 도널드 트럼프가 27%로 압도적인 우세를 보였다. 

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미국 대선 1차 TV 토론 주요 논쟁 내용 - 한국 안보무임승차론 등 재 등장

Posted by 샤르딘

힐러리 클린턴은 도널드 트럼프가 운이 좋아 아버지에게 엄청난 유산을 물려 받은 사람이라고 포문을 열었다. 그런 사람이 어떻게 실질적인 회사와 개인들의 어려움을 이해할 수 있냐는 주장이다. 힐러리 자신의 아버지는 소규모 창업자였고 본인은 중소기업의 현실도 잘 안다고 주장했다.

트럼프는 사실이 아니라고 말하며, 미국기업이 미국에서 떠나지 않도록 규제를 완화하는 것이 중요하다고 말했다. 트럼프는 현행정부의 규제 때문에 새로운 회사가 어렵다. 나는 규제를 풀고 텍스를 낮추겠다. 위안화 평가절하는 슬픈 현실을 만들었다. 미국기업이 미국에서 떠나지 않게 하는 게 절실하다. 또한, 트럼프는 현행정부의 규제 때문에 새로운 회사의 창업이 어렵다. 본인은 규제를 풀고 세금을 낮추겠다고 언급했다.

힐러리는 트럼프의 감세 정책이 오히려 경제에 안좋다고 말했다. 트럼프의 주장대로 무작정 세금만 낮추면 5조달러의 부채가 생긴다는 것이다

이후 네가티브 공방으로 이어졌다. 힐러리는 트럼프가 연방 세금을 제대로 내지 않았다고 주장했으며, 이에 대해 트럼프는 힐러리도 3,500건에 이르는 누설된 기밀 이메일을 공개하고 자신도 모든 은행계좌정보를 공개할 수 있다고 거칠게 응수 했다

트럼프는 불법은 없다고 목소리를 높였지만 힐러리는 트럼프가 해외에 도피 자금도 있고, 과거 한 흑인 고용인에게 정당한 임금을 지불하지 않아 두번이나 고소당한 적이 있다고 폭로 했다. 그러나 트럼프는  이에 지지 않고, 한번도 유죄로 판결 난적은 없고 본인이 운영하는 회사는 성공적이며 직원들의 만족도가 높다고 반박했다.


경찰의 흑인 총격 문제에 대한 격론도 이루어 졌다. 힐러리는 인종문제가 심각하며 주거문제로 까지 이어지고 있고, 총기에 의한 폭력을 막아야한다고 이어 갔다. 흑인 교회와 같은 커뮤티니를 더욱 활성화 하도록 지원하고 더 많은 기회를 제공해야한다고 말했다. 이에 대해 트럼프는 힐러리가 ‘LAW ENFORCEMENT’를 언급하지 않는 것은 잘못이라고 포문을 열며, ‘불법이민자들의 거리활보 등 법집행을 엄정히 해야한다고 말했다. 트럼프는 감시대상자의 총기규제에 반대하지 않으며 흑인이 아닌 범죄자의 총기사용을 규제해야한다고 말을 이었다.


이어 사이버 안보에 관한 논쟁에 이어, 오바마를 미국시민권자인지 의심스럽다고한 과거 트럼프의 발언에 대한 네가티브 공방이 또 한번 이어졌다.

안보 무임승차론도 다시 한번 거론됐다. 트럼프는 한국과 일본을 방어해주는 데 대한 막대한 비용은 누가 지불하냐고 말했다. 이후에 미국은 더 이상 세계경찰이 아니라고도 언급했다.  


이에 대해 힐러리는 (WORDS)’는 중요하다며 트럼프를 타이르는 식으로 말했다. 전세계 동맹국들을 향해 상호 협조와 상호방위조약등은 미국이 충실히 지켜나갈 것이라는 메시지를 차분한 어조로 전달했다.

마지막 즈음에 달아오른 네가티브 공방이 다시 시작되었는데, 트럼프는 힐러리의 스테미나’, 즉 체력이 부족하다고 공격했고 힐러리는 최근 11시간 연속 의회연설을 하기도 했다고 응수했다. 힐러리는 트럼프가 여성비하를 과거부터 심각하게 해왔다고 말하며 특히, 임신한 여성은 회사에 도움이 안된다고 한적도 있고 한 뷰티 콘테스트에서는 한 여성에게 돼지같다고 말했다고 이어갔다.

이에 대해 트럼프는 힐러리 진영이 이러한 네가티브 공격을 위해 수백억 달라에 이르는 막대한 비용을 들이고 있다 그런데 트럼프 본인은 한푼도 안써도 지지율은 엇 비슷하다고 조롱했다.

힐러리 정제되고 안정적인 답변을 이어갔고 트럼프 자극적이고 돌발적인 질문으로 언성 높였다.

대선토론은 미국의 주요 지상파 방송국(ABC, NBC, Fox New 등)과 CNN 등과 동시에 생방송으로 중계되었다.  이번 TV토론은 ABC방송이 페이스북과 협력하여 라이브 스트림 생방송으로도 방영되었다. 


Posted by 샤르딘

힐러리와 트럼프가 세기의 접전을 벌일 것으로 보이는 미국 대선 TV토론회가 한국시간 27일 10시부터 방영된다. CNN 등 케이블 방송을 볼수 없다면,  페이스북 라이브스트림으로 도 볼 수 있다. 페이스북 등 소셜 네트워크를 통해 실시간 생방송이 진행되는 것은 이번이 처음이다. 

 ABC 방송은 전략적으로 페이스북을 통해서 라이브스트리밍 방송을 실시하고 있다. 과거 오바마 대선 토론회 때는 페이스북과 트위터 등에 쏟아진 네티즌 들의 빅데이터를 수집하여 의미있는 분석을 제공한 바 있으나 실제 대선 토론 방송을 라이브로 스트림함에 따라 시청자들의 반응이 실시간으로 반영될 것으로 기대된다. 또한 도날드 트럼프와 힐러리 클린턴의 대선 TV토론의 발언내용이 영문 자막으로 방송안에 실시간으로 보여진다. 



텔레비전이나 케이블 방송으로 시청할 수 없는 사람들도 인터넷 페이스북을 통해 시청하며 전체 시청자는 1억명이 넘을 것으로 예상된다. 특히, 시청자들의 반응과 토론을 빅데이터 분석함으로서 힐러리와 트럼프가 어떤 주제의 발언과 어떤 부분에서 목청을 높일때 유권자의 지지도가 변하는지를 실시간으로 분석하고 제공될 것으로 기대된다. 

Posted by 샤르딘

미국 대통령 선거의 첫 TV토론회가 26일(현지시간) 뉴욕 대학에서 열린다. 한국시간으로 내일 26일 10부터 ABC,NBC,CNN, Fox News 등 주요 언론에서 생중계할 것으로 보인다.   

민주당 후보 힐러리 클린턴과 공화당 후보 도널드 트럼프의 제1회 텔레비전 토론회는 전세계가 지켜보는 지상최대의 쇼는 흑인 공화당원 출신인 레스터 홀트가 진행할 예정이다.

로이터에 의하면 최근 9월 부터 두 후보는 유권자 대상 여론 지지도 조사에서 치열한 접전을 벌여왔으며, 클린턴이 46%, 트럼프가 36%를 보이고 있으며, 역대 미 대선 TV토론처럼 이번 텔레비젼 토론이 지지도 경쟁의 분수령이 될 수도 있다.  

클린턴은 수많은 정치적 대중 연설을 통해 잘 가다듬어진 논리와 언어로 공세에 나설 것으로 기대된다. 트럼프는 Real TV 쇼 진행 등의 경험이 본질적인 정치논쟁보다 순간적인 대응능력에서 대중의 지지를 받을 수 있는 점을 노림 수로 여길수 있다. 또한 이번 대선 토론회에서는 트럼프가 어떤 막말의 논쟁을 불러 일으킬 지 웃지 못할 기대를 모으고 있다. 

트럼프 진영의 캠패인 매니저 케리안 콘웨이는 '디스 위크'의 인터뷰에서 '클린턴은 신뢰할 수 없다, 클린턴의 진실은 무관심이다'라고 비판하여 대선 토론 선전포고를 대신했다. 국가기밀정보를 노출한 클린턴의 이메일 스켄들과 건강 문제 등에 직격탄을 날릴 것을 암시한 셈이다. 

클린턴의 캠페인 메니저인 체어맨 존 포데스타는 NBC의 'Meet the press'에서 '트럼프는 자신의 비즈니스만 말할 뿐이고, 클린턴은 미국을 위해 무엇을 할 것인지'말할 것이라고 답해서 미국언론의 지상최대 정치쇼에 대한 팽팽한 긴장감과 기대감을 더했다.   


Posted by 샤르딘

무이자 30일 대출을 받은 사람 중 약 6%정도만 한달 이내에 상환하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 금융감독원의 자료에 기반하여 민병두 의원실에서 국민일보와 KBS등에 공개한 자료에 의하면, 이들 대출자 들은 대부분 무이자 한달 이후에는 대부업체와 저축은행의 평균 25.1%에서 34.9%에 이르는 고리 대출을 사용하게 되는 것이다.  



대출 실행 건수

30일내 상환건수

30일이내 상환 비율(%)

30일 이후 평균금리







JT 친애

































2016년 6월까지 4개의 저축은행과 3개의 대부업체는 총 43,699건의 대출이 실행하였고, 이중 6.18% 인 2,702건의 대출만이 한달이내에 상환되었다. 

그런데, 문제는 대부분 무이자 한달 이상 대출을 사용하게 되어 연이차가 높은 고리 대출을 사용하게 된다. 또한 무이자 대출을 한달 사용후에 갚더라도 대부분의 개인신용등급평가회사 또는 은행들은 한번이라도 대부업체나 저축은행을 사용하면 신용 등급을 낮게 평가하는 사유가 될 수 있다. 심한 경우 한번이라도 대부업체 저축은행 대출을 사용하면 신용도가 낮아져서 다음번에 또 사용할 확율이 높아 지는 것이다. 신용도는 1~2등급 낮아 지게 되는 것으로 추정되며, 업계 추산 1.7등급 정도 하락한다. 개인 신용등급은 미래의 자금 운영 능력을 위해 건강하게 관리되어야 한다. 

무이자 한달 대출을 사용하면 그 금융비용이 완전히 무료는 아니다. 타 시중은행에서 향후 주택담보대출 등을 받을 때 영향 받을 수 있는 신용도를 1.7등급 깎아먹는 비용을 치르는 셈이다.  민병두 의원은 고객이 알게모르게 무이자 상품이 신용도를 해치고 있어 감독이 필요하다'고 지적했다고 보도되었다.  OK저축은행의 경우 상반기 처음 무이자 대출을 받은 고객이 21명이었는데, 이중 추가대출을 받는 사람 중에는 1등급이 3명으로 줄었던 것이 민병두의원이 덧붙인 신용도 저하의 사례이다. 

신용 평가 체계를 이해하고, 신용 등급 올리는 다섯가지 방법

Posted by 샤르딘

중국의 SITRI라는 업체에서 아이폰7 플러스의 내부를 칩 스케일로 공개 했다. 

업체는 iphone7과 iPhone7 플러스에서도 아이폰6 보다 혁신적인 기술은 부족하다고 언급하면서도 예상과 달리 아이폰7 플러스의 판매의 인기를 주목하고 우선 분석했다. 중국에 생산 기지를 아웃소싱하는 애플과 글로벌 기업들을 무서운 속도로 추격하는 비결은 아직도 리버스 엔지니어링에 기반는 것이 아닐까. 

업체가 보여주는 아이폰7 플러스의 전체 구성은 아래와 같다. 핵심적이라고 할만한 변화는 이어폰 잭이 없다는 고객들의 원성외에는 후면 이종 듀얼카메라와 홈버튼 정도이다. 

아이폰 7 플러스 주요 구성요소

A10 퓨전 칩 다이 사진

고효율의 에너지와 파워풀한 성능을 위해 A10 퓨전 칩 프로세서는 두개의 고성능 코어와 새롭게 설계된 쿼드코어로 이루어져 있다. 각기 다른 필요에 의한 것으로 추정된다.   

홈버튼은 전혀 새롭게 업그레이드 됐다. 살짝 누르면 Taptic엔진으로 정확한 촉각 피드백 신호를 본체에 전달한다. 

몇몇 센서들도 업그레이드 되거나 교체 됬다. 후방 이미지 센서는 두개의 소니 12 MP BSI CMOS Image로 보강 됬다. 전면 이미지 센서는 5MP에서 7MP로 업그레이드 됬다.  이밖에 가속 자이로센서, 근접 센서, 바로미터 압력센서가 교체 되었다. MEMS 마이크로폰도 전면 업그레이드 됬다.   

아이폰7 후면 듀얼 카메라는 12만 화소 광각 망원렌즈이며 2배 광학 줌과 최대 10배 디지털 줌을 사용할 수 있다.  특이한 점은 두개의 카메라가 서로 다르다. 일반적인 듀얼카메라 화상 프로세서 시스템이 아니라는 의미다. 각각 다른 카메라로 방 듀얼 카메라를 구성함으로써 피사계의 심도를 더욱 풍부히 하여 사진이나 동영상의 품질을 어느정도 향상시킬수 있는지 기대된다. 

<아이폰7 플러스 듀얼 카메라 엑스레이 단면>

이 중국업체는 이외에도 망원이미지센서, 전면카메라, 지문센서, 관성 센서,광센서, 거리센서, 전면 후면 마이크에 대한 칩레벨에 대한 철저한 리버스 엔지니어링 분석을 계속할 예정이다.  

아이폰7 사용자 히싱(hissing) '쉿쉿' 치찰음 노이즈 불만

Posted by 샤르딘

가정용 가전제품과 보일러, 전기, 수도 등을 통합하여 관리 함으로써 생활의 편리함을 높이는 분야는 홈 네트워크, 홈 어플라이언스, 스마트 홈 등으로 명칭이 변경해 왔다. 

다른 스마트 분야보다는 시장규모에 있어서 기대에 못미치는 경향이 있지만, 스마트 홈 제조사들은 2015년 미화  $46.97조 달러에서 2022년 $121.73조 달러로 급성장할 것으로 예상되고 있다.  글로벌 거대 벤처캐피탈 들은 2011년 부터 약 40여 건의 주식투자를 20여 회사에 진행하고 있다. 

글로벌 67개 스타트업 회사는 아래와 같으며, 특히 아래회사들이 주목받고 있다고 링크드인 등 해외 비즈니스 SNS 에 공유되고 있다. 

Appliances -- SectorQube, Inc. 

Device controllers -- Nest & Philips 

Energy and unilities -- ecobee & Rachio 

Smart home solutions -- Vivint 

Smart Home Health and wellness -- MedMinder Systems & Beddit 

Home robots -- Jibo, & Neato Security -- SimpliSafe & Canary

Posted by 샤르딘

클린트 이스트우드 감독 「허드슨 기적 ' 특별 영상이 YouTube에서 공개되었다.

실제로 일어난 항공기 사고를 바탕으로 제작된 영화는 순간의 판단으로 

승객과 승무원 모두의 생명을 구한 조종사가 처한 아이러니한 현실을 그린 영화이다.

사고 이후 기장 체즈레이 설리 사렌 버거는 사고 조사위원회로부터 

의혹의 눈으로 추궁을 받는다.

'비행기에 조류가 부딪쳐서 엔진 두개가 꺼진 사실이 전례 없는 일이다', 

'인근 공항으로 충분히 있었는데, 허드슨 강으로 불시착한것 아니냐' 

억울하고 황당한 처지에 놓인 것이다.


155명 구한 영웅에서 사고 용의자가 설리 역은  톰행크스 연기했다.

이번에 공개 5분간의 본 영화의 영상은 

2009 1월에 일어난 사고의 재현 장면의 촬영 현장에서 시작한다. 

클린트이스트우드는 인터뷰에서 

'감동적인 실화를 충실하게 재현하는 것이 중요했다' 말했다.

이스트우드는 '설리' 본인을 만나 그의 열정에 감동받은 것이 중요하다고 생각했다'고 

덧붙이며,  '7 전에 현장에서 구조에 해당 사람에게 접촉하여 

영화에 출연 해달라고 부탁했다' 말했다. 

실제로 현장에 달려온 페리 선장이나 헬기에서 강으로 

뛰어 내린 다이버는 각각 당시에 실제 사고 후 

수습에 참여 했던 본인들이 연기하고 있다고 한다.

 또한 행크스는 "클린트 이스트우드가 아니었으면 찍었을 영화"라고 극찬했다.  

설리 사렌 버거도  "클린트와 톰은 꿈의 팀이다

사실에 충실하게 만드는 힘을 쏟고 있어서 걸작이다" 라고 언급하고 있다.

Posted by 샤르딘

영국 존슨 외무 장관은 유럽 연합에서 탈퇴(Brexit)하는 실질적인 협상을 '내년 초에 시작 방향'이라고 말했다. 2년 이내에 협상을 마무리된다는 낙관적인 전망을 피력했다.

영국 존슨 장관은 22일 유엔 총회에 참석하기 위해 머물고있는 뉴욕에서 영국의 위성 방송 '스카이 뉴스'인터뷰에 응했다.
이 가운데 존슨 장관은 EU로부터의 탈퇴 협상 개시시기에 대해 "내년 초에 탈퇴를 통보하는 서한을 제출하는 방향으로 유럽과 이야기 하고있다. 서한에서 영국 협상 정책이 일부 포함될 것 "이라고 말했다.

협상 기간은 EU 조약에서 원칙적으로는 2년으로 정해져 있지만, 존슨 장관은 "영국은 독일의 자동차와 이탈리아 와인을 어느 나라보다 소비하고있다. 아무도 그 관계를 희생하지 것 "이라고 언급하면서 2년 이내에 유럽연합 탈퇴 협상이 마무리된다는 낙관적인 전망을 피력했다.

EU로부터의 탈퇴 협상 개시시기를 둘러싸고 EU의 스크대통령이 16일 "영국 메이 총리에게 내년 1월이나 2월에 준비가 될 가능성이 높다"고 말했다. 하지만, 영국 메이 정권은 '대통령의 해석이다'라며 언급을 피했다.

Posted by 샤르딘

메르세데스 GLC와 C 클래스, ESC(electronic stability control problem) 결함으로 미국에서 리콜한다. 

 메르세데스 - 벤츠의 'GLK'후속 차량인 주력 SUV인 GLC가 미국에서 리콜(회수 · 무상 수리)을 실시한다고 미국 NHTSA (교통 안전국)가 밝혔다. 또한 메르세데스 벤츠 미국 법인인 메르세데스 벤츠 USA에서 메르세데스 벤츠 "GLC"와 "C 클래스 '에 대한 리콜 신고를 받았다고 발표했다. 

이번 리콜은 안전 장비의 ESC의 결함이 원인이다. 

 미 교통안전국에 따르면, ESC 제어 장치가 차량에 장착하기 전에 손상되었을 가능성이 있다. 이러한 상태에서는 사고의 위험이 늘어날 수 있으며, 전동 주차 브레이크도 작동하지 않을 수있다. 

리콜의 대상이되는 것은, GLC300, C300 으로 2WD와 4MATIC 2016년 모델의 일부가 리콜에 해당한다. 

메르세데스 벤츠 USA는 대상 차량을 보유한 고객에게 직접 연락하고, 판매점에서 ESC 제어 장치를 교체하는 리콜 작업을 실시할 예정이다.

관련 영문기사:


Posted by 샤르딘

아우디 신형 Q5 데뷔가 확정됬다! 

독일 아우디는  프랑스에서 9 29 개막하는 파리 모터쇼 16에서 신형 아우디 'Q5' 최초로 공개한다고  20일발표했다

Q5는 실용성이 뛰어나 미국시장에서 아우디 브랜드 중 가장 잘팔리는 차로 군림하고 있다. 

Q5 출시된 지 8년에야 첫 모델 체인지를 한다.  파리 모터쇼 16에서 Q5 2세대가 신형 월드 프리미어로 데뷔할 예정이다.  

아우디측에서는 신형 Q5의 헤드라이트와  LED 미등 사진의 일부 만을 공개하고 있다. 

아우디 측은 또한 자동차의 소프트웨어 부분인 스마트폰과의 연결성에 중점을 둔 기능을 소개하고 있다. 'Audi Q5 Connectivity' 라는 모토로 소개되는 아래 동영상은 사과를 먹는 소녀가  "Apple fan girl?"문자가 떠오르는 장면과 Android 캐릭터를 본뜬 열쇠 고리를 가진 아우디의 키를 쥔 남성의 손과 함께 "Android fan boy?" 문자가 비추어지는 장면을 보여 준다.   iOS 든 안드로이폰 이든 어떤 스마트폰과 연결도 원할하게 됨을 보여주고 있다.  


#Qriosity '호기심" 의미하는 'curiosity' Q5 'Q' 합쳐서 만든 것으로 추정되며 #은 신형Q5에 대해 각종 소식을 전하는 SNS 해시 태그를 의미한다.


<이미지를 클릭하면 아우디 사이트로 이동하여 원본파일을 볼수 있다>

 이 동영상이 게재 보도 자료 사이트에는 "World premiere of the new Audi Q5 ' 제목과 함께 날짜의 카운트 다운도 배치되어 있다. 2세대 Q5의 디테일이 기대된다.

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주요시중은행 (KB국민·KEB하나·신한은행·우리은행·스탠다드차타드·한국씨티은행·NH농협) 신용등급 별 만기 10년이상 분할상환방식 주택담보대출 금리 비교표이다. 7개은행 평균 2.71%이다.  미국 금리인상이 예정되어 있어 평균 0.04% 상승 했다. 

신용 등급 2등급이상 스탠다드차타드(SC) 은행이 2.56%로 가장 저렴하고,   NH농협은행이 두번째로 저렴하다.  NH농협은행을 제외하고 6개 시중은행이 전월대비 금리가 상승 했다. 그중 KEB하나은행이 0.1%로 가장 많이 상승했으며, 신한은행이 0.09% 상승으로 뒤를 이었다.   신용등급 9~10등급에 대한 주택담보대출 금리정보는 신한은행,우리은행, 씨티은행만 제공한다. 


분할상환방식 만기 10 이상 주택담보대출 신용등급별 금리















0.04% 상승








0.1% 상승
















0.03% 상승








0.09% 상승








0.05% 상승









[전국은행연합회 자료 발췌'16.8월]

신용 평가 체계를 이해하고, 신용 등급 올리는 다섯가지 방법

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mac OS Sierra 에서는 한영전환키가 CAPS LOCK로 바뀌었다. 기존에 command space조합으로 사용하거나 추가적인 앱으로 사용하던 다국어 유저들의 불편함에서 벗어나게 해준 혁신적인 기능이라고 찬탄하고 싶다. 

"caps lock"를 가볍고 짧게 누르면 한영 모드가 전환되며, 조금 길게 누르면 본래 기능은 영문 또는 라틴계 문자의 대소문자 전환기능으로 작동한다. 

더 이상 아래 Karabiner 같은 추가적인 (유료)앱을 깔고, command-R 키 등을 한/영 전환키로 사용하기 위해 복잡하게 설정하지 않아도 된다.

 별도 (윈도우) 유무선 키보드를 연결하면 설정이 제대로 작동하지 않는 경우도 많았다. 작은 변화이지만 수많은 유저들의 불편사항을 수집하여 업그레이드 할때 마다 반영하는 애플사가 로얄티 높은 고객을 보유하는 이유이다. 

맥북,아이맥에도 쉬리(Siri)가~, OS 시에나의 신기한 기능들!

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인권 변호사로 활약하고있는 아말 클루니는 조지 클로니의 아내이다.  ISIS 고발하는 위험도가 높은 일에 종사 그녀를 남편 조지 클루니도 지원하는 것으로 나타났다.

아말 클루니는 이슬람 과격파 조직 이슬람 국가에 의한 인신 매매의 피해자들을 위해 투쟁하고 있다. 이달 아마르가 지원하는 이라크의 소수 야지디도 이슬람 국가의 노예가 여성 나디아 무라드가 유엔 친선 대사로 취임했고 아말 클루니도 회의에 참석하여 목소리를 높여 발표했다. 그녀는 테러조직 ISIS, 자칭 이슬람 국가의 야지디도 대학살을 처벌해야한다고 주장했다.

 그녀는 유엔에서, ”나는 유엔의 지원으로 대량 학살을 막을 수도 처벌 수없는 상황을 부끄럽게 생각합니다.  사람으로서 그녀들의 도움을 요청하는 목소리를 무시하는 것을 부끄럽게 생각합니다라고 발표했다. .

 또한 "나는 나디아를 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. 그녀의 정신은 파괴되지 않습니다. 그녀의 목소리는 사라지지 않습니다"라고 연설, 친선 대사로 무대에 나서게 나디아을 기렸다.

아말클루니는 인권 변호사로서 독재 정권과 싸워 투쟁해온 이력이 있다.  테러단체이자 자칭 이슬람 국가에 대한 목소리를 높이고 신중한 태도로 일을 착수 하고 있다.  

이번주의 인터뷰에서 아말 클루니는 " 일을 착수하기 전에 남편과 논의했다. 그리고 위험성에 대해 의식하고있다" 말했다. 또한 "조지 클루니도 나와 같은 이유로 동기를 가지고 일이라고 이해 해준 같다"라고 덧붙였다. 국제적이고 사회적인 의식이 높은 연예인 커플로 알려진 클루니 부부다.  아말 클루니의 활동에 앞으로도 관심있게 지켜 보고 싶다. 

Posted by 샤르딘

신용보증기금은 자금력과 담보력이 미약한 기업에 신용보증을 지원하는 기관이다.   창업기업 대표자의 연대보증을 면제하는 프로그램을 통해 2016년 5월까지 1767개 창업기업에게 4532억원의 신용보증을 제공하였다. 1개 기업당 약 2.6억원의 신용 보증을 제공하여 연대보증을 면제해 준 셈이다. 대출 상환기간을 5년까지 확대한 장기 상환 보증상품도 공급하고 있다.


우수 창업기업 보증 상품은 기술력이 월등하고 창의적인 아이디어를 가진 기술인력의 창업을 활성화하기 위한 상품이며 창업자에 대한 연대보증 책임을 5년간 면제하여 준다. 

신용보증기금의 우수 창업 보증 상품 대상기업은 제조업, 신성장동력산업, 창조적 서비스산업 영위기업이며 2014년 2월 1일 이후 설립된 법인에 한하며, 개별 요건은 아래와 같다. 

신용보증기금 보증 획득 자격요건

우수기술 창업기업

창업 후 1년 내의 기업
기술력 등급  T1~T5 또는 SB3 이상
보증지원한도 2억원

전문가 창업기업

창업 3년이내 기업
기술력 등급  T1~T5 또는 SB3 이상
사업개시일전 1년 이내에 교수/연구원 이었거나 기술사/기능장
보증지원한도 3억원

보증료는 우수기술 창업기업의 경우 2.5%, 전문가 창업기업의 경우 2.0%이며, 기업의 역량과 안정성에 따라 할인 받을 수 있다. 

이러한 보증상품을 이용하여 시중은행을 대상으로 대출을 받을 수 있다. 

Posted by 샤르딘

macOS Sierra 의 가장 바뀐 점은 iOS용 기능이었던 음성 비서 쉬리 Siri의 출현이다.  맥OS 시에나에서 쉬리를 부르는 방법은 왼쪽 하단 트레이 아이콘을 클릭하거나 Siri 단축키 Command + 스페이스바를 누르거나 또는 ‘Hey Siri’라고 직접 음성으로 부르면 된다. 

더불에 Siri의 검색결과를 통지 센터에 붙여 넣거나, 다른 응용프로그램과 연계가 가능하다. Siri와 연결하여 실행할 수 있는 앱들이 빨리 확대되기를 기대해본다. 

외에도 macOS Sierra iOS 기능 여러가지 등장한다.  예를 들어 비디오 창을 화면 가장자리에 작게 표시하는 그림 속의 사진 기능 추가되었다. 

또한, iPhone, iPad에서 복사 텍스트와 이미지를 Mac 그대로 붙여 넣기 수있는'유니버설 클립 보드 " 라는 새로운 기능은 아이폰이나 아이패드에서 찾아 궁금한 정보를 Mac에서 차분히 조사 있다.  그동안 아이폰에서 검색하다가 사이트 정보를 아이클라우드 메모장에 붙여놓고 맥북에서 연속적인 작업을 했다면, 이제 아이패드에서 바로 아이맥에 붙여 넣기 하면 된다. 

아이클라우드 기능이 강화되어 오래된 파일을 자동으로 icloud 백업해주기도 한다. 

아이폰, 아이패드나 애플와치를 동시에 사용한다면 이제 맥에 타이핑해서 잠금해제 필요가 없다.  동일한 애플 아이디로 아이클라우드에 로그인 상태라면 애플와치와 아이폰으로 잠금해제가 가능하다. 

아이클라우드가 점점 편리하고 중요하고 심지어 치명적인 기능을 하게 된 듯 하다. 아이클라우드 용량을 최소한으로 사용할 있는 시간이 얼마 남지 않았다. 맥의 매혹적인 기능들을 완전하고 여유롭게 사용할 있는 아이클라우드 유료 전환의 압박이 느껴온다.

맥 OS 시에라 한영전환 키 "caps lock"로 간편하게 바뀌다!


Posted by 샤르딘

Apple Mac」용 OS macOS Sierra 출시되었다. 

가장 반가운 기능은 Siri 통합니다. 또한 Apple 와치를 통한 자동 잠금 해제 기능과 픽처인 픽처 동영상 플레이어가 탑재되었다. iCloud drive 사용한다면 최적화된 스토리지를 통해 여러기기에 걸쳐 복사 붙여넣기를 할수 있다. 유니버셜 클립보드 기능이다. 

이전 OS X 출시때와 마찮가지로 Sierra 업그레이드는 앱스토어를 통해 무료로 신청할 있다. 

우선 사용하는 맥이 시에라에 해당하는 여부를 확인하여야 한다. 

Apple 2009 이후 출시된 컴퓨터는 OS 시에라로 업그레이드 있다고 밝혔다. 

아래 맥 시에라 업데이트 가능 기종 모델 연식 참조

MacBook : Late 2009 이후

MacBook Air : Late 2010 이후

MacBook Pro : Mid 2010 이상

iMac : Late 2009 이후

Mac Mini : Mid 2010 이상

Mac Pro : Mid 2010 이상

사용하는 Mac  연식과 모델을 확인하려면 화면 왼쪽 상단에있는 Apple 메뉴를 클릭 'Mac 정보' 클릭한다. 

애플은 OS를 업데이트 할때마다 저장 공간을 절약하기 위해  파일크기를 축소해왔기 때문에 Mac OS Sierra도 약 4.78G 바이트만 있으면 된다. 그러나 업데이트를 하는 차에 오래된 응용프로그램과 파일을 미리 제거하는 것도 강추한다. 지우기 아쉬운 파일들은 iCloud drive나 기타 클라우드 스토리지 등으로 이동하는 것은 어떨까.

시에라를 설치하는 동안 만일의 경우에 대비하여 시스템을 백업하고 데이터를 보호해야 한다. 만약 설치에 실패해도 중요한 문서와 사진, 음악 라이브러리를 보호할 수 있는 방법이 있다. ’Time Machine’이다. 설정법은 apple 홈페이지에 자세히 나와 있다. 

준비가 되었다면, 앱스토어에서 무료업데이트만 하면된다. 다운로드가 완료되면 하라는 대로 몇번 클릭하면 끝이다. 애플의 운영체계는 아름답고 매번 새로워서 기대된다.

Posted by 샤르딘

Angelina Jolie가 Brad Pitt에게 이혼소송을 제기했다. 안젤리나졸리는 양육권인 'Physical Custody'를 요청했다. Physical Custody를 부여 받은 부모 한쪽이 아이들을 양육할 권리와 의무를 지니며 지역적이고 물리적인 일상생활을 같이하는 의미이다. Physical Custody를 부여받이 못한 부모는 특정시간에 주기적이고 배타적으로 방문할 권리만 같는다. 

이와 더불어 Legal Custody는 아이들의 인생에서 중요한 결정에 대한 부모로써의 권리를 의미한다고 해석할 수 있다. 중장기적으로 어떤 학교에 진학하고, 어떤 종교활동을 하고 또한 의료 및 치과 진료와 치료에 관한 결정에 관여할 권리와 의무이다. 

외신들은 안젤리나 졸리가 'Legal Custody'가 아닌 Full Physical Custody를 주장한 점에 주목하고 있다.  켈리포니아 법과 이혼 관례에 따르면 대부분의 이혼하는 부모들이 Physical Custody와 legal Custody를 부분적으로 상호 공유한다. 그런데, Physical Custody만을 전적으로 요청한 것은 졸리는 브래드 피트가 아이들 주변에 있기를 바라지 않는 것 아니냐는 것이다. 

졸리가 물리적이고 지역적인 접근권과 일상을 같이 할 권리인 전적인 'Physical Custody'를 요청하였고, 이에 따라 이혼소송의 근본적인 원인이 브래드와 여섯 아이들과의 관계에 있지 않는 가 추정하고 있다.  

<14살 매독스, 12살 팍스, 11살 자하라, 10살 샤일로, 7살인 쌍둥이 비비안, 녹스>

전세계적인 관심과 사랑을 받았지만 아쉽게도 브란젤리나는 더이상 지속되지 않게 됬다. 안젤리나 졸리는 이혼 소송 제기의 원인을 타협과 화해가 어려운 차이점이라고 밝혔지만 브래드가 졸리의 입장에서는 받아 들일 수 없는 행동을 했을 가능성도 있다고 유투브 채널 TMZ는 전했다.


Posted by 샤르딘

금감원은 일부 저축은행이 소비자가 제때 원리금을 갚고 있는 경우에도 대부업체에게 대출채권을 무분별하게 매각하는 행태를 개선할 계획을 발표했다. 대출을 받은 소비자(차주)는 대출채권이 대부업체로 넘어가면 신용등급(신용등급올리기)이 급락하게 되어 불이익을 받을 뿐만 아니라 과도한 채권 추심에 시달리게 될 가능성이 높다. 

지난 2013년 부터  2015년 6월까지 SBI, 웰컴 등 22개 저축은행이 총 1406억원의 정상 채권을 대부업체에 마구잡이로 매각한 것이 밝혀졌다.  원리금을 제때 갚지 못해 부실 채권으로 되면 더 심하다. 

부실한 저축은행 사태가 자주 있어왔고 일부 국민 혈세로 정상화 된 바 있다. 그런데, 대부분의 저축은행들이 부실채권과 정상적인 대출 채권도 무분별하게 대부업체에 매각해왔던 것이다.  (이하 국회 더불어민주당 김기식의원이 금융감독원으로부터 받아 발표 <저축은행 부실채권 매각현황> 자료 발췌)


웰컴 저축은행의 경우 매각한 부실채권 11,226건중 99.97%인 513억 6500만원을 대부업체에 매각했다. 

유니온 저축은행은 부실채권의 99.66%인 3,800건 약 561억 9,500만원을 대부업체에 넘겼다.  전체적으로 보면 주요 9개 저축은행인 웰컴, 유니온, 현대, 인성, 인천, 스마트, 페퍼, 케이비, 평택 저축은행이 부실채권의 90%를 대부업체에 넘긴것이다. 

현재 저축은행들은 채권을 매각하면서 대출자에게 통보도 하지 않는다. 자신의 채권이 어떤 대부업자에게 넘어 갔는지도 알수 없는 것이다.   문제는 부실하지 않은 원리금을 정상적으로 상환하고 있는 대출채권을 소비자인 차주에게 조차 채권양도 사실을 통보하지 않고 있다는 것이다. 대출 받아서 잘 갚고 있다가 엉뚱한 대부업체 고객에 편입되어 신용등급은 하락되고 채권추심에 노출되면 소비자들은 당황스럽고 황당할 수 밖에 없다. 

금융감독원에서는 올해 4/4분기부터 저축은행들이 대출을 받은 소비자(차주)의 의사와 관계없이 채권을 팔아 넘기는 행태를 개선할 방침이라고 한다. 


즉, 저축은행 등이 대출 채권을 매각하고 소비자에게 통지하는 지 실태에 대해 명확한 현황파악을 하고 개선방안을 마련할 계획이다. 특히, 저축은행이 문제없는 정상적인 매출채권을 매각하는 대상에서 대부업체를 제외하도록 관련 규정을 개정을 추진한다. 

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보험금을 탈때 제대로 계산해봐야 하는 데 일반 소비자들에게는 쉬운일이 아니다. 대부분 보험금 지금 사유가 발생하면 보험사가 주는데로 받기 일수 일 것이다.  그런데, 자세히 들여다보면 보험사가 보험금을 지금할 때 제멋대로 깎는 경우가 많다고 한다. 

[서태종 금감원 수석 부위원장 브리핑]

금감원의 발표에 의하면 D화재보험이 보험 지급료를 깍은 23억원 중에서 9억원은 더 지급했어야 한다고 한다.  해당 보험금과 상관 없는 과거 병력을 문제 삼거나 실손특약보험금만 지금하고 수술비 특약 보험금은 안준다거나 이런 경우가 많다.  보험 가입한 사람이 이러한 것을 찾아서 따지기 참 어렵다. 

예를들어, 보험 가입할 때 병원 진료기록을 형식적으로 받는 경우가 많다. 그런데, 나중에 보험금 지금사유에 해당하는 관련 질병에 대한 기록이 있는지 철저히 검사한다. 이러한 것을 고지위반이라고 하는데, 보험 가입후 5년이 지나면 고지위반을 문제삼을 수 없다. 그런데 과거 5년전 폐 질환이 있었다는 사실을 문제삼아 보험금 지급액을 깎는 경우가 있어 왔다. 

금융감독원에서는 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해 보험금 지급 감액 사유를 표준화 하고 관리감독을 더 강화하기로 하였다. 

금감원에서는 보험상품의 내용이 복잡하여 공급자와 수요자간 정보 비대칭성이 상대적으로 큰 구조적인 요인과 과거 영업 관행을 답습하는 보험 회사들의 소극적인 행태에 기인한다고 보고, 공급자 중심의 불합리한 영업관행을 찾아내어 공정하고 합리적인 방향으로 개선할 방침이다. 

이에 따라 우선적으로 개선할 영업 대상으로 아래와 같은 예시를 발표하였다. 

① 보험료 미납으로 실효상태인 보험계약을 부활시 기존 계약내용과 동일하게만 부활 가능하도록 하는 영업관행

 ② 연금보험보다는 판매수당이 많은 “연금전환 특약 부가형 종신보험” 가입을 유도하는 영업관행

 ③ 고지의무 위반을 이유로 보험회사가 일방적으로 특정질병 부담보 조건부 보험계약으로 변경 여부를 결정하는 영업관행 등 

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소니에서 축소하거나 드랍될 것으로 예상된 A 마운트 시스템의 새로운 제품을 발표하였다.  A 마운트 시스템을 계속 사용할 수 있을 것인 지에 대한 논란에 대해 소니의 DSLR 제품 라인은 그 동안 침묵을 유지 했었다.  

오늘 소니는 새로운 Alpha 99 Mark II, 12 fps 연속촬영, 내부 4K 비디오, 399 포인트 자동 초점 및 5 축 인바디 이미지 안정화, 42.2 메가 픽셀 카메라를 발표하여 A 마운트 시스템은 소니에서 계속된다.  

소니의 디지털 이미징 사업부 부사장 닐 마노위츠는 A99 II의 속도와 강력한 해상도는 타의 추종을 불허한다고 단언했다. 

소니 A99II 카메라는 마그네슘 합금 바디에 손잡이 디자인이 개선되었으며, 듀얼 SD 카드 슬롯을 장착하고 있으며, 

이전 버전 소니 A99보다 약 8% 작다.   새로운 소니 알파는 인클로저 모서리 버튼과 다이얼, 미디어 단다 덥개, 요철 관절 주위를 밀봉 처리하여 " 먼지와 습기"에 강력한 카메라로 정의한다. 

소니 알파99 II는 끊김없는 온칩 디자인의 풀프레임 42.4 메가 픽셀 백 조명 CMOS센서를 사용한다.  ISO는 100-25,600에서 50-102,400으로 확장할 수 있습니다. 광학 로우패스 필터가 없음에 따라 사용자가 압축 또는 비 압축 RAW 파일로 선택하여 촬용할 수 있다. 

Sony A99 II는 모든 소니 풀 프레임 카메라처럼 4D초점 시스템을 사용한다. 이전 버전 소니 A99와 동일하게 스틸사진 및 비디오 촬영에서 연속 자동 초첨 조작 및 라이브 영상의 미리보기 기능이 가능하도록 이동 미러를 사용하지 않는 반투명 미러기술 이다. 

소니 A99II 는 미화 $3,200 ~ $4,000 달러 수준으로 북미지역 캘리포니아를 시작으로 11월 출시될 예정이다. 

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스티븐 해킷이라는 블로거가 자신의 아이폰 7 플러스가 뒷면에서 쉿쉿 노이즈를 내는 히싱(hissing) 사운드를 발생한다고 제기 했다. 

스티븐 해킷이 운영하는 팟캐스트 512 pixels에 최초로 문제를 발표했다. 

원본 유튜브 바로가기

씨넷 등 글로벌 아이티 리뷰 사이트도 곧 이 소식을 전하고 있다.  


헤킷은 쉿쉿소리를 내는 히싱사운드가 자신의 아이폰7 뒷면 중앙처리장치에서 나는 것 같아도 말했다. 특히 3D 그래픽 등 과부하가 걸리는 작업을 할때 들리는 것으로 추정했다. 컴퓨터 내장팬에서 나오는 소리처럼 배터리 폭발 위험이 없는 iphone 7에서 싸구려 스피커 소리가 난다고 비꼬았다. 조용한 곳에서 뚜렷히 귀에 거슬릴 정도로 들린다고 한다. 

애플은 아이폰 7 발표회 때 퓨전 칩은 저전력의 하이스피스 성능을 나타낸다고 선전했으나, 해킷 등 아이폰 7 소비자들의 불만에는 아직 공식적인 대응을 하지 않고 있는 것으로 보인다.  Verge 등 온라인 IT 리뷰 사이트에서는 이러한 소음이 A10 Fusion 칩이 SoC기반, 즉 시스템 온 칩으로 CPU, GPU, 통신 기능을 동시에 탑재함에 따라 과도한 로드가 걸릴 때 발열이 생기는 것을 제대로 처리하지 못하여 생길 수도 있다고 추정했다. 

중국업체 아이폰7 플러스 칩 스케일로 해체, A10 전격공개

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올해 추석 연휴는 14일 수요일부터 18일 일요일까지 5일간 이어진다. 고향에 가지 않고 서울 경기에서 보내는 경우 추석에 가볼만한 곳은 어디일까?  

귀성객들이 빠져나간 명절 연휴에는 서울 시내가 텅텅빈 느낌이다. 평소 자가용으로 움직이기 부담스러웠던 곳도 마음껏 드라이브를 즐길 수 있다. 추석 당일 15일에는 경복궁과 덕수궁, 창덕궁, 창경궁, 종 등 평소 오픈하지 않던 고궁을 포함하여 무료로 개방한다. 특히 운현궁에서는 어린이가 있는 가족과 함께 할수 있는 전통 민속놀이와 차례상 차리는 법을 교육하는 한가위 민속한마당 행사가 있다. 왕실 문화의 전당을  모토로 하는 운현궁은 지하철 3호선 안국역 4번출구에서 50미터 만 걸어가면된다. 

추석 15일 당일에는 인근 종로구 교동초등학교에서 추석연휴 무료개방을 제공하여 무료주차 할 수 있다.

단, 덕수궁 석조전은 추석연휴기간 공휴일과 동일한 안내 프로그램이 진행되며 덕수궁 홈페이지에 사전예약해야 입장할 수 있다. 입장시간은 09:30, 11:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00 이다. 

고양시 테마동물원은 14일에서 18일까지 3대가 방문하면 할아버지 할머니는 무료이며, 한복입으면 반값 할인(만원)하여 준다.  

다양한 가족 이벤트를 마련하여 널뛰기와 투호 등의 전통놀이를 진행한다. 

고양 문화원은 17일 제4회 한가위마당을 야외공연장에서 벌인다. 

전통문화체험, 장기자랑, 난타, 마술공연, 경기민요, 전통무용의 풍요로운 공연이 진행될 예정이다.

파주시는 18일 까지 자운서원, 율곡기념관, 반구정 등의 황희선생 유적지와 율곡 이이유적지를 무료로 개방한다. 

일산원마운트는 한가위 한마당 행사를 9월18일까지 진행하며 가족제기차기, 

골든벨 퀴즈대회, 마술쇼, 버블쇼, 경품이벤트 문화공연 등의 한가위 행사를 진행합니다.  제기차기에서 일등하면 상품으로 쌀 10kg을 준다.

고양체육관에서는 16일과 17일 세계정상급 리듬체조 선수들의 공연이 펼쳐집니다. 

손연재를 비롯하여 선수 20명이 참가하는 리듬체죠 갈라쇼 "리드믹올스타즈2016"이 개최된다. 

고양시 호수공원과 행주산성, 라페스타 주차장은 추석연휴 당일날 만 무료개방한다. 

이외에도 추석에 가볼만 한곳 중에 할인행사를 진행하는 놀이공원도 있다. 

 롯데월드 어드벤처는 한복입고 방문하는 고객에게 40%를 할인해준다. 인스타그램에 업로드한 송편 인증샷을 보여주면 동반 한명까지 45% 할인 적용된다.

롯데월드는 특히 9월한달간 롯데월드몰에서 진행하는 '슈퍼문'을 배경으로 찍은 사진을 보여주면 45% 할인받을 수 있다. 

롯데월드타워는 10월 3일까지 석촌호수에  ‘대형 보름달(슈퍼문)’을 전시한다. 세계 최초로 물 위에 떠 있는 작품으로 세계적인 공공미술작가 그룹 ‘프렌즈 위드 유’가 만들었다.  지름 20m의 초대형 미술작품으며, 매일 오후 6시부터 10시까지 슈퍼문의 일곱가지 다채로운 빛갈을 전시한다. 

서울 아쿠아 플라넷63은 추석당일 한복입으면 무료입장시킬 예정이다

서울 시내 호텔들도 

그랜드 하얏트 호텔은 추석 연휴동안 '스테이케이션족'을 위해 16일 '금요일밤의 열기' 패키지를 제공한다. 1박 요금에 주간 실내외 수영장을 이용할 수 있고 밤에는 제이제이 마호니스 클럽을 이용할 수 있는 특별 상품이다. 

서울 신라호텔은 추석 연휴기간에 '키즈 플레이그라운드'를 오픈한다. 야외 정원에 온수 수영장을 이용할 수 있는 '키즈 아일랜드' 패키지를 제공한다. 

한화 더 플라자 호텔은 추석연휴를 도심에서 한가롭게 보낼 수 있는 3가지 타입의 달빛소원 패키지를 제공한다.   

그랜드 하얏트 호텔은 명절에 고향에 내려가지 않고 휴식하는 일명 ‘스테이케이션족(stay+vacation)’을 겨냥해 16일 ‘금요일밤의 열기’ 패키지를 마련했다. 객실 1박에 주간에는 실내외 수영장, 밤에는 제이제이 마호니스 클럽을 이용할 수 있다. 서울신라호텔은 14~17일 야외정원에 ‘키즈 플레이그라운드’를 오픈하고 온수 수영장 이용 혜택 등을 더한 가족 고객용 ‘키즈 아일랜드’ 패키지를 선보인다. 한화 더 플라자 호텔은 18일까지 베이직·플러스·패밀리 등 3가지 타입으로 선택할 수 있는 ‘달빛 소원’ 패키지를 출시했다.

고양시 등 전국 주요 지자체는 추석당일날 무료로 주차가 가능한 주차장을 공개 했다. 

추석당일날 서울시내 종로구 중구 무료주차 가능한 학교

명신초 종로구 낙산길 250(창신동 7-40)

교동초 종로구 삼일대로446 (운현궁 근처)

창신초 종로구 지봉로 73(동묘 근처)

혜화초 종로구 혜화로32(대학로 근처)

대동세무고 종로구 계동길 84-10(북촌한옥마을 근처)

덕성여고 종로구 율곡로3 50 (경복궁 인근)

한양공고 중구 을지로 299(동대문패션비즈센터 옆)

Posted by 샤르딘

주택도시기금은  2015 주택도시기금 법안 시행에 따라 주택기금(1981)에서 주택도시기금으로 개편운영되고 있다. 

경제성장 둔화와 주택시장 구조변화로 기존 임대 주택공급 도시재생 시스템 작동에 한계가 봉착하는 환경변화에 맞게 패러다임 전환이 필요하였다. 

이에 주택기금의 기능을 재정립하고 운용체계를 혁신하여 시중의 풍부한 유동성을 주거복지와 도시재생 분야로 유도하기 위함이다. 

지난 1981 시작된 1세대 주택기금이 주택에 대한 융자를 금융기관의 관점에서 시중은행에 위탁하여 운영되는 체계 였다면, 2세대 주택 도시기금은 주택과 도시를 지원대상으로 하며, 융자와 출자 보증 등으로 다각화된 지원방식을 통해 금융소비자 관점에서 주택도시보증공사(’15.7 출범) 전담운용기관으로 하여 운영되는 체계이다. 

주택도시기금의 주택계정은 국민 주택채권, 청약저축, 융자금 회수 등의 자금 운용을 통해서 임대주택 건설 사업자와, 주택/아파트를 구입하거나 전세/임차하려는 개인수요자에게 자금을 지원해주는 역할을 수행한다. 

주택도시기금의 주요사업중 저소득층 서민 근로자의 주택구입 또는 전세자금지원 사업을 이용하면 시중은행이나 캐피탈 대부업체 보다 훨씬 안정적이고 저렴한 금리의 융자혜택을 이용할 있다. 

Posted by 샤르딘

아이폰7 하드웨어 스팩상만 보면 상당히 괜찮아 보인다. 프로세서는 쿼드코어 64비트 A10 Fusion 채택되었다12MP 후면 카메라에 월등한 블루투스 성능을 보장할 W1 무선 칩과 압력감지 홈버튼 등은 

아이폰7 기다리던 마니아들에게 손색이 없는 수준이다

무선이어폰 에어팟은 블루투스 헤드셋보다 전력소모가 적고 음성으로 시리와 대화하면서 음악을 재생하거나 

손가락을 대고 통화할 있다.  이번 아이폰 7 출시 발표때는 슈퍼마리오 , 아이워치용포켓몬 ’ 앱 론칭과 같이 소개하여 관심을 끌었다. 

아이폰 7의 가격대는 $649 ~ $969 정도이다. 

iPhone 7



iPhone 7



iPhone 7



iPhone 7 Plus



iPhone 7 Plus 



iPhone 7 Plus 



그러나 이어폰 단자가 없다.  물론 블루투스 헤드셋 사용자들에게는 오히려 환영받을 수도 있다

요즘 LG전자의 넥밴드형 블루투스 헤드셋이 블루투스 이어폰 제품의 글로벌한 한축이 된지는 오래고 새로운 컨셉의 블루투스 이어셋들이 속속 시장에 출현하고 있다.

다만 유선 이어폰을 고집하는 사용자들에게는 고통이 아닐 없다.  3.5mm 이어폰 짹을 사용하려면 추가적인 라이트닝 포트 변환잭을 구입해야한다. 유선이어폰을 선호하는 이유가 여러가지 있는데, 아이폰7 라이트닝 단자가 하나만 있어서 여러가지 불편함이 예상된다.

iPhone7 충전하는 동안은 라이트닝 변환잭으로 이어폰을 사용할 없다. 동시에 유선 헤드셋으로는 통화할 없다. 만약 충전하면서 굳이 유선 이어폰을 사용하려면 라이트닝 포트 분배기 같은 별도 엑세서리가 필요하다. 벨킨사에서 이미 판매하고 있는데, 가격으로 악명 높은 엑셀의 악세사리 답게 커넥터는 미화 40달러 달한다. 

Belkin Lightning Audio + Charge RockStar.™

미래는 무선이 대세이지만, iphone7 이어폰 단자를 없애는 것이  편리한 무선환경을 위한 것이라고 보기는 힘들다.  iphone7 무선 충전기와 호환이 되지도 않는다.  이제 기존의 아이폰 전용 오디오 덕이나 동글 제품을 사용하는 유저들은 많은 라이트닝 커넥터를 구매 해야 한다. 

Posted by 샤르딘

서울특별시 구별로 살펴본 로또 1등 복권 당첨지역에서는 영등포구가 1위이며 Lotto 1등을 50번 배출했다.  나눔로또에서 자료를 제공하는 262회차부터 현재까지 데이터를 기반으로 아래와 같이 서울 지역별 로또 1등 배출 판매점 개수와 누적 1등 횟수로 서울 지도에 표시된다.  노원구와 송파구가 Lotto 1등 복권 당첨을 44번 배출하여 2위를 차지했다. 

로또를 구입하려면 평일과 일요일은 오전 6시 부터 24시까지 연중 무휴이다.  

토요일은 로또 당첨 발표 SBS 방송이 8시 40분에 있기 때문에 

 로또 판매는 오전 6시 부터 8시까지 입니다. 

서울에서 로또 1등 당첨을 4번 이상 배출한 Lotto 명당 당첨지역 판매점을 순위별로 리스트를 재 구성하면 다음과 같다. 




1 배출 건수





서울 노원구 상계동 666-3 주공10단지종합상가111




서울 영등포구 영등포동4 440번지 신세계앞




서울 종로구 종로5 58번지 평창빌딩 1 103




서울 영등포구 대림동 775-7번지 1




서울 영등포구 당산동6 331-1번지




서울 성북구 하월곡동 37-18번지




서울 동대문구 전농동 620-69번지 청량리역 4번출구 가판




서울 중랑구 묵동 238-11번지




서울 은평구 녹번동 155-20번지




서울 은평구 갈현동 398-1번지




서울 종로구 낙원동 230번지




서울 마포구 도화동 169-1번지 가든호텔정문옆가판




서울 동대문구 휘경동 192-5번지




서울 중구 신당동 133-14번지




서울 도봉구 창동 557-5번지




서울 송파구 신천동 7-18번지 잠실역 8번출구 가판




서울 종로구 종로3 23-1 가판




서울 노원구 공릉동 644-12번지




서울 관악구 봉천동 32-2 봉천중앙시장라열4

이어서 서울의 각 구별로 1등 배출 횟수가 많은 판매점을 구별로 분류하였다.

[강남구 1등 당첨(2회 이상) 로또 판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 강남구 신사동 528-4번지 화인빌딩1층훼미리마트




서울 강남구 도곡동 467번지




서울 강남구 자곡동 651 유탑블래스 미니스톱




서울 강남구 논현동 169 103호




서울 강남구 역삼동 790

[강동구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또 판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 강동구 성내동 292-30번지




서울 강동구 천호동 406-9번지




서울 강동구 고덕동 210-1번지 구서울승합종점앞




서울 강동구 성내동 383-20번지 1층




서울 강동구 둔촌동 55번지 1층




서울 강동구 명일동 341-5번지 1층

[강북구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또 판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 강북구 수유동 724-3번지 두울빌딩




서울 강북구 미아동 207-2번지




서울 강북구 번동 463-33번지

[강서구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또 판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 강서구 염창동 264-8번지




서울 강서구 내발산동 677-10번지




서울 강서구 방화동 620-192번지




서울 강서구 화곡동 1007-2번지




서울 강서구 외발산동 424번지 강서농수산물도매시장내 1층 슈퍼




서울 강서구 화곡동 904-10번지

[관악구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또 판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 관악구 봉천동 32-2 봉천중앙시장라열4호




서울 관악구 봉천동 926-25




서울 관악구 신림동 1435-24




서울 관악구 봉천동 927-20 1층




서울 관악구 봉천동 196-33

[광진구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또 판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 광진구 구의동 546-4번지 테크노마트9층판매동24호




서울 광진구 구의동 546-1 동서울터미널 정문앞 로또가판점

[구로구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또 판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 구로구 구로동 685-215번지 103호




서울 구로구 구로동 3-25 신도림역배수펌프장앞




서울 구로구 오류동 315-14번지




서울 구로구 구로동 604-19번지




서울 구로구 오류동 137-46번지 1층

[금천구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또 판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 금천구 시흥동 249-11




서울 금천구 독산동 989-16

[노원구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또 판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 노원구 상계동 666-3 주공10단지종합상가111




서울 노원구 공릉동 644-12번지




서울 노원구 상계동 749번지 1층

[도봉구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또 판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 도봉구 창동 557-5번지




서울 도봉구 도봉동 30-1




서울 도봉구 창동 74-5번지 신원빌딩1층




서울 도봉구 도봉동 89-148번지




서울 도봉구 방학동 686-14번지 현대마트

[동대문구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 동대문구 전농동 620-69번지 청량리역 4번출구 가판




서울 동대문구 휘경동 192-5번지




서울 동대문구 용두동 250-22번지




서울 동대문구 용두동 711-4번지 가판




서울 동대문구 용두동 9-2번지




서울 동대문구 용두동 727-4

[동작구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또판매점]




1등 배출건수



GS25 동작양지


서울 동작구 상도동 365-1번지




서울 동작구 대방동 502 103동 2호




서울 동작구 신대방동 395-68 102호

[마포구 서대문구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 마포구 도화동 169-1번지 가든호텔정문옆가판




서울 서대문구 연희동 353-94번지




서울 마포구 서교동 480-1번지 1층




서울 마포구 연남동 226-15

[서초구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 서초구 양재동 373 104호




서울 서초구 반포동 19-4




서울 서초구 서초동 1689-1번지 성보빌딩


동작대로 정금마을앞 가판점


서울 서초구 방배동 782-1번지




서울 서초구 방배동 874-7번지 1층




서울 서초구 반포동 19-3번지 센트럴시티내100호매점

[성북구 성동구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 성북구 하월곡동 37-18번지




서울 성북구 보문동4가 4번지 가판




서울 성북구 동소문동4가 115번지




서울 성북구 장위동 33-19번지




서울 성북구 종암동 10-78




서울 성북구 장위동 66-9번지 청마빌딩1층




서울 성북구 하월곡동 80-23번지




서울 성동구 하왕십리동 946-43번지 훼미리마트내




서울 성동구 마장동 771-7번지




서울 성동구 용답동 14-1번지 1층

[송파구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 송파구 신천동 7-18번지 잠실역 8번출구 앞 가판




서울 송파구 잠실동 183-1




서울 송파구 풍납동 480번지




서울 송파구 삼전동 28-8번지




서울 송파구 방이동 149-13번지




서울 송파구 문정동 97-4번지




서울 송파구 문정동 622 송파한화오벨리스크1층123호(CU편의점)




서울 송파구 석촌동 210-9번지 유천빌딩1층CU편의점내




서울 송파구 마천동 25-2번지




서울 송파구 잠실동 242-17번지




서울 송파구 오금동 85-8번지 1층

[양천구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 양천구 목동 231-57번지




서울 양천구 신정동 902-10번지 1층1호




서울 양천구 목동 907-10번지 현대파리지앙107호




서울 양천구 신정동 89-26번지




서울 양천구 목동 917번지 목동파라곤 1층 109호 미니스톱내

[영등포구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 영등포구 영등포동4가 440번지 신세계앞




서울 영등포구 대림동 775-7번지 1층




서울 영등포구 당산동6가 331-1번지




서울 영등포구 대림동 862-6번지




서울 영등포구 양평동3가 23-4번지 월드프라자103호




서울 영등포구 영등포동5가 18-58번지 영신상가1호




서울 영등포구 당산동4가 32-58




서울 영등포구 영등포동 618-210번지

[용산구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 용산구 후암동 446번지




서울 용산구 한남동 631-5번지

[은평구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 은평구 녹번동 155-20번지




서울 은평구 갈현동 398-1번지




서울 은평구 역촌동 78-45




서울 은평구 갈현동 396-11




서울 은평구 수색동 102-20번지




서울 은평구 응암동 323-5번지




서울 은평구 응암동 61-53번지 1층




서울 은평구 녹번동 180번지

[종로구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 종로구 종로5가 58번지 평창빌딩 1층 103호




서울 종로구 낙원동 230번지




서울 종로구 종로3가 23-1 가판




서울 종로구 창신동 302-5




서울 종로구 종로5가 80-1번지




서울 종로구 원남동 282번지 1층




서울 종로구 명륜1가 46-18번지

[중구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 중구 신당동 133-14번지




서울 중구 남대문로3가 30-6번지




서울 중구 묵정동 18-9번지




서울 중구 태평로2가 69-1번지




서울 중구 서소문동 53-6번지




서울 중구 을지로6가 18-88번지




서울 중구 충무로1가 24-1번지




서울 중구 남대문로5가 21-1




서울 중구 신당동 349-57 1층




서울 중구 무교동 12-1번지




서울 중구 을지로6가 18-71 1층

[중랑구 Lotto 1등 당첨 (2회 이상) 로또판매점]




1등 배출건수





서울 중랑구 묵동 238-11번지




서울 중랑구 망우동 470-10번지




서울 중랑구 망우동 490-13번지




서울 중랑구 상봉동 108번지




서울 중랑구 상봉동 88-75번지




서울 중랑구 면목동 183-24

나눔 로또번호 일등당첨이 제일 많이 나온 숫자는? 기획재정부 발표

[나눔로또 721회 까지 1등 당첨번호 빛 당첨점 바로가기]

나눔로또 1등번호   1등 수령액 1등 당첨점 
721회 1, 28, 35, 41, 43, 44 8 2,273,767,360원 바로가기


1, 12, 29, 34, 36, 37 14 1,233,770,358원 바로가기


4, 8, 13, 19, 20, 43 9 1,879,581,334원 바로가기


4, 11, 20, 23, 32, 39 17 926,166,464원 바로가기


2, 11, 19, 25, 28, 32 6 2,702,433,688원 바로가기


2, 6, 13, 16, 29, 30 12 1,358,752,157원 바로가기


2, 7, 27, 33, 41, 44 6 2,605,510,438원 바로가기


1, 7, 22, 33, 37, 40 7 2,085,131,733원 바로가기


2, 5, 15, 18, 19, 23 9 1,714,720,917원 바로가기


17, 20, 30, 31, 33, 45 4 4,034,485,125원 바로가기

Posted by 샤르딘

소니가 플레이스테이션4의 신버젼 신제품 PS4 pro에 대한 출시계획을 9월7일 뉴욕에서 발표했습니다.  소니의 playstation4는 제품 출시 이후 약 4천만대가 팔렸습니다. 

소니의 인터렉티브 엔터테인먼트 부문에서 미국 시간 지난 수요일 플레이스테이션4 신제품에 대한 두가지의 새로운 버젼을 밝혔습니다. 소니는 마이크로소프트사의 Xbox One과 닌텐도 Wii, 3ds 등과의 경쟁에서 우위를 점유하기 위해 이러한 제품관련 정보를 사전에 발표한 것으로 보입니다.  


오는 11 10 론칭할 예정인 플레이스테이션 4 프로는 초고해상도 현실감을 높인 영상을 제공하기 위해 4K resolution과 HDR(higher dynamic range)를 도입한다고 엔드루하우스 소니 인터렉티브 엔터네인먼트 부문 CEO가 밝혔습니다.  플레이스테이션4pro의 출시가격은 미화 399달러가 될것으로 예상됩니다. 

4K에서 디스플레이 되는 게임은 일반적인 1080p HD 이미지보다 4배 더 많은 픽셀이 사용되어 화면이 놀라울 정도로 생생합니다. 

추가적으로 소니에서는 외관이 더 앏고 가벼우며 에너지 효율이 높은 버젼의 playstation 4 버전을 9월15일 출시할 예정이며 가격은 미화 299달러라고 합니다. 

코드네임 “Neo”인 플레이스테이션4 프로는 10월경 출시예정인 가상현실(virtual reality) 헤드셋을 지원할 예정입니다. 

VR 헤드셋은 10월13일 부터 판매할 예정이며, 연말까지 50여개의 게임 타이틀을 발매할 것이라고 합니다. 

추가적으로 소니는 기존 플레이스테이션 4 사용자들에게도 업그레이들 제공하여 4천만 유저가 HDR로 업그레이드할 수 있도록 할 예정입니다. 

마이크로소프트의 Xbox One S와 달리 PS4 Pro는 일부 팬들을 실망시켰던 4K 블루레이 영화파일은 실행되지 않습니다.

그러나 넷플릭스와 같은 앱을 통한 4K 영화 공급자와 지속적인 파트너쉽을 유지할 것이며,   

Netflix에서는 소니의 플레이스테이션 4 신제품 출시와 발맞추어 히트 범죄 시리스인 “Narcos” 더불어 600시간 분량의 4k 콘텐츠를 론칭할 예정이라고 합니다. 

구글의 유튜브 회사에서도 PS4 Pro 위한 앱을 기획하고 있다고 엔드루 하우스 부사장은 밝혔습니다. 

마이크로소프트가 Xbox One 천만대 발매를 2014년에 발표한 이후 매출에 대한 추가적인 발표가 없었습니다. 

소니 관계자는 4천만대가 판매된 PS4 가장 장점은 현재 게임 콘솔세대의 동력이라는 것이라고 말했습니다.  게임콘솔을 구매할 중요한 점은 게임 기기의 스펙과 우수성 보다는 유져가 얼마나 재미있게 가지고 놀수 있는가 입니다. 어떤 게임 콘솔이 지속가능한 강력한 신제품 론칭 라인을 가지고 있지 않다면, 소수의 제한적인 사람들에게만 판매될 것이라고 덧붙였습니다. 

Posted by 샤르딘