'컨텐츠 신문'에 해당되는 글 842건

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  29. 2016.10.10 미국 대선 2차 TV토론 - 성희롱 집중포화로 시작, 상호 존중할 것이냐는 질문으로 끝나..
  30. 2016.10.10 미국 대선 힐러리-트럼프 2차 TV 토론 영문 텍스트 전체 스크립트

미국 대선 후보  힐러리-트럼프 3차 TV토론 직후 공개된 전체 영문 텍스트 스크립트 입니다. 일부 오타와 표현이 잘못 옮겨진 경우가 있을 수 있습니다. 


Chris Wallace: I'm Chris Wallace of Fox News. And I welcome you to the third and final of the 2016 presidential debates between secretary of state Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump.

This debate is sponsored by the commission on presidential debates. The commission has designed the format, six roughly 15-minute segments with two-minute answers to the first question, then open discussion for the rest of each segment. Both campaigns have agreed to those rules. For the record, I decided the topics and the questions in each topic. None of those questions has been shared with the commission or the two candidates. The audience here in the hall has promised to remain silent. No cheers, boos or other interruptions so we and you can focus on what the candidates have to say. No noise except right now as we welcome the Democratic nominee for president, Secretary Clinton, and the Republican nominee for president, Mr. Trump.

Secretary Clinton, Mr. Trump, welcome. Let's get right to it. The first topic is the Supreme Court. We — you both talked briefly about the court in the last debate, but I want to drill down on this because the next president will almost certainly have at least one appointment and likely or possibly two or three appointments, which means that you will in effect determine the balance of the court for what could be the next quarter century. First of all, where do you want to see the court take the country? And secondly, what's your view on how the constitution should be interpreted? Do the founders' words mean what they say or is it a living document to be applied flexibly according to changing circumstances? In this segment, Secretary Clinton, go first, you have two minutes.

Hillary Clinton: Thank you very much, Chris, and thanks to UNLV for hosting us. When we talk about the Supreme Court it really raises the central issue in this election, namely, what kind of country are we going to be? What kind of opportunities will we provide for our citizens?

What kind of rights will Americans have? And I feel strongly that the Supreme Court needs to stand on the side of the American people, not on the side of the powerful corporations and the wealthy.

For me, that means that we need a Supreme Court that will stand up on behalf of women's rights, on behalf of the rights of the LGBT community, that will stand up and say no to Citizens United, a decision that has undermined the election system in the country because of the way it permits dark, unaccountable money to come into our electoral system. I have major disagreements with my opponent about these issues and others that will be before the supreme court, but I feel that at this point in our country's history, it is important that we not reverse marriage equality, that we not reverse Roe v. Wade, that we stand up against Citizens United, we stand up for the rights of people in the workplace, that we stand up and basically say the Supreme Court should represent all of us. That's how I see the court and the kind of people that I would be looking to nominate to the court would be in the great tradition of standing up to the powerful, standing up on behalf of our rights as Americans, and I look forward to having that opportunity.

I would hope that the senate would do its job and confirm the nominee that President Obama has sent to them. That's the way the constitution fundamentally should operate. The president nominates and then the senate advises and consents or not.

But they go forward with the process.

Wallace: Secretary Clinton, thank you. Mr. Trump, same question. Where do you want to see the court take the country and how do you believe the constitution should be interpreted?

Donald Trump: Well, first of all, it's great to be with you and thank you, everybody. The Supreme Court, it's what it's all about. Our country is so, so, just so imperative that we have the right justices. Something happened recently where Justice Ginsburg made some very inappropriate statements toward me and toward a tremendous number of people, many, many millions of people that I represent, and she was forced to apologize and apologize she did. But these were statements that should never ever have been made.

We need a supreme court that, in my opinion, is going to uphold the second amendment and all amendments, but the second amendment, which is under absolute siege. I believe if my opponent should win this race, which I truly don't think will happen, we will have a second amendment which will be a very, very small replica of what it is right now. But I feel that it's absolutely important that we recall because of the fact that it is under such trauma. I feel that the justices that I am going to appoint — and I've named 20 of them — the justices that I'm going to appoint will be pro-life, they will have a conservative bent, they will be protecting the second amendment, they are great scholars in all cases and they're people of tremendous respect. They will interpret the constitution the way the founders wanted it interpreted.

And I believe that's very, very important. I don't think we should have justices appointed that decide what they want to hear.

It's all about the constitution of — and so important, the constitution the way it was meant to be and those are the people that I will appoint.

Wallace: We now have 10 minutes for open discussion. I want to focus on two issues that in fact by the justices that you name could end up changing the existing law of the land. First is one that you mentioned, Mr. Trump, and that is guns. Secretary Clinton you said last year, and let me quote, the Supreme Court is wrong on the second amendment.

Now in fact in the 2008 Heller case, the court ruled that there is a constitutional right to bear arms but a right that is reasonably limited. Those were the words of the Judge Antonin Scalia, who wrote the decision. What's wrong with that?

Clinton: Well, first of all, I support the second amendment. I lived in Arkansas for 18 wonderful years. I represented upstate New York. I understand and respect the tradition of gun ownership. It goes back to the founding of our country. But I also believe that there can be and must be reasonable regulation. Because I support the second amendment doesn't mean that I want people who shouldn't have guns to be able to threaten you, kill you or members of your family.

And so when I think about what we need to do, we have 33,000 people a year who die from guns. I think we need comprehensive background checks. We need to close the online loophole, close the gun show loophole. There are other matters that I think are sensible that are the kind of reforms that would make a difference that are not in any way conflicting with the second amendment.

You mentioned the Heller decision, and what I was saying that you reference, Chris, was that I disagreed with the way the court applied the second amendment in that case. Because what the District of Columbia was trying to do was protect toddlers from guns. They wanted people with guns to safely store them, and the court didn't accept that reasonable regulation, but they've accepted many other.

I see no conflict between saving people's lives and defending the second amendment.

Wallace: Let me bring Mr. Trump in here. The bipartisan open debate coalition got millions of votes on questions to ask here, and this was, in fact, one of the top questions that they got. How will you insure the second amendment is protected? You just heard Secretary Clinton's answer. Does she persuade you that, while you may differ on regulation, that she supports a second amendment right to bear arms?

Trump: The DC v. Heller decision was very strongly and she was extremely angry about it. I watched. She was very, very angry when upheld. And Justice Scalia was so involved, and it was a well crafted decision, but Hillary was extremely upset, extremely angry, and people that believe in the second amendment and believe in it very strongly were very upset with what she had to say.

Wallace: Let me bring in Secretary Clinton. Were you extremely upset?

Clinton: Well, I was upset because, unfortunately, dozens of toddlers injure themselves, even kill people with guns because, unfortunately, not everyone who has loaded guns in their homes takes appropriate precautions.

But there's no doubt that I respect the second amendment, that I also believe there's an individual right to bear arms. That is not in conflict with sensible, common-sense regulation. And you know, look, I understand that Donald's been strongly supported by the NRA, the gun lobby's on his side, they're running millions of dollars of ads against me. And I regret that because what I would like to see is for people to come together and say, of course, we're going to protect and defend the second amendment, but we're going to do it in a way that tries to save some of these 33,000 lives that we lose every year.

Wallace: Let me bring Mr. Trump back into that. Because, in fact, you oppose any limits on assault weapons. Any limits on magazines, you support a national right to carry law. Why, sir?

Trump: Let me just tell you before we go any further, in Chicago, which has the toughest gun laws in the United States, probably you could say by far they have more gun violence than any other city. So we have the toughest laws and you have tremendous gun violence.

I am a very strong supporter of the second amendment. And I don't know if Hillary was saying it in a sarcastic manner but I'm very proud to have the endorsement of the NRA. It's the earliest endorsement they've ever given to anybody who ran for president. I'm very honored by all of that.

We are going to appoint justices. This is the best way to help the second amendment. We're going to appoint justices that will feel very seriously about the second amendment. That will not do damage to the second amendment.

Wallace: Let's pick up on another issue which divides you and the justices that whoever ends up winning this election appoints could have a dramatic effect there, and that's the issue of abortion. Mr. Trump, you're pro life. But I want to ask you specifically, do you want the court, including the justices that you will name, to overturn Roe v. Wade which includes, in fact, states a woman's right to abortion?

Trump: Well, if that would happen, because I am pro-life and I will be appointing pro-life judges, I would think that that would go back to the individual states.

Wallace: But I'm asking you specifically --

Trump: If they overturned it, it will go back to the states.

Wallace: What I'm asking you, sir, is do you want to see the court overturn? You just said you want to see the court protect the second amendment. Do you want to see the court overturn Roe v. Wade?

Trump: If we put another two or perhaps three justices on, that will happen. And that will happen automatically in my opinion because I'm putting pro-life justices on the court. I will say this, it will go back to the states a tornado states will then make a determination.

Wallace: Secretary Clinton?

Clinton: I strongly support Roe v. Wade, which guarantees a constitutional right to a woman to make the most intimate, most difficult in many cases decisions about her health care that one can imagine. And in this case it's not only about Roe v. Wade. It is about what's happening right now in America so many states are putting very stringent regulations on women that block them from exercising that choice to the extent that they are defunding Planned Parenthood, which, of course, provides all kinds of cancer screenings and other benefits for women in our country.

Donald has said he's in favor of defunding Planned Parenthood. He even supported shutting the government down to defund planned parenthood. I will defend Planned Parenthood. I will defend Roe v. Wade and I will defend women's rights to make their own health care decisions.

Wallace: Secretary --

Clinton: And we've come too far to have that turn back now. Indeed he said women should be punished, that there should be some form of punishment for women who obtain abortions. And I could just not be more opposed to that kind of thinking.

Wallace: I'm going to give you a chance to respond, but I want to ask you, Secretary Clinton, how far you believe the right to abortion goes. You have been quoted as saying that the fetus has no constitutional rights. You also voted against a ban on late-term partial birth abortions. Why?

Clinton: Because, Roe v. Wade very clearly sets out that there can be regulations on abortion so long as the life and the health of the mother are taken into account. And when I voted as a senator, I did not think that that was the case. The kinds of cases that fall at the end of pregnancy are often the most heartbreaking, painful decisions for families to make. I have met with women who toward the end of their pregnancy, get the worst news one could get, that their health is in jeopardy if they continue to carry to term or that something terrible has happened or just been discovered about the pregnancy. I do not think the United States government should be stepping in and making those most personal of decisions. So you can regulate if you are doing so with the life and the health of the mother taken into account.

Wallace: Mr. Trump, your reaction and particularly on this issue of late-term partial birth abortion.

Trump: I think it's terrible if you go with what Hillary is saying in the ninth month you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby.

Now, you can say that that's okay, and Hillary can say that that's okay, but it's not okay with me. Because based on what she's saying and based on where she's going and where she's been, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month, only the final day. And that's not acceptable.

Clinton: Well, that is not what happens in these cases. And using that kind of scare rhetoric is just terribly unfortunate. You should meet with some of the women that I've met with.

Women I've known over the course of my life. This is one of the worst possible choices that any woman and her family has to make. I do not believe the government should be ING it. I've been to countries where governments forced women to have abortions like they did in China or force women to bear children like they used to do in Romania. I can tell you the government has no business in the decisions that women make with their families in accordance with their faith, with medical advice, and I will stand up for that right.

Wallace: All right. Just briefly, I want to move on.

Trump: And honestly, nobody has business doing what I just said, doing that as late as one or two or three or four days prior to birth, nobody has that.

Wallace: All right. Let's move on to the subject of immigration and there is almost no issue that separates the two of you more than the issue of immigration.

Actually, there are a lot of issues. Mr. Trump, you want to build a wall. Secretary Clinton, you've offered no specific plan for how you want to secure our southern border.

Mr. Trump, you are calling for major deportations. Secretary Clinton, you say within your first hundred days as president you'll offer a package that includes a pathway to citizenship. The question really is why are you right and your opponent wrong? Mr. Trump, you go first in this segment. You have two minutes.

Trump: First of all, she wants to give amnesty, which is a disaster and very unfair to all the people who are waiting in line for many years. We need strong borders. In the audience tonight we have four mothers of — I mean, these are unbelievable people that I've gotten to know over a period of years whose children have been killed, brutally killed by people who came into the country illegally. You have mothers, fathers, relatives all over the county. They're coming in illegally.

Drugs are pouring in through the border. We have no country if we have no border. Hillary wants to give amnesty, she wants to have open borders.

As you know, the border patrol agency, 16,500-plus ICE last week endorsed me. First time they've ever endorsed a candidate. It means their job is tougher, but they know what's going on. They know it better than anybody. They want strong borders. They feel we have to have strong borders. I was up in New Hampshire, the biggest complaint they have with all the problems going on in the world, many of the problems caused by Hillary Clinton and by Barack Obama, all of the problems, their single biggest problem is heroin that pours across our southern borders, just pouring and destroying their youth. It's poisoning the blood of their youth and plenty of other people.

We have to have strong borders. We have to keep the drugs out of our country. Right now we're getting the drugs, they're getting the cash. We need strong borders. We absolute -- we cannot give amnesty.

Now I want to build a wall. We need the wall. The border patrol, ICE, they all want the wall. We stop the drugs, shore up the border.

One of my first acts will be to get all of the drug lords, we have some bad, bad people in this country this have to go out. We'll get them out, secure the bothered and once the border is secured at a later date we'll make a determination as to the rest. But we have some bad hombres here and we're going to get them out.

Wallace: Mr. Trump, thank you. Same question to you, Secretary Clinton, basically why are you right and Mr. Trump is wrong?

Clinton: As he was talking I was thinking about a young girl I met here in Las Vegas, Carla, who was very worried that her parents might be deported because she was born in this country, but they were not. They work hard and do everything they can to give her a good life. And you're right, I don't want to rip families apart. I don't want to be sending parents away from children. I don't want to see the deportation force that Donald has talked about in action in our country. We have 11 million undocumented people. They have 4 million American citizen children — 15 million people. He said as recently as a few weeks ago in Phoenix that every undocumented person would be subject to deportation.

Now, here's what that means. It means you would have to have a massive law enforcement presence where law enforcement officers would be going school to school, home to home, business to business rounding up people who are undocumented and we would then have to put them on trains, on buses, to get them out of our country. I think that is an idea that is not in keeping with who we are as a nation. I think it's an idea that would rip our country apart. I have been for border security for years.

I voted for border security in the United States Senate. And my prehensive immigration reform plan of course includes border security. But I want to put our resources where I think they're most needed — getting rid of any violent person, anybody who should be deported, we should deport them. When it comes to the wall that Donald talks about building, he went to Mexico. We had a meeting with the Mexican president. Didn't even raise it. He choked, then got into a Twitter war because the Mexican president said, we're not paying for that wall.

So I think we are both a nation of immigrants and we are a nation of laws and that we can act accordingly. That's why I'm introducing immigration reform within the first hundred days with a path to citizenship.

Trump: Chris, I think it's an issue to respond to. First of all, I had a very good meeting with the president of Mexico. Very nice man. We will be doing very much better with Mexico on trade deals, believe me, than the NAFTA deal by her husband, one of the worst deals of any kind signed by anybody. It's a disaster. Hillary Clinton wanted the wall. Hillary Clinton fought for the wall in 2006 or thereabouts.

Now she never getting anything done so naturally the wall wasn't built. But Hillary Clinton want the wall. We're a country of laws. And by the way —

Wallace: I'd like to hear from Secretary Clinton.

Clinton: I voted for border security, and there are --

Trump: And the wall.

Clinton: There are some limited places where that was appropriate. There are also going to be new technology and how best to deploy that. But it is clear, when you look at what Donald has been proposing, he started his campaign bashing immigrants, calling Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals and drug dealers, that he has a very different view about what we should do to deal with immigrants. Now, what I am also arguing is that bring undocumented immigrants out from the shadows putting them in the formal economy will be good because employers can't exploit them and undercut their wages.

Donald knows a lot about this, he used undocumented labor to build Trump Tower. He underpaid undocumented workers and when they complained he said, what a lot of [people] do, you complain I'll get you deported. I want to get the economy working and not let employers like Donald exploit undocumented workers that hurts them and undocumented workers.

Trump: President Obama has moved millions of people out. Nobody knows about it, nobody talks about it. But under Obama, millions of people have been moved out of this country, they've been deported. She doesn't want to say that, but that's what's happened. And that's what's happened big league. As far as moving these people out and moving, we have a country or we don't. We're a country of laws. We either have a border or we don't. You can come back in and you can become a citizen, but it's very unfair — we have million of people that did it the right way.

They're on line, they're waiting. We're going to speed up the process big league because it's very inefficient. But they're in line and they're waiting to become citizens. Very unfair that somebody runs across the border, becomes a citizen. Under her plan you have open borders. You would have a disaster on trade. And you'll have a disaster with your open borders. What she doesn't say is that president Obama has deported millions and millions of people just the way it is. Wallace: Secretary Clinton -- Clinton: We will not have open borders. That is a rank mischaracterization. Wallace: Secretary Clinton? Clinton: We'll have secure borders but we'll also have reform. This used to be a bipartisan issue. Ronald Reagan was the last president -- Wallace: Excuse me. Secretary Clinton. Clinton: Designed immigration reform and George W. Bush supported it as well. Wallace: Secretary Clinton, I want to clear up your position on this issue because in a speech you gave to a Brazilian bank for which you were paid $225,000 we've learned from the Wikileaks that you said this and I want to quote, my dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders —Trump: Thank you.

Wallace: So that's the question. Please, quiet, everybody. Is that your dream, open borders?

Clinton: Well, if you went on to read the rest of the sentence, I was talking about energy. You know, we trade more energy with our neighbors than we trade with the rest of the world combined. And I do want us to have an electric grid, energy system that crosses borders. I think that would be a great benefit to us. But you are very clearly quoting from wikileaks and what's really important about wikileaks is that the Russian government has engaged in espionage against Americans. They have hacked American websites, American accounts of private people, of institutions, then they have given that information to Wikileaks for the purpose of putting it on the internet.

This has come from the highest levels of the Russian government, clearly from Putin himself, in an effort, as 17 of our intelligence agencies have confirmed to influence our election. So I actually think the most important question of this evening, Chris, is finally will Donald Trump admit and condemn that the Russians are doing this and make it clear that he will not have the help of Putin in this election, that he rejects Russian espionage against Americans which he actually encouraged in the past?

Those are the questions we need answered. We've never had anything like this happen in any of our elections before.

Trump: That was a great pivot off the fact that she wants open borders, okay? How did we get off to Putin?

Wallace: Hold on.

Trump: No, no.

Wallace: Hold on, folks. Because this is going to end up getting out of control. Let's try to keep it quiet for the candidates and for the American people.

Trump: Just to finish on the borders --

Wallace: Yes.

Trump: She wants open borders. People are going to pour into our country. People are going to come in from Syria. She wants 550% more people than Barack Obama, and he has thousands and thousands of people. They have no idea where they come from and you see, we are going to stop radical islamic terrorism in this country. She won't even mention the words and neither will president Obama. So I just want to tell you, she wants open borders.

Now we can talk about Putin. I don't know Putin. He said nice things about me. If we got along well, that would be good.

If Russia and the United States got along well and went after ISIS, that would be good. He has no respect for her. He has no respect for our president. And I'll tell you what, we're in very serious trouble because we have a country with tremendous numbers of nuclear warheads, 1,800, by the way, where they expanded and we didn't — 1800 nuclear warheads, and she's playing chicken. Look —


Clinton: Well, that's because he'd rather have a puppet as president.

Trump: No puppet, no puppet.

Clinton: And it's pretty clear --

Trump: You're the puppet.

Clinton: It's pretty clear you won't admit.

Trump: No, you're the puppet.

Clinton: That the Russians have engaged in cyber attacks against the United States of America, that you encouraged espionage against our people, that you are willing to spout the Putin line, sign up for his wish list, rake up nato, do whatever he wants to do, and that you continue to get help from him because he has a very clear favorite in this race so I think this is such an unprecedented situation, we've never had a foreign government trying to interfere in our election.

We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military, who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks come from the highest levels of the Kremlin and they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing.

Wallace: Secretary Clinton --

Trump: She has no idea whether it's Russia, China or anybody else.

Clinton: I am not quoting myself.

Trump: She has no idea.

Clinton: There are 17 --

Trump: You have no idea.

Clinton: 17 intelligence. Do you doubt? 17 military --

Trump: Our country has no idea.

Clinton: And civilian agencies.

Trump: I doubt it.

Clinton: He'd rather believe Vladimir Putin than the military and civilian intelligence professionals who are sworn to protect us. I find that just absolutely —

Trump: She doesn't like Putin because Putin has outsmarted her at every step of the way.

Wallace: Mr. Trump --

Trump: Excuse me.

Wallace: Mr. Trump --

Trump: Putin has outsmarted her.

Wallace: Mr. Trump, I do get to ask some questions.

Trump: Yes.

Wallace: I would like to ask you this direct question. The top national security officials of this country do believe that Russia is behind these hacks. Even if you don't know for sure whether they are, do you condemn any interference by Russia in the American election?

Trump: By Russia or anybody else.

Wallace: You condemn their interference?

Trump: Of course I condemn. Of course. I don't know Putin. I have no idea —

Wallace: I'm not asking you that.

Trump: This is not my best friend. But if the United States got along with Russia, wouldn't be so bad. Let me tell you, Putin has outsmarted her and Obama at every single step of the way. Whether it's Syria. You name it. Missiles. Take a look at the start-up that they signed. The Russians have said, according to many, many reports, I can't believe they allowed us to do this. They create warheads and we can't. The Russians can't believe it. She's been outsmarted by Putin. All you have to do is look at the Middle East. They've taken over. We've spent $6 trillion. They've taken over the Middle East. She has been outsmarted and outplayed worse than anybody I've ever seen in any government whatsoever.

Wallace: We're a long way away from immigration, but I'm going to let you finish this topic. You have about 45 seconds.

Trump: And she always will be.

Clinton: I find it ironic that he's raising nuclear weapons. This is a person who has been very cavalier, even casual about the use of nuclear weapons.

Trump: Wrong.

Clinton: Japan, Korea, even Saudi Arabia. He said if we have them, why don't we use them, which I think is terrifying. The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed. There's about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so. And that's why 10 people who have had that awesome responsibility have come out and in an unprecedented way said they would not trust Donald Trump with the nuclear codes or to have his finger on the nuclear button.

Trump: I have 200 generals and admirals, 21 endorsing me, 21 congressional medal of honor recipients. As far as Japan and other countries, we are being ripped off by everybody — we're defending other country. We're spending a fortune doing it. They have the bargain of the century. All I said is we have to renegotiate these agreements because our country cannot afford to defend Saudi Arabia, Japan, Germany, South Korea and many other places. We cannot continue to afford. She took that as saying nuclear weapons.

Look, she's been proven to be a liar on so many different ways. This is just another lie.

Clinton: Well, I'm just quoting you --

Trump: There's no quote. You're not going to find a quote from me.

Clinton: Nuclear competition in Asia, you said, you know, go ahead, enjoy yourselves, folks. That kind of --

Trump: And defend yourselves. And defend yourselves. I didn't say nuclear. And defend yourselves.

Clinton: United States has kept the peace through our alliances. Donald wants to tear up our alliances. I think it makes the world safer and, frankly, it makes the United States safer. I would work with our allies in Asia, in Europe, in the middle East and elsewhere. That's the only way we're going to --

Wallace: We're going to move on to the next topic, which is the economy. And I hope we handle that as well as we did immigration. You also have very different ideas about how to get the economy growing faster. Secretary Clinton, in your plan, government plays a big role. You see more government spending, more entitlements more tax credit, more penalties. Mr. Trump you want to get government out with less regulation. We'll drill down into this a little more. But in this overview, please explain to me why you think your plan will create more jobs and growth for this country and your opponent's plan will not. In this round, you go first, Secretary Clinton.

Clinton: I think when the middle class thrives, America thrives. And so my plan is based on growing the economy, giving middle class families many more opportunities.

I want us to have the biggest jobs program since World War II, jobs and infrastructure and advanced manufacturing. I think we can compete with high wage countries, and I believe we should. New jobs and clean energy not only to fight climate change, which is a serious problem, but to create new opportunities and new business I want us to do more to help small businesses.

I want to raise the minimum wage because people who live in poverty, who work full-time should not still be in poverty. I want to make sure that women get equal pay for the work we do. I feel strongly we have to have an education system that starts with preschool and goes through college. That's why I want more technical education in high schools and community colleges, real apprenticeships to prepare people for the real jobs of the future. I want to make college debt free and for families making less than $125,000, you will not get a division bill from a public college or university if the plan that I worked on with Bernie Sanders is enacted.

And we're going to work hard to make sure that it is. Because we are going to go where the money is. Most of the gains in the last years since the great recession have gone to the very top. So we'll have the wealthy pay their fair share.

We'll have corporations make a contribution greater than they are now to our country. [I have] a plan that has been analyzed by independent experts which said that it could produce 10 million new jobs. By contrast, Donald's plan has been analyzed to conclude it might lose jobs. Why? Because his whole plan is to give the biggest tax breaks ever to the wealthy and to corporations adding $20 trillion to our debt and pausing the kind of dislocation that we have seen before because it truly will be trickle-down economics on steroids.

So the plan I have I think will actually produce greater opportunities. The plan he has will cost us jobs and possibly lead to another great recession.

Wallace: Secretary, thank you. Mr. Trump, why will your plan create more jobs and growth?

Trump: Her plan is going to raise taxes and even double your taxes. Her tax plan is a disaster. And she can say all she wants about college tuition and I'm a big proponent, we're going to do a lot of things for college tuition, but the rest of the public's going be paying for it. We'll have a massive, massive tax increase under Hillary Clinton's plan.

But I'd like to start off where we left because when I said Japan and Germany and I'm not to single them out, South Korea, these are very rich, powerful countries. Saudi Arabia, nothing but money. We protect Saudi Arabia. Why aren't they paying?

She immediately, when she heard this, I questioned and I questioned NATO, why aren't the NATO questions paying, because they weren't paying. Since I did this, a year ago, all of a sudden they're paying. I've been given a lot of credit for it. All of a sudden they're starting to pay up.

They have to pay up. We're protecting people. They have to pay up. I'm a big fan of NATO, but they have to pay up. She comes out and said, we love our allies, we think our allies are great. It's awfully hard to get them to pay up when you have somebody saying we think how great they are. We have to tell Japan in a very nice way, we have to tell Germany, all of these countries, South Korea, we have to say, you have to help us out. We have during his regime, during President Obama's regime, we've doubled our national debt. We're up to $20 trillion.

So my plan, we're going to re-negotiate trade deals. We'll have more free trade than we have right now, but we have horrible deals. Our jobs are being taken out. NAFTA, one of the worst deals ever. Our jobs are being sucked out of our economy. You look at all of the places that I just left, you go the Pennsylvania, you go to Ohio, you go to Florida, you go to any of them, upstate New York, our jobs have fled to Mexico and other places. We're bringing our jobs back. I'm going to renegotiate NAFTA.

And if I can't make a great deal, then we're going to terminate nafta and great new deals. We'll have trade, but we'll terminate it, we'll make a great trade deal. And if we can't, we're going to go a separate way because it has been a disaster.

We're going to cut taxes massively. We'll cut business taxes massively. They're going to start hiring people. We're going to bring the $2.5 trillion that's offshore back into the country. We're going to start the engine rolling again because right now our country is dying at 1 percent GDP.

Clinton: Let me translate that if I can, Chris. Because --

Trump: You can't.

Clinton: Fact is, he's going to advocate for the largest tax cuts we've ever seen.

Three times more than the tax cuts under the Bush administration. I have said repeatedly throughout this campaign, I will not raise taxes on anyone making $250,000 or less. I also will not add a penny to the debt. I have costed out what I'm going to do. He will, through his massive tax cuts, add $20 trillion to the debt. He mentioned the debt. We know how to get control of the debt.

When my husband was president, we went from a $300 billion deficit to a $200 billion surplus and we're actually on the path to eliminating the national debt. When President Obama came into office he inherited the worst economic disaster since the great depression. He has cut the deficit by two-thirds.

So yes, one of the ways you go after the debt. One of the ways you create jobs is by investing in people. I do have investments, investments in new jobs, investments in education, skill training and the opportunities for people who get ahead and stay ahead. That's the kind of approach --

Wallace: Secretary.

Clinton: That will work. Cutting taxes on the wealthy. We tried that. It has not worked the way that it has been --

Wallace: Secretary Clinton, I want to pursue your plan. Because in many ways it is similar to the Obama stimulus plan in 2009, which has led to the slowest GDP growth since 1949.

Trump: Correct.

Wallace: Thank you, secretary. You told me in July when we spoke that the problem is that president Obama didn't get to do enough in what he was trying to do with this stimulus. So is your plan basically even more of the Obama stimulus?

Clinton: Well, it's a combination, Chris. Let me say that when you inherit the level of economic catastrophe that president Obama inherited, it was a real touch and go situation.

I was in the senate before I became secretary of state. I've never seen people as physically distraught as the bush administration team was because of what was happening to the economy.

I personally believe that the steps that president Obama took saved the economy. He doesn't get the credit he deserves for taking some very hard positions, but it was a terrible recession. So now we've dug ourselves out of it. We're standing, but we're not yet running. So what I am proposing is that we invest from the middle out and the ground up, not the top down.

That is not going to work. That's why what I have put forward doesn't add a penny to the debt, but it is the kind of approach that will enable more people to take those new jobs, higher paying jobs.

We're beginning to see some increase in incomes and we certainly have had a long string of increasing jobs. We've got to do more to get the whole economy moving, and that's what I believe I will be able to do.

Wallace: Mr. Trump, even conservative economists who have looked at your plan say that the numbers don't add up, that your idea, and you've talked about 25 million jobs created, 4%.

Trump: Over a ten-year period.

Wallace: Growth is unrealistic. And they say you talk a lot about growing the energy industry. They say with oil prices as they are right now, that's unrealistic as well. Your response?

Trump: So I just left some high representatives of India. They're growing at 8 percent. China is growing at 7 percent. And that for them is a catastrophically low number. We are growing, our last report came out and it's right around the 1 percent level and I think it's going down. Last week, as you know, the end of last week, they came out with an anemic jobs report. A terrible jobs report. In fact, I said is that the last jobs report before the election? Because if it is, I should win easily. It was so bad. The report was so bad. Look, our country is stagnant. We've lost our jobs. We've lost our businesses.

We're not making things anymore, relatively speaking, our product is pouring in from China, pouring in from Vietnam, pouring in from all over the world. I've visited so many communities, this has been such an incredible education for me, Chris. I've gotten to know so many — I've developed so many friends over the last year. And they cry when they see what's happened. I pass factories that were thriving 20, 25 years ago and because of the bill that her husband signed and she blessed a hundred percent, it is just horrible what's happened to these people in these communities. She can say that her husband did well, but boy, did they suffer as NAFTA kicked in because it didn't really kick in very much but it kicked in after they left. Boy, did they suffer. That was one of the worst things that's ever been signed by our country. Now she wants to sign transpacific partnership.

She lied when she said she didn't call it the gold standard in one of the debates. She totally lied and they fact checked and said I was right.

Wallace: I want to give you a chance to briefly speak to that and I want to pivot to -- Trump: And that was -- Wallace: Obamacare. Clinton: Let me say, number one, when I saw the final agreement for TPP, I said I was against it. It didn't meet my test. I've had the same test. Does it create jobs, raise incomes and further our national security? I'm against it now, I'll be against it after the election, I'll be against it when I'm President.

There's only one of us on this stages that actually shipped jobs to Mexico because that's Donald. He shipped jobs to 12 countries including Mexico, but he mentioned China. One of the biggest problems we have with China is the illegal dumping of steel and aluminum into our markets.

I've fought against that as a senator, I stood up against it as secretary of state, Donald has bought Chinese steel and aluminum. The Trump Hotel here in las Vegas was made with Chinese steel. He goes around with crocodile tears about how terrible it is, but he has given jobs to Chinese steel workers, not American teal workers —

Wallace: Mr. Trump?

Trump: That's the kind of approach that's going to work. We'll pull the country together. We'll have trade agreements that we enforce. I'll have trade prosecutor for the first time in history. We're going to enforce those agreements and look for businesses that help us by buying American products.

I ask a simple question. She's been doing this for 30 years. Why didn't you do it over the last 15, 20 years? You were very much involved — excuse me, my turn. You were very much involved in every aspect of this country, very much.

And you do have experience. I say the one thing you have over me is experience, but it's bad experience because what you've done is turned out badly. For 30 years you've been in a position to help and if you say that I used theater or I use something else make it impossible for me to do that.

You talk, but you don't get anything done, Hillary. You don't, just like when you ran the state department, $6 billion is missing. How do you miss $6 billion? You ran the state department. It was either stolen, they don't know, it's gone — 6 billion. If you become president, this country is going to be in some mess, believe me.

Clinton: Well, first of all, what he just said about the state department is not only untrue, it's been did you debunked numerous times. But I think it's really an important issue he raised the 30 years of experience.

Let me just talk briefly about that. You know, back in the 1970s, I worked for Children's Defense Fund, and I was taking on discrimination against African-American kids in schools. He was getting sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination in his apartment buildings.

In the 1980s, I was working to reform the schools in Arkansas. He was bore rogue $14 million from his father to start his businesses. In the 1990s, I went to Beijing and I said women's rights are human rights. He insulted a former miss universe, Alicia Machado, called her an eating machine.

Trump: Give me a break.

Clinton: And on the day when I was in the situation room, monitoring the raid that brought Osama bin Laden to justice, he was host "The Celebrity Apprentice." So I'm happy to compare my 30 years of experience, what I've done for this country, trying to help in every way I could, especially kids and families get ahead and stay ahead with your 30 years. And I'll let the American people make that decision.

Trump: Well, I think I did a much better job. I built a massive company, a great company, some of the greatest assets anywhere in the world worth many, many billions of dollars. I started with a $1 million loan. I agree with that. It's a $1 million loan. But I built a phenomenal company. And if we could run our country the way I've run my company, we would have a country that you would be so proud of, you would even be proud of it.

And frankly, when you look at her real record, take a look at Syria. Take a look at the migration. Take a look at Libya. Take a look at Iraq. She gave us ISIS because her and Obama created this small vacuum. A small group came out of that huge vacuum. We should have never been in Iraq. But once we were there, we never should have got out the way they wanted to get out. She gave us ISIS as sure as you are sitting there. And what happened is now ISIS is in 32 countries. And now I listen how she is going to get rid of ISIS. She is going to get rid of nobody.

Wallace: All right. We are going to get to foreign hot spots in a few moments. But the next segment is fitness to be president of the United States. Mr. Trump, at the last debate you said your talk about grabbing women was just that, talk, and that you had never actually done it. And since then, as we all know, nine women have come forward and said you either groped them or kissed them without their consent. Why would so many different women from so many different circumstances over so many different years, why would they all in this last couple of weeks make up -- you deny this. Why would they all make up these stories. And since this is a question for both of you, secretary Clinton, Mr. Trump says what your husband did and that you defended was even worse. Mr. Trump, you go first.

Trump: Well, first of all, those stories have been largely debunked. Those people, I don't know those people. I have a feeling how they came. I believe it was her campaign that did it. Just like if you look at what came out today on the clips where I was wondering what happened with my rally in Chicago and other rallies where we had such violence. She is the one — and Obama — that caused the violence. They hired people. They paid them $1500 and they're on tape saying be violent, cause fights, do bad things. I would say the only way, because the stories are all totally false. I have to say that. And I didn't even apologize to my wife who is sitting right here because I didn't do anything. I didn't know any of these women. I didn't see these women. These women, the woman on the plane, I think they want either fame or her campaign did it. And I think it's her campaign. When I saw what they did, which is a criminal act, by the way, where they're telling people to go out and start fistfights and start violence, I tell you what, in particular in Chicago, people were hurt and people could have been killed in that riot.

And that was now all on tape started by her. I believe, Chris, that she got these people to step forward. If it wasn't, they get their ten minutes of fame. But they were all totally — it was all fiction. It was lies and it was fiction.

Wallace: Secretary Clinton?

Clinton: Well, at the last debate we heard Donald talking about what he did to women. And after that a number of women have come forward saying that's exactly what he did to them. Now what was his response? Well, he held a number of big rallies where he said that he could not possibly have done those things to those women because they were not attractive enough for --

Trump: I did not say that. I did not say that.

Clinton: In fact, he went on to say --

Wallace: Sir, her two minutes.

Trump: I did not say that.

Wallace: Her two minutes.

Clinton: He went on to say look at her. I don't think so. About another woman, he said that wouldn't be my first choice. He attacked the woman reporter writing the story, called her disgusting as he has called a number of women during this campaign. Donald thinks belittling women makes him bigger. He goes after their dignity, their self-worth, and I don't think there is a woman anywhere who doesn't know what that feels like.

So we now know what Donald thinks and what he says and how he acts towards women. That's who Donald is. I think it's really up to all of us to demonstrate who we are and who our country is and to stand up and be very clear about what we expect from our next president, how we want to bring our country together where we don't want to have the kind of pitting of people one against the other, where instead we celebrate our diversity, we lift people up.

And we make our country even greater. America is great because America is good. And it really is up to all of us to make that true, now and in the future in particular for our children and our grandchildren.

Wallace: Mr. Trump --

Trump: Nobody has more respect for women than I do. Nobody. Nobody has more respect.

[Audience Reaction]

Wallace: Please, everybody.

Trump: And frankly, those stories have been largely debunked. And I really want to talk about something slightly different. She mentions this. Which is all fiction, all a fictionalized. Probable or possibly started by her and her very sleazy campaign. But I will tell you what isn't fictionalized are her e-mails where she destroyed 33,000 e-mails criminally, criminally, after getting a subpoena from the United States Congress.

What happened to the FBI? I don't know. We have a great general, four-star general today. You read it in all the papers, going to potentially serve five years in jail for lying to the FBI. One lie. She's lied hundreds of times to the people, to congress, and to the FBI. He is going to probably go to jail. This is a four-star general. And she gets away with it, and she can run for presidency of the United States? That's really what you should be talking about. Not fiction where somebody wants fame or where they come out of their crooked campaign.

Wallace: Secretary Clinton?

Clinton: Well, every time Donald has pushed on something which is obviously uncomfortable like what these women are saying, he immediately goes to denying responsibility. And it's not just about women. He never apologizes or says he is sorry for anything. So we know what he has said and what he has done to women. But he also went after a disabled reporter —

Trump: Wrong.

Clinton: He mocked and Mr and Mrs. Khan on national television. He went after Mr. And Mrs. Khan, the parents of Han who died serving our country, a gold star family because of their religion. He went after John McCain, a prisoner of war. Said he prefers people who aren't captured. He went after a federal judge, born in Indiana but who Donald said couldn't be trusted to try the fraud and racketeering case against Trump University because his parents were Mexican.

So it's not one thing. This is a pattern, a pattern of divisiveness of a very dark and in many ways dangerous vision of our country where he incites violence, where he applauds people who are pushing and pulling and punching at his rallies. That is not who America is. And I hope that as we move in the last weeks of this campaign, more and more people will understand what's at stake in this election. It really does come down to what kind of country we are going to have.

Trump: So sad when she talks about violence at my rallies and she caused the violence. It's on tape. Now the other things are false, but honestly, I'd love to talk about getting rid of ISIS. And I'd love to talk about other things.

Wallace: Okay.

Trump: But the other charges as she knows are frauds.

Wallace: In this bucket about fitness to be president, there has been a lot of developments over the last ten days since the last debate. I'd like to ask you about them. These are questions that the American people have. Secretary Clinton, during your 2009 senate confirmation hearing, you promised to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest with your dealing with the Clinton Foundation while you were secretary of state. But e-mails show that donors got special access to you.

Those seeking grants for Haiti relief were considered simply from non-donors, and some of those donors got contract, government contracts, active money. Can you really say you kept your pledge to that senate committee, and what happened and what went on between you and the Clinton foundation. Why isn't it what Mr. Trump calls pay to play.

Clinton: Well, everything I did as secretary of state was in furtherance of our country's interests and our values. The state department said that. I think that's been proven. But I am happy. In fact, I am thrilled to talk about the Clinton Foundation.

Because it’s a world-renowned charity. I'm so proud of the work it does. I could talk for the rest of the debate. I know I don't have the time to do that. But just briefly, the Clinton foundation made it possible for 11 million people around the world with HIV/AIDS to afford treatment. That's about half of all the people in the world who are getting treatment.

Wallace: Secretary Clinton --

Clinton: In partnership with the American Health Association, we have made environments in schools including healthier lunches.

Wallace: Secretary, respectfully, this is an open discussion.

Clinton: Well it is.

Wallace: I asked a specific question, pay or the play.

Clinton: But there is no evidence --

Wallace: Let's ask Mr. Trump.

[ Overlapping dialog ]

Trump: It's a criminal enterprise. Saudi Arabia giving $25 million. Qatar, all of these companies. You talk about women and women's rights. So these are people that push gays off buildings. These are people that kill women and treat women horribly. And yet you take their money. So I'd like to ask you right now why don't you give back the money that you have taken from certain countries that treat certain groups of people so horribly? Why don't you give back the money?

I think it would be great gesture. Because she takes a tremendous amount of money. And you take a look at the people of Haiti. I was in little Haiti the other day in Florida. And I want to tell you, they hate the Clintons because what's happened in Haiti with the Clinton Foundation is a disgrace. And you know it and they know it and everybody knows it.

Wallace: Secretary Clinton?

Clinton: Well, very quickly at the Clinton Foundation spend 90% of all the money that is donated on behalf of programs around the world and in our own country. I'm very proud of that. We are the highest rating from the watchdogs that follow foundations.

And I'd be happy to compare what we do with the Trump Foundation, which took money from other people and bought a six-foot portrait of Donald. I mean, who does that? It just was astonishing. But when it comes to Haiti, Haiti is the poorest country in our hemisphere. The earthquake and the hurricane, it has devastated Haiti.

Bill and have I been involved in trying to help Haiti for many years. The Clinton Foundation raised $30 million to help Haiti after the catastrophic earthquake and all of the terrible problems the people there had. We've done things to help small businesses, agriculture, and so much else. And we're going to keep working to help Haiti because it's an important part of the American experience.

Trump: I'd like to mention one thing: Trump Foundation, small foundation. People contribute. I contribute. The money — 100% goes to different charity, including a lot of military. I don't get anything. I don't buy boats. I don't buy planes. What happens, the money goes in —

Wallace: Wasn't some of the money used to settle your lawsuit, sir?

Trump: No, we put up the American flag. And that's it. They put up the American flag. We fought for the right in palm beach to put up the American flag.

Wallace: But there was a penalty imposed by Palm Beach County.

Trump: There was.

Wallace: The money came from your foundation.

Trump: There was.

Wallace: Instead of Mar-a-Lago.

Trump: Went to Fisher House, where they build houses, the money that you're talking about went to Fisher House, where they build houses for veterans and disabled.

Clinton: But of course there is no way we can know whether any of that is true because he hasn't released his tax returns. He is the first candidate ever to run for president in the last 40 plus years who has not released his tax returns. Serving what he says about charity or anything else we can't prove it. You can look at our tax returns. We've got them all out there. But what is really troubling is that we learned in the last debate he has not paid a penny in federal income tax. And we were talking about immigrants a few minutes ago, Chris. Half of all immigrants, undocumented immigrants in our country actually pay federal income tax. We have undocumented immigrants in America who are paying more federal income tax than a billionaire. I find that just astonishing.

Trump: We're entitled because of the laws that people like her passed to take massive amounts of depreciation and other charges, and we do it. And all of our donors, just about all of them, I know [Warren] Buffett took hundreds of millions of dollars, George Soros took hundreds of millions of dollars. Let me just explain.

Wallace: We heard this.

Trump: Most of her donors have done the same thing as I do.

Wallace: Folks we have heard this.

Trump: Hillary, what you should have done, you should have changed the law when you a United States senator.

Wallace: We heard this.

Trump: Because your donors and your special interests are doing the same thing as I do, except even more. So you should have changed the law, but you won't change the law because you take in so much money. I mean, I sat in my apartment today on a very beautiful hotel down the street.

Clinton: Made with Chinese steel.

Trump: I will tell you, I sat there watching ad after false ad, all paid for by your friends on wall Street that gave so much money because they know you're going to protect them. And frankly, you should have changed the laws. If you don't like what I did, you should have changed the laws.

Wallace: Mr. Trump, I want to ask you about one last question in this topic. You have been warning at rallies recently that this election is rigged and that Hillary Clinton is in the process of trying to steal it from you. Your running mate Governor Pence pledged on Sunday that he and you, his words, will absolutely accept the result of this election. Today your daughter Ivanka said the same thing. I want to ask you here on this stage tonight do, you make the same commitment that you will absolutely, sir, that you will absolutely accept the result of this election?

Trump: I will look at it at the time. I'm not looking at anything now. I will look at it at the time. What I've seen, what I've seen is so bad. First of all, the media is so dishonest and so corrupt. And the pile-on is so amazing. The New York Times actually wrote an article about it, that they don't even care. It's so dishonest. And they have poisoned the minds of the voters. But unfortunately for them, I think the voters are seeing through it. I think they're going to see through it. We'll find out on November 8.

Wallace: But sir —

Trump: Excuse me, Chris, if you look at your voter rolls, you will see millions of people registered to vote. This isn't coming from me, from fury report and other places. Millions of people that are registered to vote that shouldn't be registered to vote.

So let me just give you one other thing as I talk about the corrupt media. I talk about the millions of people. I tell you one other thing. She shouldn't be allowed to run. She's guilty of a very, very serious crime. She should not be allowed to run. And just in that respect I say it's rigged. Because she should never -- Chris, she should never have been allowed to run for the presidency based on what she did with e-mails and so many other things.

Wallace: Sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact one of the primes of this country is the peaceful transition of power. And that no matter how hard fought a campaign is, that at the end of the campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner. Not saying that you're necessarily going to be the loser or the winner. But that the loser concedes to the winner, and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country. Are you saying you're not prepared now to commit to that principle?

Trump: What I'm saying is I'll tell you at the time. I'll keep you in suspense, okay?

Clinton: Let me respond to that, because that's horrifying.

Every time Donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he claims whatever it is is rigged against him. The FBI conducted a year-long investigation into my e-mails. They concluded there was no case. He said the FBI was rigged. He lost the Iowa caucus. He lost the Wisconsin primary.

He said the Republican primary was rigged against him. Then Trump University gets sued for fraud and racketeering. He claims the court system and the federal judge is rigged against him. There was even a time when he didn't get an Emmy for his TV program three years in a row and he started tweeting that the Emmys were rigged.

Trump: Should have gotten it.

Clinton: This is a mind-set. This is how Donald thinks. And it's funny, but it's also really troubling.

Trump: Okay.

Clinton: Now that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair election. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, president Obama said the other day when you're whining --

Wallace: — Hold on, folks, hold on, folks.

Clinton: Before you're even finished, it shows you're not up to doing the job. And let's, you know, let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating, he is talking down our democracy.

And I for one am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.

Trump: I think what the FBI did and the Department of Justice did including meeting with her husband, the attorney general in the back of an airplane on the tarmac in Arizona, I think it's disgraceful. I think it's a disgrace.

Wallace: All right.

Trump: I think we've never had a situation so bad as. This.

Wallace: Hold on, folks. This doesn't do any good for anyone. Let's please continue the debate and move on to the subject of foreign hot spots. The Iraqi defensive to take back Mosul has begun. If they're successful in pushing ISIS out of that city and out of all of Iraq, the question then becomes what happens the day after. And that's something that whichever -- whoever of you ends up as president is going to have to confront. Will you put U.S. troops into that vacuum to make sure ISIS doesn't come back or isn't replaced by something even worse? Secretary Clinton, you go first in this segment. You have two minutes.

Clinton: Well, I am encouraged that there is an effort led by the Iraqi army, supported by Kurdish

forces and also given the help and advice from the number of special forces and Americans on the ground. I will not support putting American forces into Iraq as a force. I don't think that is in our interest and I don't think it would be smart to do. Chris, I think that would be a big red flag waving for ISIS to reconstitute itself. The goal here is to take back Mosul. It's going to be a hard fight. I've got no illusions about that. And then continue to press into Syria to begin to take back and move on Raqqah, which is the ISIS headquarters.

I am hopeful that the hard work that American military advisers have done will pay off, and that we will see a really successful military operation. But we know we've got lots of work to do. Syria will remain a hotbed as terrorism as long as the civil war aided and abetted by the Iranians and the Russians continue.

So I have said look, we need to keep our eye on ISIS. That's why I want to have an intelligence surge that protect us here at home while we have to go after them from the air, on the ground, online. Why we have to make sure here at home we don't let terrorists buy weapons. If you're too dangerous to fly, you're too dangerous to buy a gun. And I'm going to continue to push for a no-fly zone and safe havens within Syria. Not only to help protect the iranians and prevent the constant outflow of refugees, but to frankly gain some leverage on both the Syrian government and the Russians so that perhaps we can have the kind of serious negotiation necessary to bring the conflict to an end and go forward on a political track.

Wallace: Mr. Trump, same question. If we are able to push ISIS out of mosul and out of Iraq, would you be willing to put U.S. Troops in there to prevent their return or something else?

Trump: Let me tell you, Mosul is so sad. We had Mosul. But when she left, she took everybody out, we lost Mosul. Now we're fight again to get Mosul. The problem with Mosul and what they wanted to do is they wanted to get the leaders of ISIS who they felt were in Mosul. About three months ago, I started reading that they want to get the leaders. And they're going to attack Mosul. Whatever happened to the element of surprise? Okay? We announce we're going after Mosul. I've been reading about going after mosul now for how long? Three months? These people have all left. They've all left. The element of surprise. Douglas MacArthur, George Patton spinning in their graves when they see the stupidity of our country. So we're now fighting for mosul that we had. All she had to do is stay there. Now we're going in to get it. But you know who is big winner in mosul is going to be after we eventually get it? And the only reason they did it is because she is running for the office of president, and they want to look tough. They want to look good.

He violated the red line in the sand. And he made so many mistakes. Made all mistakes. That's why we have the great migration. But she wanted to look good for the election. So they're going in. But who is going to Mosul, really? By the way, much tougher than they thought.

Much tougher, going to be more deaths than they thought. But the leaders we wanted to get are all gone because they're smart. They said what do we need this for? So Mosul is going to be a wonderful thing, and Iran should write us a letter of thank you, just like really stupid, the stupidest deal of all time.

A deal that is going to give Iran absolutely nuclear weapons. Iran should write us yet another letter saying thank you very much. Because Iran, as I said many years ago, Iran is taking over Iraq. Something they've wanted to do forever. But we've made it so easy for them. So we're now going to take Mosul. And you know who is going to be the beneficiary? Iran. Boy are they making — I mean, they are outsmarting. Look, you're not there. You might be involved in that decision. But you were there when you took everybody out of Mosul and out of Iraq. You shouldn't have been in Iraq. But you did vote for it. You shouldn't have been in Iraq. But once you were in Iraq, you should have never left the way.

Wallace: Sir, your two minutes are up.

Trump: The point is the winner is going to be Iran.

Clinton: Well, once again, Donald is implying that he didn't support the invasion of Iraq. I said it was a mistake. I said that years ago. He has consistently defined knight --

Trump: Wrong.

Clinton: What is a very clear fact.

Trump: Wrong.

Clinton: That before the invasion he supported it. I just want everybody to go Google it. Google Donald Trump Iraq and you will see the dozens of sources which verify that he was for the invasion of Iraq.

Trump: Wrong.

Clinton: And you can actually hear the audio of him saying that. Now why does that matter? Well, it matters because he has not told the truth about that position. I guess he believes it makes him look better now to contrast with me because I did vote for it. What's really important here is to understand all the interplay. Mosul is a Sunni city. Mosul is on the border of Syria. And yes, we do need to go after Baghdadi, just like we went after bin laden while you were doing Celebrity Apprentice, and we brought him to justice. We need to go after the leadership, but we need to get rid of them, get rid of their fighters, their estimated several thousand fighters in Mosul.

They've been digging underground. They've been prepared to defend. It's going to be tough fighting. I think we can take back mosul and move on into Syria and take bacharach ca. This is what we have to do. I'm just amazed that he seems to think that the Iraqi government and our allies and everybody else launched the attack on mosul to help me in this election. But that's how Donald thinks, you know. Looking for some --

Trump: Chris, we don't gain anything. Iran is taking over Iraq.

Wallace: Secretary Clinton --

Trump: Iran is taking over Iraq.

Wallace: Secretary Clinton --

Trump: We would have gained if we had surprise.

Wallace: Secretary Clinton, it's an open discussion. Secretary, secretary, please let Mr. Trump speak. Go ahead.

Clinton: And he proves it every time he talks.

Trump: No, you are the one that is unfit. Wikileaks just came out. John Podesta said some horrible things about you. And boy was he right. He said some beauties. And you know, Bernie Sanders, he said you have bad judgment. You do. And if you think that going into mosul after we let the world know we're going in and all of the people that we really wanted, the leaders, they're all gone. If you think that was good, then you do. Now John Podesta said you have terrible instincts. Bernie Sanders said you have bad judgment. I agree with both.

Clinton: Well, you should ask Bernie Sanders who he is supporting for president. And he has said --

Trump: Which is a big mistake.

Clinton: And campaigned for me around the country. You the most dangerous person to run for president in the modern history of America. I think he is right.

Wallace: Let's turn to Aleppo. Mr. Trump, in the last debate, you were both asked about the situation in the Syrian city of Aleppo. And I want to follow up on that because you said several things in that debate which were not true, sir. You said that Aleppo has basically fallen. In fact, there are — it's a catastrophe.

Trump: It is a catastrophe.


Wallace: Are a quarter million people still living there and being slaughtered.

Trump: That's right. And they're being slaughtered because of bad decisions.

Wallace: If I may just finish here. And you also said that ISIS -- that Syria and Russia are busy fighting ISIS. In fact, they have been the ones who have been bombing and shelling eastern Aleppo. And they just announced a humanitarian pause, in effect admit Thanksgiving have been bombing and shelling Aleppo. Would you like to clear that up, sir?

Trump: Well, Aleppo is a disaster. It's a humanitarian nightmare. But it has fallen from any standpoint. Whether you need to sign a document, take a look at Aleppo. It is so sad when you see what's happened. And a lot of this is because of Hillary Clinton. Because what has happened, by fighting Assad, who turned out to be a lot tougher than she thought, and now she is going to say oh, he loves Assad, he's just much tougher and much smarter than her and Obama. And everyone thought he was gone two years ago, three years ago. He aligned with Russia. He now also aligned with Iran. Who we made very powerful. We gave them $150 billion back. We give them $1.7 billion in cash. I mean cash, bundles of cash as big as this stage. We gave them $1.7 billion.

Now they have aligned, he has aligned with Russia and with Iran. They don't want ISIS. But they have other things because we're backing, we're backing rebels. We don't know who the rebels are. We're giving them lots of money, lots of everything. We don't know who the rebels are. And when and if, and it's not going to happen because you have Russia and you have Iran now. But if they ever did overthrow Assad, you might end up as bad as Assad is, and he is a bad guy.

But you may very well end up with worse than Assad. If she did nothing, we'd be in much better shape. And this is what has caused the great migration where she has taken in tens of thousands of Syrian refugees who probably in many case, not probably, who are definitely in many cases ISIS aligned. And we now have them in our country and wait until you see this is going to be the great Trojan horse.

And wait until you see what happens in the coming years. Lots of luck, Hillary. Thanks a lot for doing a great job.

Wallace: Secretary Clinton, you have talked about in the last debate and again today that you would impose a no-fly zone to try to protect top the killing there. President Obama has refused to do that because he fears it's going to draw us closer, deeper into the conflict. And general Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff there says you want to impose a no-fly zone, chances are you're going to get into a war, his words, with Syria and Russia. So the question I have, if you impose a no-fly zone, first of all, how do you respond to their concerns? Secondly, if you impose a no-fly zone and a Russian plane violates that, does president Putin shoot that plane down?

Clinton: First of all, I think a no-fly zone could save lives and could hasten the end of the conflict. I'm well aware of the really legitimate concerns you have expressed from both the president and the general. This would not be done just on the first day. This would take a lot of negotiation, and it would also take making it clear to the Russians and the Syrians that our purpose here was to provide safe Zones on the ground.

We've had millions of people leave Syria. And those millions of people inside Syria who have been dislocated. So I think we could strike a deal and make a it very clear to the Russians and the Syrians that this was something that we believe was in the best interests of the people on the ground in Syria. It would help was our fight against ISIS. But I want to respond to what Donald said about refugees. He has made these claims repeatedly. I am not going to let anyone into this country who is not vetted, who we do not have confidence in.

But I'm not going to slam the door on women and children. That picture of that little 4-year-old boy in Aleppo with the blood coming down his face while he sat in an ambulance is haunting. And so we are going to do very careful, thorough vetting that does not solve our internal challenges with ISIS and our

need to stop radicalization, to work with American Muslim communities who are on the front lines to identify and prevent attacks. In fact, the killer of the dozens of people at the nightclub in Orlando, the pulse nightclub was born in queens, the same place Donald was born. So let's be clear about what the threat is and how we are best going to be able to meet it. And yes, some of that threat emanates from over in Syria and Iraq, and we've got to keep fighting. And I will defeat ISIS. And some of it is we have to up our game and be much smarter here at home.

Wallace: I want to get into our final segment.

Trump: But I just have to, it's so ridiculous. She will defeat ISIS. We should have never let ISIS in the first place. And right now they're in 32 countries. Wait, one second. They have, and a ceasefire three weeks ago. A ceasefire, United States, Russian, Syria. And during the ceasefire, Russia took over vast swatches of land and then said we don't want the ceasefire anymore. We're so outplayed on missiles, on ceasefires. She was not there so I assume she has nothing to do with it. But our country is so outplayed by Putin and Assad and by Iran. Nobody can believe how stupid our leadership is.

Wallace: Mr. Trump, Secretary Clinton, we need to move on to our final segment. And that is the national debt, which has not been discussed until tonight. Our national debt a share of gdp is now 70 percent. That's the highest since just after World War II. But the nonpartisan Committee for Responsible Budget says Secretary Clinton, under your plan, debt would rise to 86 percent of GPD over the next 10 years. Mr. Trump, under your plan, they say it would rise to 105 percent of GDP over the next 10 years. Question is, why are both of you ignoring this problem? Mr. Trump, you go first.

Trump: I say they're wrong because I'm going to create tremendous jobs. And we're bringing gdp from really 1 percent, which is what it is now. And if she got in it would be less than zero. But we're bringing it from 1 percent up to 4 percent. I think you can go higher, to 5 or 6 percent. We have a tremendous machine. We will have created a tremendous economic machine. To do that, we're taking back jobs. We're not going to let our countries be raided by other countries where we don't make our product anymore. It's very sad. I'm going to create a kind of country that we were from the standpoint of industry. We used to be there. We have given it up. We have become very, very sloppy. We've had people that are political ax making the biggest deal in the world. Bigger than companies. You take these big companies.

These trade deals are far bigger than companies. Yet we don't use our great leaders. Many of whom back me and many of whom back Hillary, I must say. But we don't use those people. These are the greatest negotiators in the world. We are the greatest business people in the world. We have to use them to negotiate our trade deals. We use political hacks. We use people that get the position because they made a campaign contribution. And they're dealing with China and people who have very much smarter than they are. We have to use our great people. We will create an economic machine the likes of which we haven't seen in many decades. And people, Chris, will again go back to work. And they'll make a lot of money. And we'll have companies that will grow and expand and start from new.

Wallace: Secretary Clinton?

Clinton: Well, first when I hear Donald talk about that and his slogan is “Make America Great Again.” I wonder when he thought America was great. And before he rushes and says “Before you and president Obama were there,” I think it's important to recognize that he has been criticizing our government for decades. You know, back in 1987, he took out a $100,000 ad in the New York Times during the time when President Reagan was president and basically said exactly what he just said now, that we were the laughingstock of the world.

He was criticizing President Reagan. This is the way Donald thinks about himself, puts himself into, you know, the middle and says I alone can fix it, as he said on the convention stage. But if you look at the debt, which is the issue you asked about, Chris, I pay for everything I'm proposing.

I do not add a penny to the national debt. I take that very seriously because I do think it's one of the issues we've got to come to grips with.

So when I talk about how we're going to pay for education, how we're going to invest in infrastructure, how we're going to get the cost of prescription drugs down, and a lot of the other issues that people talk to me about all the time, I've made it very clear, we are going where the money is.

We are going to ask the wealthy corporations to pay their fair share. And there is no evidence whatsoever that that will slow down or diminish our growth. In fact, I think just the opposite. We'll have what economists call middle outgrowth. We've got to get back to rebuilding the middle class. The families of America. That's where growth will come from. That's why I want to invest in you. I want to invest in your family. And I think that's the smartest way to grow the economy, to make the economy fairer. And we just have a big disagreement about this. It may be because of our experience. He started off with his dad as a millionaire. I started off with my dad as a small businessman.

Trump: We've heard this before. We've heard this before.

Clinton: I think it's a difference that affects how we see the world and what we want to do with the economy.

Wallace: Time.

Trump: Thank you, Hillary. Could I just respond?

Wallace: Well, no. Because we're running out of time.

Trump: Reagan was very strongly on trade. I disagreed with him. We should have been much tougher on trade even then. I've been waiting for years. Nobody does it right. And frankly now we're going to do it right.

Wallace: The one last area I want to get into in this debate is the fact that the biggest driver of our debt is entitlements, which is 60 percent of all federal spending. Now the committee for federal — responsible federal budget has looked at both of your plans and they say neither of you has a serious plan that is going to solve the fact that Medicare is going to run out of money in the 2020s. Social Security is going to run out of money in the 2030s. And at that time, recipients are going to take huge cuts in their benefits.

So in effect, the final question I want to ask you in this regard, and let me start with you, Mr. Trump, would President Trump make a deal to save Medicare and Social Security that included both tax increases and benefit cuts in effect a grand bargain on entitlements?

Trump: I'm cutting tax. We're going to grow the economy. It's going grow at a record rate.

Wallace: But that's not going to help entitlements.

Trump: It's going to totally help you. And one thing we have to do, repeal and replace the disaster known as Obamacare. It's destroying our country. It's destroying businesses. We have to repeal and replace Obamacare. You take a look at the kind of numbers that that will cost us in the year '17.

It is a disaster. If we don't repeal and replace it's probably going to die of its own weight. But Obamacare has to go. It's — the premiums are going up 60, 70, 80 percent.

Next year they're going to go up over 100 percent. And I'm really glad that the premiums have started at least the people see what is happening because she wants to keep Obamacare. And she wants to make it's even worse. And it can't get any worse. Bad Hillary Clinton — at the most we have to repeal and replace.

Wallace: Secretary Clinton, same question. At this point, social security and medicare are going to run out. Will you as president consider a grand bargain, a deal that includes both tax increases and benefit cuts to try to save both fronts?

Clinton: I want to enhance benefits for low income workers and for women who have been disadvantaged by the current social security system. But what Donald is proposing with the massive tax cuts will result in a $20 trillion national debt — that will have dire consequences for social security and medicare. And I'll say something about the Affordable Care Act, which he wants to repeal: The Affordable Care Act extended the solvency of the Medicare trust fund. So if he repeals it, our Medicare problem gets worse.

Trump: Your husband disagrees with you.

Clinton: The long-term health care drivers. We've got to get costs down, increase value, emphasize wellness. I have a plan for doing that. And I think that we will be able to get entitle spending under control by with more resources and smarter decisions. Wallace: This is the final time probably to both of your delight that you're going to be on stage together in this campaign. I would like to end it on a positive note, that you had not agreed to closing statements. But it seems to me in a funny way that might make it more interesting, because you haven't prepared closing statements. So I would like you each to take — we're going to put a clock up, a minute, as the final question and the final debate to tell the American people why they should elect you to be the next president. This is another new mini segment. Secretary Clinton, it's your turn to go first.

Clinton: Well, I would like to say to everyone watching tonight, that I'm reaching out to all Americans — Democrats, Republicans and Independents — because we need everybody to help make our country what it should be to grow the economy, to make it fairer, to make it work for everyone. We need your talents, your skills, your commitment, your energy, your ambition. I've been privileged to see the presidency up close.

And I know the awesome responsibility of protecting our country and the incredible opportunity of working to try to make life better for you. I have made the cause of children and families really my life's work.

That's what my mission will be in the presidency. I will stand up for families against powerful interests, against corporations. I will do everything that I can to make sure that you have good jobs with rising incomes, that your kids have good educations from preschool through college. I hope you will give me a chance to serve as your president.

Wallace: Secretary Clinton, thank you. Mr. Trump?

Trump: She is raising the money from the people she wants to control. It doesn't work that way. When I started this campaign, I started it very strongly. It's called make America great again.

We're going to make America great. We have a depleted military. It has to be helped. It has to be fixed. We have the greatest people on Earth in our military.

Well don't take care off our veterans. We take care of illegal immigrants better than we take care of our military. That can't happen. Our policemen and women are disrespected. We need law and order, but we need justice too. Our inner cities are a disaster. You get shot walking to the store. They have no education, they have no jobs. I will do more for African Americans and Latinos than she can ever do in ten lifetimes. All she has done is talk to the African Americans and to the Latinos.

But they get the vote and then they come back — they say we'll see you in four years. We are going to make America strong again. And we are going to make America great again. And it has to start now. We cannot take four more years of Barack Obama. And that's what you get when you get her.

Wallace: Thank you, both. Secretary Clinton — hold on just a moment, folks — Secretary Clinton, and Mr.Trump, I want to thank you both for participating in all three of these debates that brings to an end this year's debate sponsored by the commission on presidential debates.

We want to thank the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and its students for having us. Now the decision is up to you.

Well, millions have already voted election day, November 8th is just 20 days away. One thing everyone here can agree on. We hope you will go vote. It's one of the honors and obligations of living in this great country. Thank you and good night.

미국 대통령 선거 결과 9일 오후나 저녁에... 혹, 트럼프가 당선되면?

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(다시보기 제공사이트 https://www.c-span.org/presidentialDebate/?debate=third)

힐러리 대 트럼프의 미국 대선 3차 텔레비젼 토론회가 한국시간 20일 10시부터 네바다주 라스베가스 네바다 대학에서 열린다. 

로그인이나 가입이 필요없는 인터넷 사이트와 유튜브를 통해서도 생방송 라이브 스트림 으로 볼수 있다. (아래 주소 참조) 1차토론회와 마찮가지로 15분씩 6개 분야를 다루어 90분간 열린다. 대통령으로써 적합성, 부채와 권리, 이민층에 대한 주요정책, 이메일 및 성추행 스캔들 까지 치열한 토론이 열릴예정이다. 

현재까지 여론조사결과를 바탕으로 힐러리 클린턴이 이길 확률을 98%까지 예상하는 뉴욕타임즈를 비롯한 미국 언론도 있다. 역사적으로 3차 토론 시점에서 앞서는 후보를 역전하는 경우는 거의 없었다. 

힐러리 클린턴은 선거인단 260명까지 확보 했으며 통상 270명까지 확보하면 당선이 확실시 된다고 할 수 있다. 트럼프는 170명을 확보했다. 텍사스와 노스캐롤라이나는 트럼프를 지지하는 유권자가 많은 지역이었으나 음담패설과 성추행 스캔들 이후 경함지역으로 돌아섰다. 

그러나 트럼프는 약 35%의 콘크리트 지지율이 있다. 미국은 투표율이 낮기 때문에 두 비호감 후보가 민주당과 공화당에서 각각 유권자 들의 투표 참석을 얼마나 이끌어 낼 것인가가 관건이 될 수 있다. 

여론조사와 설문조사에서는 힐러리가 우세하지만, 아직도 트럼프의 가능성에 대해 언급하는 의견들을 무시할 수는 없다. 할리우드의 대표적인 진보진영 인사로 분류되는 마이클 무어 감독은 사람들은 직접 물어보면 힐러리를 지지한다고 할 수 있으나 속마음은 다를 수도 있다고 언급한 바 있다. 그 동안 집계되지 않아 드러나지 않던 '트럼프가 대통령이 되면 어떻게 될까?'라는 호기심을 가진 유권자들의 표도 무시할 수 없다는 것이다. 

미대선 3차 토론회에서 힐러리가 승리를 위한 확고한 기반을 다질 것인지 트럼프가 역전의 기회를 노려볼 수 있을지 관심이 증폭된다. 트럼프는 마지막 까지 승리를 위해서 토론에 임할지 아니면 출구전략을 고려하여 선거에 패배한 이후를 대비한 자세를 취할지 관찰해 보는 것도 관전 포인트이다. 

[미국 대선 트럼프 vs. 힐러러 유튜브 라이브 스트리밍]

힐러리 대 트럼프 미대선 3차토론의 로그인이나 사이트 가입이 필요없는 

인터넷 라이브 방송은 아래 사이트에서도 바로 볼 수 있다. 


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('좋아요'는 가입 안해도 눌러집니다.^^)

Posted by 샤르딘

가계부채 급증에 대한 정부의 대책으로 보금자리론 대출 신청자격이 올해 말까지 대폭 강화되었다. 서울 강남을 위주로 분양권 전매 차익을 노린 청약과열이 심화되는 등 주택시장 과열을 가계부채 급증의 원인으로 보고 대출 총량관리에 들어간 것이다.   

정부가 대출 규제를 강화하여 보금자리론 신청자격과 대출 한도를 1억원으로 대폭 축소하여 서울 지역에서는 더 이상 의미가 없어졌다. 언론들은 사실상 보금자리론 중단이라고 맹비난하고 있다.  신한은행과 KEB하나은행에서 특별 판매하던 아낌e보금자리론은 전면적으로 판매가 중단되었다. 

변경된 보금자리론 신청자격

- 주택가격은 9억원에서 3억원이하이며,

- 대출한도는 5억원에서 1억원까지

- 대출용도는 기존에는 주택 구입, 보전, 대출상환 용도였으나 주택구입시만 가능하다. 

- 연소득은 제한이 없었으나, 부부합산 6천만원이하만 가능하다.

(출처 : 주택금융공사 정책모기지부 담당자 구광진 051-663-8295)

"보금자리론의 신규공급이 연말까지 사실상 중단"된다는 내용의 연합뉴스를 비롯한 주요 언론의 보도에 대하여 주택금융공사는 다수의 서민은 10월 19일 정책변경 이후에도 과거와 동일하게 보금자리론의 이용이 가능하다고 밝혔다.  보금자리론의 이용 통계에 의하면 전체이용자의 56.6%가 3억원이하 주택에 대하여 평균대출한 금액이 9800만원이다. 따라서 보금자리론의 지원대상의 56%는 계속해서 지원받을 수 있다고 홈페이지를 통해 안내하고 있다. 

내년에도 보금자리론이 '대폭축소되어 실수요자만 골탕' 먹을 것이라는 매일경제의 보도와 관련하여 주택금융공사는 내년에는 아직 결정된 사항이 없으며 '서민실수요층에 대한 지원이 차질없이 이루어지도록 해갈 계획'이라고 홈페이지를 통해 반론했다. 주택금융공사는 투자지분 대부분이 정부와 정부산하기관의 소유이다. 금번 사태에서 드러난 것과 같이 주택금융공사는 정부가 나라경제에 대한 정책을 시행하는 '수단'으로 사용한다.  경기가 과열되면 모기지론과 같은 대출상품 서비스를 줄이므로써 규제를 간접적으로 행사하는 방편인 것이다. 주택금융공사가 스스로 서민 실수요층만을 위한 지원을 내년에 계획하여 이행할 것이라고 보기는 힘들다. 정부가 주택경기 활성화를 경제의 한 방향성으로 잡을 때 비로소 주택금융공사의 보금자리론과 같은 서민지원이 확대될 것으로 예상할 수 있다. 서민들이 집을 사기 위해 꾸준히 자금을 모으는 것만으로는 부족하고 정부 주택정책의 향방을 잘 예측하고 주택금융공사의 행보를 관찰하고 있어야 유리하다.    내년 보금자리론 시행에 대해  '아직 결정된 사항'이 없다면서 지원을 잘 할 계획이라는 표현은 모순으로 들린다. 



아래 '좋아요'를 눌러주시면 

관련 주제에 대해 계속 포스팅 합니다.

('좋아요'는 가입 안해도 눌러집니다.^^)

Posted by 샤르딘

시험, 공부, 독서, 책, 필기구, 그림의 꿈

> 대학생이 사각모를 쓰는 꿈 : 모자는 윗사람이나 보호자를 나타내며 공부를 마치게되는 암시입니다. 논문심사가 통과되거나 자신의 연구결과가 인정받게 될 꿈입니다. 

>책에 낙서를 하는 꿈 : 책에 낙서를 하는 행동은 책이 나타내는 사상과 철학에 반발하는 일을 암시합니다. 배우고 있는 일이나 선생과 마음이 맞지 않거나 연구하던 분야에 실망할 수 있음을 나타낼 수 있습니다.

> 눈으로만  책을 읽은    : 평소 존경하던 사람이  시키는  일을 아무런 불평불만 없이 처리하게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 문장을 짓거나  글씨를 쓴 꿈 : 자기가 품고 있는 생각이나 사상을 다른 사람에게  알리게 되며, 상대방에게  어떤 지시나 암시를 주게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

>  작문시힘을  보던    답안지를  시험 감독관에게  바친 꿈 : 자신의  신원조회를  받게  되거나 힘있는 사람에게  협조를 구하게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 교실에  앉아서 열심히  공부를 한 꿈 : 매스컴에  자신의  의견을 피력하거나  부하 직원들에게  많은  양의  일거리를  주게 됩니다.

> 연필이나 붓 등의 필기 도구를 손에 쥐고 있었던 꿈 : 원고 를 쓸 일이나, 하고자 하는 일의  계획 등이 세워진다.

> 다른 사람이 그림을 그려서 자기에게 보여 준 꿈 : 다른  사람이 자기에게, 또는 자기가 다른 사람에게 자기 소개나 어떤 지 시 사항을  제시하게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

>  학생이  연필을  얻거나 사는 꿈 : 학교 성적이  우수해지거나 훌륭한 친구를 사뀔 수 있다

>  애인에게 시를 낭독해  준 꿈 : 애인에게 자신의  사랑을  다 시 한 번 확인시켜 주게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다

> 필기구를 선물 받는 꿈 : 붓이나 볼펜 만년필 연필 펜 색연필 등의 필기구는 글과 그림의 창작활동을 할 수 있는 도구이며, 하고자하는 일을 이루기위한 방편 방도 능력 권리를 상징하는 것을 받았다고 볼 수 있습니다. 

>  필기구를    쥐고  소중하다고  생각했던  꿈 : 계획을  세워 놓았던 어떤 일이 결실을 맺게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다

>  그림을 사는 꿈 : 자신이 한일에 대한 결과를 볼수 있거나, 책이나 서류 논문 등을 받을 수 있는 꿈입니다. 

>  열심히 그림을 그린 꿈 : 어떤 사람의  내면을  깊숙이 관찰하게 되거나 자신의 운명을  생각해 볼 일이 있다.

> 그림이나 미술작품을 감상하는 꿈 : 자신의 그동안 해온일, 감정상태, 느낌등을 돌아볼 필요가 있습니다. 타인에게 그림을 받았다면 

>  남에게 필기구를  건네 준 꿈 : 자기에게  돌아올 일거리를 누군가가 가로채 갈 일이 생길 수 있는 꿈입니다. 명예나 권리가 떨어지거나 실직 이별을 의미할 수 도 있습니다. 

> 자기의 필체에  대해  좋은  평가를  받은  꿈 : 조직의 지시대로 이행하지 않으면 좋지않은 일이 생길 수도 있는 꿈입니다.

>  그림을  그려서 사람들에게  따라 그리라고  한 꿈 은 : 부하 직원이나 자신을 따르는 사람들에게 어떤 일을  각각 시키게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

>그림을 위에서 아래로 좌에서 우로 세밀하게 그려나가는 꿈 : 조만간 지금 시작되려는 일이나 프로젝트를 세세하게 진행하여 할일을 암시하는 것일 수 있습니다. 

Posted by 샤르딘

결혼하는 꿈

> 자신의 결혼식에 상대자가 바뀐 꿈 : 계약이 자신에게 유리한 조건이 될 수 있는 꿈입니다

> 결혼 선물을 주고 받은 꿈 : 계약서 등의 증서를 꾸밀 일이 생길 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 결혼식에 하객이 한 사람도 없었던  꿈 : 취직을 하게  되거나 새로 시작해야  할 일이  생긴다.

> 결혼식에 부모가 참석한 꿈 : 협조자가 나타나게 되며, 결혼 식장에  내빈이 많을 경우엔 협조하고 동조하는 사람이  많게 될 수 있는 꿈이다.

> 이혼한 꿈 : 계약된 일이나 결정 등이 해지되고, 사귀던 사람과 작별 또는 사업의 포기 등이 있게 될 수 있는 꿈이다.

>  드레스를  입고  결혼식에 입장한  꿈 : 직장을 옮기는 등 자신과 관련된 크나큰 변화가 있게 될 수 있는 꿈이다.  웨딩드레스를 미혼여성이 입었다면 실제 결혼에 대한 암시일 수도 있다. 

>  한 장소에서 합동 결혼식을 하는 걸  보는 꿈 : 진지한 회담에 참석하게 되고 그 회담이 몇 시간에 걸쳐 이루어진다.

> 애인 또는 이상형이 멋있는 모습으로 나타난 꿈 : 사랑하는 사람과 일이 잘풀려가고 있다. 애인이 있다면 좋은 배우자가 되고 결혼의 암시일 수 있다. 애인이 없다면 소망의 반영으로 이루어질 가능성이 높은 암시이다. 

> 유명한 사람이나 연애인과 사랑하는 사이가 되어 키스, 애무, 관계를 하는 꿈 : 부적절한 욕망을 암시할 수 있다. 결혼한 사람의 경우에는 배우자외 사람과 정신적 관계나, 육체적 성 관계를 맺거나 원하는 욕망의 표출일 수 있다. 독신의 남녀는 도덕적으로 부적절할 수 있는 유부남, 유부녀, 친구 애인과 관계가 있거나 생각하는 것일 수 있다.   

> 형제나 자매가 결혼하는 꿈 : 결혼식을 보는 것은 좋지 않을 꿈일 수 있다. 형제나 자매 그 본인에게 좋지 않은 상황을 예지하는 꿈일 수도 있으니 주의가 필요합니다. 

Posted by 샤르딘

퍼스트마크의 마크 터크와 엔지니어가 만든 북미 지역 빅데이터 맵입니다. 인프라스트럭쳐, 분석, 애플리케이션, 오픈소스, 데이터, API 등의 카테고리 별로 업계 지도를 만들었습니다.  미로 같은 빅데이터 관련업체를 찾아나가는 데 도움이 된다는 호평을 얻었습니다. 

진화하는 빅데이터 업계의 다양성과 복잡성을 다이어그램으로 작성하여 가시성을 높였습니다. 그러나 유럽과 아시아 지역에 대한 이해가 부족하고 자료가 빈약하다는 의견도 있습니다. 

아래 '좋아요'를 눌러주시면 

관련 주제에 대해 계속 포스팅 합니다.

('좋아요'는 가입 안해도 눌러집니다.^^)

Posted by 샤르딘

호주의 양봉업자가 벌꿀을 자동으로 채집하는 장치를 개발해서 해외 SNS에 화제가 되고 있습니다. 

이 벌꿀 채집기는 자동으로 벌꿀만 아래로 흐르게 되어있다고 하네요.

양봉업자가 비닐옷 등으로 무장하고 연기를 피워 벌을 쫓아내고 벌집을 수거하는 위험성있는 노동이 전혀 필요 없어지게 된 혁신적인 발병입니다.

자동 벌꿀 채집기를 사용하면 벌 들의 활동과 생태를 전혀 방해하지 않고 벌꿀을 채집할 수 있어서, 양봉에 문외한도 이 자동 채집기만 들여 놓으면 벌꿀이 자동으로 수확할 수 있다. 

꿀벌들이 미리 만들어 놓은 인공 채집기의 벌집에 꿀을 채워 넣으면 벌집 사이에 있는 통로로 꿀이 떨어지게 할 수 있습니다. 자동으로 벌꿀을 채집할 수 있는 원리의 핵심은 벌집 레이어를 흐름이 생길 수 있는 방향으로 부분적으로 완성해 놓으면 꿀벌들이 나머지를 완성하게 됩니다.  이후 벌집레이어를 상단 레버를 이용해 아래쪽으로 조금 밀어내리면 모아진 꿀이 조금씩 흘러내리게 할수 있게한 원리입니다. 

상품 판매는 아직 초기 단계인 것으로 보입니다. 가격은 약 1천3~5백만원 수준입니다. 

Posted by 샤르딘


이베이와 아마존 외에도 신흥 온라인 마켓은 많습니다. 유럽에는 충성도 높은 고객기반을 갖추고 분야별로 마켓마다 경쟁력을 살려 특화되어 있습니다. 해외 판매하는데 국내셀러들과 경쟁이 심하다구요?  그 이유 중 하나는 이베이와 아마존에 대한 창업교육이 심화되다 못해 치열해지고 있기 때문입니다. 




이베이와 아마존에 십여곳이 넘는 창업교육 카페와 학원에서 매달 수백명의 신규셀러를 배출합니다. 온라인 강의 등 새로운 방식으로 해외역직구 창업을 가르쳐주는 곳도 생기고 있습니다. 로마시대 때 부터 유행했다던 '돈 버는 방법' 가르쳐주는 강의 들은 끝없이 생겨납니다. 그런데, 이베이 아마존 강사들이 강의의 수준을 높일 수 있는 가장 좋은 방법이 뭘까요?  수강생들에게 아이템을 어떻게 찾을 수 있는지 가르쳐 주는 것입니다. 우리 카페에서 강의를 들은 수강생 중 한달만에 얼마 벌었다는 글을 접해보신 적이 있으실 겁니다.  처음에 배울때는 따라하는게 편리하지만, 나중에 전문셀러가 되어 내가 판매하는 상품이 베스트셀링 아이템이 되면 수강했던 강사의 강의자료에 오를 수 있는 가능성도 있습니다.   '내가 가르친 제자 중에 이베이에서 잘 판매하는 사장은 어찌어찌해서 어떤 아이템을 찾아서 올렸는데 순식간에 팔려서 그 아이템이 집중해서 성공했다' 라는 식이 판매 강의에서 강사가 한번쯤 흘려주는 레파토리입니다. 사족인데, 강사들끼리 경쟁도 치열합니다. '원조'를 주장하는 곳도 여러곳입니다. 제가 알게 된 강사들은 대부분 판매는 잘 못하거나 하지 않습니다. 판매잘하는 사장들은 눈 코 뜰새 없을 뿐더러 영업비밀의 노출을 꺼려서 강의같은 것은 하려고 하지 않습니다. 그러니 강사에게 수강할 때는 주관을 세우고 거리를 유지하면서 필요한 정보만 수집해야 합니다. 


 물론 내가 판매하는 아이템이 노출되는 것이 전적으로 창업스쿨들 탓이라고 볼 수는 없습니다.  창업강의를 통해서 시작했던 독학으로 시작했던 해외역직구, 글로벌 셀링은 창업의 한 트랜드가 되었고, 모든 신규 글로벌셀러들은 초기에 팔아볼 만한 아이템을 찾는 일에 집중합니다. 아마존과 이베이처럼 접근이 쉽고 참고자료가 많은 해외 온라인 마켓에서는 카테고리별로 잘 판매되거나 틈새 아이템을 찾기 쉽습니다. 경쟁자는 언제나 생깁니다. 해외에 판매하는 것이라는 수출하는 자부심도 있고 영어도 더 공부해야하고 세련되어 보이는 고급진 업무이지만 장사는 장사입니다.  시장 판에서 자리싸움하듯 경쟁도 심합니다.  신경을 너무 쓰면 스트레스 받고 그렇다고 신경을 아예 안 쓸수도 없습니다. '장사'가 가진 본질적인 어려움이 아닐까요?  경쟁에서 살아남기 위해서는 (제조를 우선으로 하는 판매자가 아니라면) 판매만 전문으로 하는 셀러라면 새로운 아이템을 지속적으로 찾는 일은 생존을 위해 필수입니다. 


경쟁우위에 서는 방법 중에 새로운 판로와 마켓을 찾는 것도 당분간 경쟁자들을 떨쳐 버릴 수 있는 방법입니다.   아마존 보다 이베이에 판매해본 셀러라면, 잘 들어보지 못한 나라에 팔리거나 '핀란드', '리투아니아' 같은 국가에 팔리는 경우를 종종 경험해 볼 수 있습니다. 큰 나라에 비해 시장규모는 작지만 특정 아이템 카테고리의 공급이 부족한 국가일 수도 있습니다.  유럽 온라인 마켓은 이러한 측면에서 기회입니다.



유럽에 판매할 만한 10개 온라인 마켓을 소개합니다.  새로운 온라인 마켓 플렛폼을 찾고자하는 셀러에게 실마리가 될 수 있는 글이 되길 바랍니다. 진입하고자 한다면 각 마켓별로 추가적인 세부조사는 필수입니다. 




1. Allegro



유럽에서 5번째로 방문객이 많은 온라인 시장입니다. 동유럽 고객이 타겟이라면 꼭 도전해봐야 합니다. 폴란드에 위치해 있으며, 1천2백만명의 액티브 구매자를 보유하고 있습니다. 주변 동유럽 시장의 근접성이 좋습니다. 패션 아이템의 판매비중이 높고 전년대비 20%이상 고속성장을 지속하고 있습니다.  유럽셀러 들의 평에 의하면 API를 오픈하여 제품리스팅과 고객 대응을 처리하기 용이합니다. 



2. Bol.com

Bol은 역사시간에 들어본 베네룩스 지역의 쇼핑몰입니다.  벨기에, 네덜란드, 룩셈부르크 지역에서 가장 큰 쇼핑몰입니다. 

GTIN으로 아이템등록이 가능하여, 브랜드 상품을 판매하는 셀러라면 아이템 올리기가 쉽습니다. 월 고정 가입비 사용료가 전혀 없습니다. 판매된 아이템에 대한 수수료를 지불하면 됩니다. 


예로부터 유럽전역을 누비던 상인들은 네덜란드에 있었습니다. '네덜란드의 상인'말이 익숙하게 들리는 까닭입니다.  역사와 전통을 자랑하는 네덜란드의 거대한 유통 네트워크를 사용하며 Bol은 판매자 들에게 Fulfillment 서비스도 제공합니다. 




3. Cdiscount


Cdiscount는 100년도 넘은 프랑스 소매그룹사인 카지노그룹의 자회사입니다. 초기 막대한 자금력의 지원을 받아 유럽에서 급성장하고 있습니다. 약 16만명의 판매자가 등록되어있고 한화 약 1.8조원의 매출이 일어나며 아마존 프랑스에 이어 두번째로 큰 온라인마켓입니다. 셀러프렌들리 정책을 유지하고 있어 신규판매자 진입이 쉬운편이지만, 사업자 등록번호와 제품 데이터에 대한 요구수준이 높습니다.  다국어 지원과 가격관리, 세일즈 캠페인 기능이 우수합니다. 




4. Dawanda

다완다는 '엣시' 와 비슷한 컨셉의 유럽 온라인 마켓 플레이스 라고 할 수 있습니다. 독특하고 유니크한 헨드메이드 제품을 판매합니다. 수공예품 쇼핑몰치고는 무려 520만의 구매자를 가지고 있습니다. 아시는 분은 아시겠지만 수공예품이 틈새시장이고 소량 판매되는 제품이지만 가격은 판매자 마음입니다. 상품의 가치에 따라 다르겠지만 웬만하면 한번 신뢰를 얻은 판매자는 비싸게 제 값 받고 팔 수 있는 시장입니다. 이런 마켓의 단골 소비자들은 가격에 연연하지 않고 특이한 모양과 제품 사진이 맘에 들면 사가는 특성을 악용해 한때 공산품을 재구성해 판매하는 셀러들과 전쟁을 벌이기도 합니다.  




5. Fnac

Fnac는 프랑스에서 전자제품을 판매하는 온라인 쇼핑몰로 시작했습니다. 지금은 유럽 대부분 국가에 팔리고 있으며 패션, 스포츠, 가정 용품으로 카테고리를 넓혀가고 있습니다. 하이스트리트 브랜드로 프랑스에서 설립된 기반을 활용하여 두터운 고객층을 확보하고 있으며 매장 네트워크에 고객 충성도 높습니다.  이미 유럽시장에 어느정도 판매하고 있는 셀러라면 하루 방문자가 75만명에 이르러 상당한 기회를 얻을 수 있는 온라인 마켔습니다.  신품과 중고물품도 판매할 수 있으며 고객은 온라인으로 주문하고 인스토어에서 제품을 받을 수 있습니다. 




6. Fruugo

 핀란드에서 시작된 인터네셔날 온라인마켓입니다. 국제판매를 촉진하기 위해 판매자가 유럽 등지의 23개 국에 판매를 하고 정산은 자국통화로 받는다고 합니다. 초기부터 판매대금 수금해주는 3rd 파티업체(페이오니아, 월드퍼스트, 커런시스다이렉트 등)가 낄자리게 없게 하여 수수료에서 이득이 있습니다. 2010년 시작하여 상대적으로 작은 마켓이지만 연간 200%성장 하며, 한달에 중복없이 방문자가 백만명이 넘습니다. 월수수료는 없으며 판매당 10~15%의 수수료를 부과합니다. 핀란드 부근 북유럽국가에 판매기회가 있다면 고려해 볼만 합니다. 




7. LaRedoute



1837년에 시작한 역사를 자랑하는 프랑스 Laredoute는 대표적인 여성의류 쇼핑몰입니다.  원래 한 가문(House)의 이름이라고 하는 LaRedoute는 프랑스 최고의 온라인쇼핑몰이며 한달 방문자가 920만명에 이릅니다. 수천개의 의류브랜드가 26개 국가를 통해 판매되고 있습니다. 판매자는 프랑스어로 고객 서비스를 제공할 것으로 기대되며 구매 프로세스 전반에 걸쳐서 아이템의 브랜드가 표시됩니다. 최근에 모바일에 많이 투자하여 상당 비율의 구매자가 모바일을 통해 구매하고 지불하고 있습니다. 의류 브랜드회사라면 눈여겨볼 만한 이커머스 마켓입니다. 




8. PriceMinister


PirceMinister는 책, 비디오게임, 식품, 가정, 의류 부분의 프랑스 전자상거래 사이트입니다. 한달에 약 9백만명이 방문하고 있으며 2010년에 라쿠텐에 인수되었습니다. 판매자는 유럽에 반송처를 가져야하며 프랑스 현지 계좌가 있어야 합니다. 고객서비스는 영어로하는 것이 가능하나 제품판매가는 유로로 명시되어야 합니다. 



9. Spartoo


Spartoo는 의류와 신발을 전문으로 하는 프랑스 전자상거래 사이트입니다. 2006년 부터 신발만 전문으로 판매하는 온라인 마켓플레이스로 성장해왔습니다. 현재는 패션을 포함하여 다양한 의류브랜드도 판매하고 있습니다. 현제 30여국에서 운영되고 있으며 특히 신발 소매 판매자에게  유리한 마켓입니다. 한달에 약 1천4백만명의 신발 구매자가 방문합니다. 주문 후 2~3일 내 고객이 받아볼 수 있어야 하며 배송 추적이 가능해야 합니다.    국가별 월수수료가 있습니다. 




10. Zalando


2008년 독일에서 시작한 패션 온라인 쇼핑몰이며 전유럽을 대상으로 운영되고 있습니다. 많지 않은 독일 기반 쇼핑몰인만큼 판매자 등록은 깐깐합니다. 독일에 사업장이 있어야 하며, Zalando의 프라덕 믹스에 어울리는 구석이 있는지 심사를 통과해야 거대 쇼핑몰 중에서는 가장 충성도 높은 약 1천3백만 구매자를 대상으로 판매할 수 있습니다.  판매전에 상당한 리서치가 필요합니다.  무료배송과 무려 100일 무료 반품 정책을 운영하고 있습니다. 철저히 고객중심으로 돌아가는 마켓이라 판매자 입장에서 어려워 보일 수도 있지만, 뒤집어보면 어느정도 수준에 올라가면 '무조건 신발은 여기서만 산다'는 단골 고객을 확보할 수 있습니다.  독일 다운 쇼핑몰입니다. 



특정 카테고리에서는 아마존과 이베이 보다 위 10개 유럽 쇼핑몰에서 매출이 월등히 높은 경우도 있습니다. 브랜드 소유 업체에서 해외시장을 공략할 때 필히 살펴보아야 합니다.  저가 생필품도 비싼 배송비를 지불하고 유럽의 소국들에 팔린다면 그 나라에 물건이 별로 없는 경우 입니다. 아마존과 이베이에서 수요를 발굴 했다면 위의 쇼핑몰을 통해 직접 그 나라에 판매하는 것도 유럽에 진출할 수 있는 륭한 방법입니다.  




Posted by 샤르딘

일생에 처음으로 아파트 등 내집을 마련한다면, 정부가 지원하는 주택담보대출을 적극 이용할 수 있다. 무주택가구에 주택구매자금을 빌려주는 주택도시기금 '내집마련 디딤돌 대출'금리는 지난달 12일부터 한국은행 기준금리를 반영해 0.2%하락하여 조건에 따라 최저 1.6%의 금리로 대출할 수 있다. (근로자, 서민, 생애최초 주택구입자금 대출은 지난해 디딤돌 대출로 통합되었다.) 

내집마련 디딤돌대출 신청자격은 부부합산 연소득이 6천만원 이하이거나, 생애최초주택구입자에 해당하면 연소득 7천만원 이하이면서, 무주택가구이어야 하고, 전용면적 85㎡(읍·면 지역은 100㎡) 이하 이면서 6억원 이하의 주택을 구입할 예정일 때 자격이 된다. 최대 2억까지 대출 받을 수 있다. 

[위 질문에 모두 '예'라고 대답할 수 있어야 디딤돌 대출 자격조건이 된다.]

대출금리 우대조건은 생애최초 주택구입자는 2016년 5월30일 부터 동년 11월 30일까지 6개월 안에 접수하면 한시적으로 금리 0.5%  우대된다. 다자녀가구 0.5%, 다문화가구 ·장애인가구 ·결혼예정자를 포함한 신혼가구는 각각 0.2% 추가금리우대가 가능하다. 

주택 청약저축을 가입하여 납부하고 있다면 추가금리 우대를 받을 수 있다.  본인 또는 배우자가 1년이상 12회차 이상 납입한 경우 0.1% 우대, 3년이상 36회차 이상 납입한경우 0.2% 우대된다. 민영주택 청약저축은 청약지역별 최소 예치금 납입후 1년 이상이면 0.1%, 3년이상이면 0.2% 금리가 우대된다. 

내집마련 디딤돌 대출의 가능한도와 예상 금리를 홈페이지를 통해 입력하여 사전에 알아볼 수도 있다.  무주택가주자가 연소득 3천만원에 방이 4개인 경기도의 3억짜리 아파트를 구입하는 경우를 가정하자.

우대금리조건은 생애최초와 청약저축 3년 납입을 선택하였다. 아파트 방4개에 경기도의 경우 2천7백만원의 소액임차금이 자동으로 책정되어 차감된다(서울은 3천4백만원 차감). 

거치기간 1년에 30년 장기상환조건이다. 상환방식은 원금을 빨리 갚을 수 있는 원금균등분할로 했다.  초기 상환금액은 원리금상환방식보다 조금 높지만 처음부터 원금이 포함되어 상환하므로 처음에는 이자만 상환하게되는 원리금상환방식보다 원금을 빨리 갚아나갈 수 있다. 


 모기지 신용보증(MCG)도 받기로 하고 희망대출금을 최대값인 2억원으로 입력했다.  대출가능 한도는 1억8천3백만원이고 대출금리는 1.9%이다.  물론 홈페이지에서 자동으로 시뮬레이션 한 결과이고 실제 해당 은행에서 대출시 결과는 달라질 수 있다. 

내집마련 디딤돌 대출은 주택보증기금을 통해 우리은행, 국민은행, IBK기업은행, NH농협은행, 신한은행, KEB하나은행을 통해서 대출을 받을 수 있다. 은행마다 앱이나 인터넷이용 등을 통해 추가적인 혜택이 있을 수 있으니 꼼꼼히 살펴보아야 한다.  인터넷으로 직접 접수하려면 한국주택보증공사 홈페이지에서  가능하다. 

내집마련 디딤돌 대출 업무취급은행 바로가기

  • 우리은행1599-0800
  • KB 국민은행1599-1771
  • 참! 좋은 은행 IBK 기업은행1566-2566
  • NHBank1588-2100
  • 신한은행1599-8000
  • KEB하나은행


신용카드 한도 줄이면, 신용등급 낮아지고 대출금리 올라...

신용 평가 체계를 이해하고, 신용 등급 올리는 다섯가지 방법

Posted by 샤르딘

한국주택금융공사는 서민의 주거안정화를 돕기 위해 중장기 주택담보대출인 모기지론을 활성화 하고 주택담보채권의 유동성을 강화함으로써 장기채권시장의 활성화를 꾀하기 위해 2004년 3월 출범하였다.  

[출처 : 한국주택금융공사 홈페이지]

주택금융공사는 정부와 주택도시기금, 한국은행이 지분투자를 한 공사이다. 지난해 말 정부가 추가적으로 현물투자를 확대하여 정부 지분률이 64.8%에 이른다.

한국주택금융공사의 설립과 동시에 다수의 금융기관이 20년 이상의 장기주택담보대출을 늘려 왔다. 이러한 변화로 금융시장 선진화와 소비자 효용을 높여 장기 금융시장의 발전을 촉진해왔다.  

출범 당시 은행들이 만기까지 보유한 주택담보대출이 90%에 달했으나 모기지 채권의 발행을 통해 유동화율을 높여 시중의 단기 부동자금을 흡수하고 금융시장의 안정과 채권시장의 발전에도 기여해 온 것이 사실이다.  김재천 한국주택금융공사 사장은 올해 초 주택담보 대출 발행 규모를 26조원 예정이라고 밝힌바 있다.  

주요 대출 서비스는 생애최초 자기집을 구입할때 유리한 '내집마련 디딤돌 대출'과 'u-보금자리론',  주택연금인 '내집연금 3종세트, '전세자금보증', '중도금보증' 등으로 서민 주거안정을 지원한다.  

내집마련 디딤돌 대출은 부부합산 연소득 6천만원(단, 생애최초의 경우 7천만원 까지) 이하의 무주택 세대주를 신청대상으로 하며 소유권 이전 등기일로부터 3개월 이내 신청해야 한다.  대출금리는 연 2.1 ~ 2.9%이나, 생애최초 및 청약통장 납부 등의 조건에 따라 추가적인 금리할인이 가능하다.  

u-보금자리론은 민법상 성년인 대한민국 국민을 신청대상으로 하며 신청한도는 주택담보가치의 최대 70%까지 이다.  대출금리는 연 2.50 ~ 2.75%이며 기타 조건에 부합시 우대금리 추가적용이 가능하다. 

전세자금보증 서비스는 임차보증금 4억원 이하(지방 2억원 이하) ()세계약을 체결하고 보증금의 5% 이상을 지급한 세대주가 신청대상이며, 임대차계약서 잔금지급일과 주민등록전입일 빠른 날로부터 3개월 이내 신청해야한다. 보증한도는 최대 2억원이다.  전세자금보증은 위탁보증으로 고객이 공사에 별도 방문 필요 없이 취급은행에서 대출 및 보증 등 업무처리가 가능하다. 

한국주택금융공사는 2004년 부터 서민의 주거 안정화에 대표적으로 기여한 공기업이지만, 중복보증과 사기대출 대위변제 등 개선해야할 점과 서민을 위한 운영에 미흡하다는 비판의 목소리도 있다. 관련하여 한국주택금융공사 국정감사 최근 동향을 살펴본다.

[주택금융공사 사기대출 대위변제 금액 250억원]

국회 정무위 김해영 의원은 국정감사 자료로 주택금융공사로부터 제출받은 자료에 의하면 최근 2011~2015년 동안 법원 확정판결을 받고 주택금융공사가 대위변제한 금액이 422건, 250억원에 달한다고 밝혔다. 주택금융공사가 전세자금대출의 90%를 지급 보증함에 따라 은행심사가 부실하게 이루어져 대출사기 등 사고로 이루어질 가능성이크다. 김해영 의원은 대출 심사 강화로 선의의 피해자가 발생하지 않도록 재심의 제도 등의 도입을 검토할 필요성을 제기했다. 

[중복 보증 문제]

김종훈 국회의원이 이달 13일 주택금융공사와 주택도시보증공사가 동일인에게 중복보증을 해주어 투기 조장우려를 제기했다.  두 기관을 합해 중복 보증건수가 5만6578건이고, 금액으로는 8조6045억원이라는 것이다. 공공기관이 중복보증을 해줌으로써 투기에 이용될 수 있다.  동일인 2주택이상의 중복 보증 문제를 해결하기 위해 중복보증을 가구단위로 관리하고 배우자나 자녀이름으로 중복보증을 받지 않도록 하여  공공목적의 공사가 투기를 지원하는 일이 없어져야 한다는 주장이다. 

[보증이 절실한 저신용등급 서민에 대한 지원 필요]

국회 정무위 이학영 의원이 한국주택금융공사의 국정감사 제출 자료에 따르면 2012년~2015년 보증지원한 전세자금 보증은 대부분 신용등급 1~6등급에 집중되었다.  다른 금융기관과 마찮가지로 신용등급 7등급 이하의 저신용자들에 대한 보증건수는 전체 12%에 불과하다.   한국주택금융공사의 출범 취지에 부합하여 서민 주거안정화 기여이 미비하다. 이학영의원은 “저신용자에 대한 보증지원을 확대 강화해야한다”고 촉구했다.

[한국주택금융공사 금융노조 탈퇴]

지난달 24일 주택금융공사 노조는 임시대의원회를 개최하여 금융노조 탈퇴를 결정했다. 성과연봉제 도입투쟁과 관련하여 주택금융공사의 입장이 달라서라고 알려졌다. 금융노조가 성과연봉제 도입을 놓고 총투쟁 중이나 주택금융공사는 지난 7월 노사간 성과연봉제 도입에 합의를 이루었다.  

[한국주택금융공사 10월 금리 동결]

주택금융공사는 10월금리를 아래처럼 동결한다고 지난 27일 발표했다. 

‘아낌e-보금자리론’은 만기에 따라 연 2.40∼2.65% 금리

(안심주머니 앱을 이용 시 최저 2.38%까지) 참고적으로, ‘아낌e-보금자리론’은 은행 방문 없이 인터넷을 통한 전자약정을 맺어 0.10%포인트 금리가 낮다. (KEB하나은행과 신한은행 이용가능)

‘u-보금자리론’과 ‘t-보금자리론’ 금리도 연 2.50%(10년)∼2.75%(30년) 

(한국주택금융공사 홈페이지 신청 가능)

‘주택연금 사전예약 보금자리론’은 40~50대가 이용시 0.15%포인트∼0.30%포인트 금리 할인 

(한국주택금융공사 홈페이지에서 신청)

생애최초 주택담보대출 내집마련 디딤돌대출의 한도, 금리, 신청자격은? (16년 9월부터 한시적 1%대)

Posted by 샤르딘


    미국 퍼스트레이디 미쉘 오바마가 트럼프의 성추행 이력을 강력하게 비판했다. 

 내용은 다음과 같다.  

... ...

우리는 이번 대선 캠페인에서 계속 더럽고 고통스런 언어를 듣고 있다. 

대통령 후보에 대해 미국 시민으로써 기본적인 인권과 품위를 가질 것으로 기대했다.  

그런대 여성에 대해 쇼킹하고 모욕적인 일이 일어났다. 

나는 오늘 직접적으로 표현들에 대해서 거론하지 않을 것이다. 

그러나, 미국의 대통령 후보(트럼프) 여성을 성추행한 것을 자랑하듯 떠벌리는 것을 그저  나쁜 꿈이라고 생각하고 다음 일정으로 옮겨갈 없었다.  라커룸 토크가 대선 때마다 후보들간의 경쟁속에 듣게 되는 슬픈 비방전의 하나가 아니다 

파워풀한 개인이 성추행공격자로써 키스하고 만지고 행동을 저속한 언어로 표현하고 있고, 우리 아이들이 보고 있는 TV 틀면 그런 이야기가 흘러나오고 있다. 

심각한 문제는 인간이 한번 그런것이아니고, (트럼프는) 전인생에 걸쳐서 반복적으로 추행을 일삼았다는 것이다. 

우리 여성의 육체에 대한 고통스런 표현들을 들어야 했다. 여성에게 무엇이든 할수 있다는 잘못된 믿음을 쏟아내는 것은 섬뜩하게 놀라게 했으며 잔혹했고 나는 상처입었다.  권력있는 보스가 피부 근처에 가까이 와서 나에게 함부로 있다는게 무섭다. 

우리 어머니와 할머니 시절에 여성이라는 이유로 온갖 장애물을 뛰어 넘어 아무리 열심히 일해도 무시당하고 함부러 대접 받았던 시절이 있었다. 우리는 듣기만 했던 옛날 히스토리였다. 그렇지만 2016 지금 현재도 그런일이 일어나고 있고 그것을 자랑스럽게 떠들고 다니는 사람이 대통령 후보라니 통탄스럽다(중략)

... ...

미국 퍼스트레이디 미쉘 오바마는 고통스럽고 부끄럽다는 감성적인 호소로 미국인의 공감을 불러 일으켰고 구글 닷컴의 검색순위에 잠깐 동안 1위에 올랐었다. 


트럼프 사상최대 악재 '여성비하' 10년전 방송 비밀 인터뷰 녹음파일

힐러리 57%로 미국 대선 2차 토론 압승, 트럼프 음담패설 악재 예상보다 영향적어...

Posted by 샤르딘

일본SBI증권이 IBM주식회사와 공동으로 블록체인 기술을 활용하여 채권거래를 실험하기로 했다고 밝혔다.  블록체인을 통한 채권거래는 비트코인과 같은 원리의 기술을 이용하여, 중앙집중식 은행시스템과 달리 채권거래를 위해 새로운 분산 플랫폼에 의한 시스템을 구축하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 

업무 시스템의 관점에서 실현가능성과 효과를 검증하고 증권업무를 블록체인화하여 조기 상용화하는 것을 추진한다. 

비트 코인 핵심기술로 알려진 가상통화의 근간인 블록체인 기술은 최근 많은 개발이 이루어져 Fintech분야에서 특히 주목받는 부분이다. 세계 각국의 금융기관과 시장관계자들이 조사 연구 개발을 진행하고 있으나 상용화하기 위한 기술 수준이 미흡하고 각국의 가상화폐에 대한 법령 제도 개선의 선행이 필요한 경우가 많아 실제 비즈니스 현장에서 적용은 이루어지지 않고 있다. 

IBM금융 비즈니스 컨설팅 서비스의 고급 프로그램 개발 지원서비스라 있는 ‘IBM Bluemix Garage’ 이용하여 SBI증권이 블록체인 기술 평가를 실시할 예정이다. 

SBI 증권은 블록체인 기술을 이용하여 채권의 등록부터 상환까지 상품 라이프 사이클이 제대로 돌아가는 검증한다. 비트코인처럼 분산서버 방식으로 데이터베이스를 공유하여 업무의 효율화와 자동화 인프라 공유에 의한 비용절감, 기존 업무 프로세스의 개선 또는 대체 가능성을 살펴본다. 블록체인 기술이 증권 업무시스템에 도입할 경우 유용성을 총체적으로 검토하는 것이다. 

블록체인 기술은 자산과 거래기록의 데이터를 분산 네트워크에 접속되어 있는 사용자간에 안전하게 공유하고 관리할 있는 기술이다. 적용에 성공한다면 막대한 비용이 들어가는 중앙집중식 서버가 필요없어서 저렴한 비용으로 시스템의 구축과 운영이 가능하고 모든 분산된 네트워크가 정보를 저장하기 때문에 한곳의 정보망이 다운되어도 안전하다.  증권 업무의 개혁과 거래플랫폼 혁신적인 진화로 이어질 것으로 기대된다. 

SBI증권에서는 실증실험을 통해 채권업무에 대한 기술이 적용가능 한지 검증하고 현행 업무를 이용할 있는 과제를 추출하여 실용화에 한층더 가갈 계획이다. 

일본 IBM 따르면 SBI증권 블록체인 채권거래 실험과 관련하여 다양한 혁신적인 오픈기술을 수행해온 ‘Linux Foundation’ ‘Hyperledger’ 프로젝트의 블록체인 기술을 기반으로하여 하이퍼 레져 패브릭을 이용해 프로토타입을 개발 한다고 한다. 하이퍼 레져 패브릭은 IBM Bluemix 서비스로 제공되는 것을 이용한다. 

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신용카드의 씀씀이를 줄이기 위해 신용카드사에 전화하여 카드 한도를 줄이는 경우가 종종있다.  예를 들어, A는 신용카드 한도가 3백만원이었는데, 한달에 1백만원이하로 지출을 줄이기 위해 카드한도를 1백만원으로 줄였다면 잘 한 것일까?

[카드한도를 낮춰서 신용등급이 하락한 사람이 올해 43만명, 작년 92만명에 달함 (출처: SBS)] 

씀씀이를 줄이기 위한 굳은 결심을 확실히 하는 데는 줄여 놓은 카드한도 보며 재차 마음을 다잡는 것도 좋은 방편이다. 

그렇지만 신용등급은 떨어질 수 있다. 신용카드 소진율이 올라가기 때문이다. 신용평가사에서는 카드한도 만큼 꽉꽉 채워 카드를 이용하면 신용도를 좋지 않게 평가하는 기준을 가지고 있다. 

앞서 A의 예에서 처럼 카드한도가 3백만원일 때 1백만원을 사용하면 한도 소진율이 33%이지만 카드한도가 1백만원이라면 소진율이 100%가 된다. 신용등급 평가요소 중의 하나인 카드한도 소진율이 높아져서 카드 한도를 다 채울 만큼 지출이 많다고 평가된다. 

소비를 줄이고자 했던 의지의 표현으로 자발적으로 한도를 줄여 놓은 것이 황당하게도 신용 평가 등급을 낮추는 결과를 초래할 수 있다.  신용등급이 낮아지면 주택담보대출 등의 대출금리가 높아진다. 

SBS에 의하면 한 대형 신용평가사가 카드한도를 낮춘 수십만명의 신용등급을 낮추어 대출금리가 높아지는 피해가 생겼다고 보도했다.  올해에 두번에 걸쳐 은행대출을 받은 한 직장인의 경우 첫번째 대출이후 신용카드 한도를 낮추었고, 이어 두번째 대출에서는 대출한도가 300만원이나 줄고 금리는 0.5% 올랐다고 한다.  

국회 정무위 박용진 더불어민주당 의원도 인터뷰에서 '본인도 모르는 사이에 신용등급이 떨어지는 경우가 있다 금융당국이 이에 관한 합리적인 기준을 마련해야 할 것'이라고 말했다. 

참고적으로, 신용카드 한도를 줄이는 것은 쉽지만 올리는 것은 금융기관의 평가기준에 부합해야한다.  카드 한도를 올리기 위해서는 세가지 측면이 필요하다. 상환능력, 금융거래실적, 신용평가등급이다

카드 한도를 올리려면 빌린돈에 대해 갚을 능력을 보여주는 것이 첫번째다. 연소득이나 증빙할 수 있는 소득에 대한 은행거래 실적이 필요하다. 두번째는 대출실적 및 카드 거래실적과 연체현황이다. 연체가 0%가 되도록 가급적 대출 이자나 현금카드서비스 결제를 제때 이행해야 한다. 

금융거래가 전혀 없어도 곤란하다. 대출의 경우 증빙할 수 있는 소득을 유지하면서 연체 없이 만기 상환하면 대부분 등급이 올라간다. 마지막은 나이스 또는 신용평가사 KCB에서 평가하는 신용등급이다. 

관련글 바로가기

 저축은행 대출받으면 제때 갚고 있어도 일방적으로 추심업체에 채권 매각된다?

 주택도시기금의 역할, 서민 무주택자 주택구입 전세 융자 상품

 신용 평가 체계를 이해하고, 신용 등급 올리는 다섯가지 방법

 무이자 30일 대출을 대부업체 또는 저축은행 에서 받으면?

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인사 악수 절하는 쓰다듬는 꿈 

>  상사나  윗사람이  먼저 자기에게  인사를  한 꿈 : 자기보다 연령이 높거나 사회적인 지위가 높은 사람이 자기에게 부탁을 해 오거나 도움을 청해 올 일이 생길 수 있는 꿈입니다.

>  무엇인가를  자꾸 쓰다 듬었던  꿈 : 불쾌감이나  불만, 불안감 을 갖게 될 일이 생길 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 집안 어른에게 큰절을 한 꿈 : 정부기관이나  단체로부터  상을 받거나 아니면 부탁할 일이 생길 수 있는 꿈입니다.

>  누군가와  손을 맞잡고 걸은 꿈 : 어떤 일을 함진행하면서 손발이 척척 잘 맞는다.

>  절을 하는데  상대방이  외면해  버린  꿈 : 청탁한 일이 무산 되고 다른 사람으로부터  전혀 도움을 받지 못합니다.

>  신이나  윗사람에게 절하는  꿈 : 어떤  기관이나  권력자에게 청원할 일이 생기며, 이루어질 가능성이 높다

>  신랑과  신부가  서로  맞절을  한 꿈 : 계획한  일이나  사업, 계약 또는 작품 등이  이루어지지 않는다.

> 상대에게 절을 하자 그가 미소를 지은 꿈 : 어떤 사람에게 청탁을 하지만 그 후에 서로 좋지 않은 감정이 생길 수도 있는 꿈입니다.

>  대통령 등 국가 원수에게 거수경례를  한 꿈 : 정부나 권력 이 있는 사람에게 개인적 혹은 단체를 위해서 도움을 청할 일이 생길 수 있는 꿈입니다

> 어딘가를  향해 큰절을 한 꿈 : 주위 환경에 큰 변화가 생기 기를 원하게 되고 그것이 곧 현실로 나타난다.

>  악수를 하고 손을 강하게 흔들었던 꿈 : 어떤 거래나 대인 관계에서  시끄러운 일이 생길 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 국기를  흔해서 경건한 마음으로  목례를  한 꿈 : 국가에  이익이 되는 일을 하게 되거나 국가 기관으로부터 선임장이나 위임 장 등을 받게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

>  다른 사람이 자기의 손을 잡아끌어준  꿈 : 다른 사람의  도움을 얻어 난국을 모면하게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 누군가에게  공손히  절을 한 꿈 : 꿈 속의 사람에게  부탁 할 일이 생기며 원했던 결과를 얻게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 애완동물(새,강아지 듬)을 플때l 안거나 가까이 가서 쓰다듬은 꿈 : 가까운 사람, 특히  배우자나  친척 또는 아랫사람  때문에 속상하고 불안하고 불쾌한 일이 생길 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 상대방의  손을 두 손으로 감싸잡은 꿈 : 형제나 연인,사제 등의 도움을 받게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 손위의 사람이  자기에게  절을 한 꿈 : 자기보다 높은 지위 에 있는 사람이 어떤 일을 부탁해 온다.

> 상대방의 손을 잡았는데  몹시  차갑게 느껴졌던  꿈 : 꿈 속의 상대방에게 냉대받을 일이 생길 수 있는 꿈입니다.

커다란 동물이 자신을 물고 놓아 주지 않는  꿈 : 직장이나 권력 등을 얻으면 오래도록 보직하게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

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> 남편이 아내에게, 아내가 남편에게 화풀이를 한 꿈 : 자신 이외의 어느 누가 일을 해도 마음에 들어하지 않으나 결과는 크게 만족스러울 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 열심히  박수를 친 꿈 : 어떤 압력에 의해 자신의 의견을 주장하지 못하게 되거나 사건에 갚게 말려들게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 무조건 호통만 쳤던 꿈 : 쌓였던 감정을 폭발시킬 일이  있으며 대인 관계에서 상대방을 제압하여 승리감에 도취되게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 누군가에게 호통을 치는데 그가 꼼짝도 하지 않고 앉아 있었던 꿈 : 무슨 일을 하든 자신이 주장을 내세우며 과감하게 잘 못된 점을 수정합니다.

> 벌을 주어야 할 죄인을 용서하고 풀어 준 꿈 : 진행중이던 일이 중단되거나 모든 것이 완성 단계에서 무너지고 만다.

>  구름처럼 모인 군중들이 미친 사람처럼 광란한 꿈 : 많은 사람들이 일을 방해하거나 의견이 받아들이지 않는다.

> 많은 사람들이 모여 비명을 지른 꿈 : 군중이라고 말할 수 있을 정도로 많은 사람들이 자신이 한 일에 감탄을 하게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 많은 군중이 자신을 향해  박수를 쳐 준 꿈 : 사람들을 감동 시킬 일이 생길 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 어떤 일이 됐든 무조건 좋다고 동의한 꿈 : 무슨 일을 하든 만족감을 얻을 수 있고 정신적으로 평화로움을 만끽합니다.

>  잘못했다고 빌었던  꿈 : 하루 종일 불만스러운 일만 일어나 피로에 지칠 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 거친  행동을 하는데도 상대밤이 계속 빙글빙글  웃었던 꿈 : 자신은 만족스럽게 일을 처리했지만 칭찬 받지는 못합니다.

> 충고를 들었던 꿈 : 반성해야  할 행동을 하거나 어떤 일로 인해 심한 양심의 가책을 받게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

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앉는 꿈

> 의자에 앉았던 꿈 : 의자에 걸터앉으면 어떤 부서의 책임을 맡게 되거나 취직,입학 등이 확정될 수 있는 꿈입니다. 의자를 찾지 못하거나 의자에서  내려오는 꿈은 하고 있는 일의 중단 직장을  그만 두거나  직시험  등에서 낙방을 의미할 수도 있습니다. 

> 여러 사람이 나란히 의자에 앉아 있는 꿈 : 여러 사람이 함께 할 일이 생기고 의견이 일치를 볼 수 있는 꿈입니다.

>  아무 곳에나 앉아 있었던 꿈 : 하던  일이 중단되거나  직장을 옮기게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

>  여행을  하던 중에 길가에  앉아서 휴식을 취했던 꿈 : 순조롭게 진행되던 일에 이변이 생겨 중도에서 포기하거나 장시간 동안 보류 상태로 남게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 여러  개의 돗자리를 펴고 많은 사람들이 앉아 음식을 먹었던꿈 : 여러 차례의 미팅, 회담, 사업 문의 등이  있게 될 수 있는 꿈입니다.

> 주인이 내주는 방석을 깔고 앉았던 꿈 : 어떤 기관 또는 회사에 취직하거나 직책이 맡겨질 수 있습니다

Posted by 샤르딘

가수가 노벨상을 받는다. 스웨덴 아카데미는 13 2016년노벨 문학상을 미국의 싱어 라이터 딜런 (75)에게 수여한다고 발표했다.   미국음악의 위대함에 새로운 시적표현을 창조했다라는 위원회의 수상이유다

팝송 매니어가 아니라도  딜런이란 이름은 어디선가 들어본 적이 있을 것이다.  ‘Knockin’ on heaven’s door’ 들어보니 그의 노래가 기억난다. 우리 정서와 흡사에서 한국에서도 널리알려진 곡이다. 

그런데, 가수가 노벨 문학상을 수상했다고? 의아하게 생각할 수도 있지만, 딜런(75) 현대 대중음악에 혁명을 일으킨 싱어송 라이터이다.  밥딜런은 1941 미네소타주에서 유대인 이민자 가정에서 출생하여  미네소타 대학을 다니다가 포크송을 노래하기 시작했고 중퇴하여 뉴욕으로 이주하여 62년에 대뷔했다.  

딜런은 어린 시절 대공황 시대의 빈곤 노동자들의 감정을 노래한 포크 가수 우디 거스리 (1912 ~ 67) 심취한다.  베트남 전쟁과 인권운동, 히피즘이 몰아치전 60년대 미국에서 사회적 메세지가 강한민중가요 차례로 발표하고 대중의 지지를 받는다. 전쟁과 인종차별에 반대하는 대표적인 곡으로 ’Blowin’in the wind’ 있다. 

당시의 대중음악은 사랑에 대한 간단한 가사들이 대부분이었는데, 딜런의 가사를 듣다보면 삶의 의미를 묻는 추상적인 색채가 밀려오며 유행가의 범위를 벗어난다. 

(출처 : 구글)

1960년대 중반 미국의 대학가에서는 ‘Another side of Bob Dylan’, ‘Bring it all black home’, ‘Highway 61 revisited’ 라는 곡들이 차례로 발표된 이후, ’밥딜런의 시분석이라는 강좌가 유행했을 정도라고 한다. 

허스키한 목소리로 기타를 치며 포크,,컨트리의 요소를 혼합한 독창적은 음악을 창조하여 전세계 많은 가수에게 영향을 주었다. 

가수 밥딜런의 노벨문학상 수상은 대중가요 가사의문학적인 가치 대한 인정이다.  우리나라에도 딜런과 같은 민중가수도 많은데노벨문학상 영어 라틴계 문화권에서만 나오는  아닌지 아쉽다 

Posted by 샤르딘

독일 자동차메이커 BMW 10 13 신형 '5 시리즈 세단'을 유럽에서 발표했다. "The new lighter, leaner BMW 5 Series" 더 가볍고 날렵함을 강조하여 코너링 성능이 더 강화된다.


현재 BMW 5시리즈 세단은 2010 3 제네바 모터쇼 10에서 처음으로 공개되었고 2013 9월에 프랑크푸르트 모터쇼 13에서 대폭으로 업그레이드된 모델을 발표했다.  금번 유럽에서 발표된 모델은 데뷔한 지 6년 후에  모델 체인지한 7세대 모델이다. 

BMW 신형 5 시리즈 세단은 "가볍고  다이나믹하고  경제적인 완전한 커넥티드 자동차" 목표로 개발되었다특히 경량화에 역점을 두어서 직전세대 모델과 비교하여 최 100kg을 줄였다.

알루미늄과 고장력 스틸의 사용을 확대하여 이전세대 대비 최대의 경량화를 실현했다.

신형 차체 크기는 전장 4935mm, 전폭 1868mm, 전고 1466mm, 휠베이스 2975mm. 이전세대 대비 36mm 길고, 6mm 넓어 졌으며, 2mm가 높아졌다.  휠베이스는 7mm 연장됐다. 공기 역학은 이전세대 대비 10% 개선된 Cd 0.22를 확보하여 BMW5시리즈 세단의 새로운 기준을 수립했다

인테리어는 운전자 중심의 스포티함과 세련된 품격의 균형을 맞추었으며 뛰어난 품질을 가진 소재를 이용하여 최고의 생산 품질로 마무리했다. 이전세대 대비 뒷좌석의 머리 공간이 확대되었고 트렁크 용량도 530 리터로 향상되었다.

Posted by 샤르딘

일본에서는 반다이 남코 게임스가  PSVR출시일과 맞추어 플레이스테이션 VR 전용 타이틀  [서머 레슨 : 미야모토 아키라 세븐 데이즈 (기본 게임 )] 2016 1013일부터 다운로드를 통해 독점적으로 판매를 개시했다. (일본 엔화 2980) 

썸머 레슨 : 미야모토 아키라 세븐 데이즈 (기본 게임팩)' 향후 시리즈물로 계속 출시될 예정인썸머 레슨" 컨텐츠 1탄이다. 

기본 게임 팩에서 사용자는 교사가 되어 제자 "미야모토 아키라 가르치며 7 일을 함께 보낼 수있다.

VR 특성을 충분히 활용하여 마치 옆에 생생하게 있는 같은 거리에서 대화를 나누면서 여러가지 소소한 엑티비티를 즐길 있다. 

가상현실 속의 아리따운 제자미야모토 아키라 플레이어의 선택에 따라 변화하고 성장해 간다.   아키라의 성장은 5가지 요소로 구성되어 잇다. 근성, 두뇌회선, 정서적 안정성, 직관력, 영감이다.  교사역할을 하는 플레이어의 목표는 그녀의 5 가지 능력을 성장시키는 것이다. 

가르치는 수업의 방식에 따라 성장의 방향이 바뀌기 때문에 그녀를 어떻게 성장시킬 인가는 플레이어에 달려 있다. 

Summer lesson 미야모토 아키라와 보내는 일주일에 변화를 주면서 반복적으로 보낼 있는 게임 요소를 포함하고 있다. 

플레이를 다시 저장된 데이터를 클리어할 있기 때문에 처음에 플레이 하지 않았던 레슨이나 상황을 선택하여 다시 즐길 수도 있고 게임 중간에 의상을 변경할 수도 있다. 

아쉽게도 아직 한국어 출시일정은 미정이다. 

Posted by 샤르딘

소니가 13일에 발매하는 플레이스테이션 VR 가상 현실 단말기는 VR 스마트 폰처럼 사람들의 삶에 밀접한 제품이  것인지 여부를 판별하는 시금석이  것으로 보여지고있다. 

'플레이 스테이션 (PS) VR' 매출이나 사용 방법에 따라 소니뿐만 아니라 관련 업계의 동향이 좌우 될수 있을 것으로 업계에서 귀추를 주목하고 있다. 

"업계 내외의 많은 사람들과 분석가들이 PSVR  발매를 실제 테스트라고 생각하고있다" 소니 VR 소프트웨어 개발에 종사했던 데이브는 말했다. 


PSVR 의해 "VR 매일 하고 싶은 기기인지, 1 주일에 몇시간 또는 얼마나 자주 쓰이는지" 밝혀  것이라고 말했다.

VR 고글  단말은 쓰는 것으로 3D 영상 속에 몸을   같은 현장감을 얻을  있다게임뿐만 아니라 스포츠나 음악 등에도 활용도가 높다.

 올해는 VR 원년으로 미국 페이스북 산하 오큐라스 VR 대만의 宏達 국제 전자 (HTC) 전용 단말기를 출시하고 미국 구글도 저렴한 제품을 발표했다.

소니는 발매 대수가 4000 만대를 넘은 PS4 연결하여 사용 PSVR VR 단말기의 본명으로 보여지고있다.

소니 가상현실단말기(PSVR) 판매 전망

  Playstation VR (PSVR) 인터넷에서 예약  통한 구매 희망 고객이 쇄도하고 있었다골드만 삭스는 7  18 일자 리포트에서 PSVR 출하량 전망에 대해 올해 150 만대내년에는 300 만대로 예상했으며이는 오큐라스와 HTC  배의 규모이다.

소니제품이 가격과 자체 콘텐츠가 충실하다는 것이 이유다. 

소니는 게임을 성장 영역으로 자리 매김하고 있으며이번 분기는 게임  네트워크 서비스 영역에서 전분기 대비 5 % 증가한 1350 억엔의 영업이익이 예상된다.

새로운 시장을 만든다는 점에서 소니는 "매우 독특한 위치 ' 있다. PS4 고객을 기반으로 사전 체험 이벤트에 반응에서 PSVR “좋은 평가를 받을 가능성이 높다" 말했다.

게임의 충실도는 PSVR 가장  경쟁력이다.  올해안으로  50개의 타이틀을 VR 대상으로 출시한다스퀘어 에닉스 홀딩스의 인기 시리즈 '파이널 판타지' 캡콤의 「바이오 해저드」의  신작이 포함되어있다.

반다이 남코 홀딩스가 개발  '서머 레슨'에서는 플레이어가 교사 역으로 소녀 캐릭터에게 공부를 가르친다. VR 특징을 살려 입체적으로 보이는 캐릭터와의 만남을 즐길 수있다.  게임의 재미를 공부와 혼합하여 ‘집에 하나 두어도 괜찮은 기기 널리 받아들여  수도 있다. 

골드만 삭스는 리포트에서는 2025  시점의 VR AR (증강 현실) 시장 규모를 소프트웨어와  하드웨어를 합쳐서 950 달러 ( 100조원) 예상했다.  노트북 (1110  달러 ) 데스크톱 (630  달러) "필적하는 시장이 나타날 것이다" 전망했다 리포트에 따르면 PSVR PS4 판매 대수를 살려 VR 시장에서  점유율을 획득  전망이다.

--------------소니 플레이스테이션 VR 주요 판매점------------------------

게임박스 : 02-3424-8025 서울시 광진구 구의동 546-4 테크노마트 8-A-60,61

와이세븐스타일 : 070-8809-4109 서울시 용산구 한강로3가 나진상가 13동 2층 나열 05호

워프 : 02-593-8987 서울시 서초구 반포동 978 반포상가 L-3

위브엔터테인먼트 : 02-703-1564 서울시 용산구 한강로3가 1-3 나진상가 10동 가열 103호

워커홀릭 : 070-8654-1277 서울 용산구 한강로3가 나진상가12동 나열 126호

비젼유아이씨 : 070-7431-3977 서울 서대문구 북가좌동 371-12 국제빌딩 1층

한우리 : 02-3465-0048 서울시 서초구 서초동 1445-3 국제전자센터 9-114

한우리 : 02-2111-7144 서울시 구로구 구로동 신도림 테크노마트 2층 37호

소니스토어 압구정점 : 02-515-7946 서울 특별시 강남구 선릉로 801 (신사동 배강빌딩)

게임스테이션 : 031-238-7868 경기도 수원시 팔달구 교동 200-2

플레이스테이션 평택점 : 031-652-7891 경기도 평택시 비전동 619-38

오산게이머즈 : 031-374-6878 경기도 오산시 오산동 859-20

인천게임홀릭 : 070-7690-3991 인천시 남구 주안로 48-1(주안동 285-21)

플레이스테이션 세종점 : 070-8827-1656 세종시 도움1로 106 메가시티 128호 (종촌동 672)

부산 게임스테이션 : 051-245-9117 부산 중구 대청로 77-1(대청동 3가 7-16)

와이에스엔터테인먼트(창원점) : 055-284-8111 경남 창원시 성산구 상남동 하바드빌딩 102호

현대 게임마트 : 054-451-6361 경북 구미시 원평동 964-219번지

원스탑 : 051-802-8679 부산시 부산진구 부전동 서면 지하상가 L-3

88게임랜드 : 053-421-5916 대구시 중구 공평동 13-1

천안드림플레이어즈 : 041-553-2467 충남 천안시 동남구 성황동 52-1

게임친구 : 063-857-6366 전북 익산시 창인동 1가 8-4번지

게임매니아 : 062-224-3384 광주광역시 동구 서석동 81-1번지

워커홀릭 대전점 : 042-252-1277 대전광역시 중구 중앙로 133-1(선화동)

출처 (www.playstation.co.kr)

Posted by 샤르딘

소니 플레이스테이션 VR 이 10월 13일 출시된다. 

일본에서는 PlayStation VR을 육개월 전부터 사전예약하고 기다려온 팬들도 많다. 만약 예약을 못했더라도 당일 매장 판매에 소량(?)의 희망을 걸어볼 수 도 있다. 

출시와 더불어 소니 플레이스테이션 VR의 공식 설치법 동영상이 유포되었다. 플레이스테이션 VR은 플레이 하는 프로세서 유닛과 플레이스테이션 카메라 등 연결과 설정이 복잡한 편이다. 

플레이스테이션 공식계정이 유튜브에 설치 동영상을 올려서 구입후 쉽게 설치한 후 신속히 게임을 할수 있게 했다. 동영상은 파트 1 ~ 3까지이며, "개봉 " "케이블의 연결 편」 「설치 편」 있다.

개봉 편과 케이블 등의 접속 편은 상당히 간단 설명대 케이블들을 연결하면 된다.  

연결에 성공하면 PS VR 밴드 부분이 파랗게 빛난다.

어려운 부분은 "설치 " 텔레비젼 높이 3.0m, 1.9m '놀이 공간' 설정하고 
발밑의 잡동사니와 가구 등을 모두 제거해야 한다. 

그리고 조정 버튼을 누른 상태에서 헤드셋 밴드의 길이를 바꾸고 
자신에게 가장 적합한 크기를 찾아 장착하면 된다.

서울, 경기, 인천 지역 소니 플레이스테이션 스토어

게임박스02-3424-8025서울시 광진구 구의동 546-4 테크노마트 8-A-60,61
비젼유아이씨070-7431-3977서울 서대문구 북가좌동 371-12 국제빌딩 1층
와이세븐스타일070-8809-4109서울시 용산구 한강로3가 나진상가 13동 2층 나열 05호
워커홀릭070-8654-1277서울 용산구 한강로3가 나진상가12동 나열 126호
워프02-593-8987서울시 서초구 반포동 978 반포상가 L-3
위브엔터테인먼트02-703-1564서울시 용산구 한강로3가 1-3 나진상가 10동 가열 103호
한우리02-3465-0048서울시 서초구 서초동 1445-3 국제전자센터 9-114
한우리(신도림)02-2111-7144서울시 구로구 구로동 신도림 테크노마트 2층 37호
게임스테이션031-238-7868경기도 수원시 팔달구 교동 200-2
플레이스테이션 평택점031-652-7891경기도 평택시 비전동 619-38
오산게이머즈031-374-6878경기도 오산시 오산동 859-20
인천게임홀릭010-4110-3991인천시 남구 주안로 48-1(주안동 285-21)

홈플러스, 이마트, 롯데마트, 교보문고 등

Posted by 샤르딘

많은 여성들이 건강을 위해 복용하는 칼슘보충제가 심장질환을 촉발할 있다는 연구결과가 존스 홉킨스 의과대학 등의 연구원들에 의해 발표되었다. 

연구결과는 칼슘 보충제가 혈관에 플라그를 끼게 하여 심장 발작의 위험성을 높일 있다는 것을 보여준다. 

지난 화요일 미국심장협회 저널(Journal of the American Heart Association)에서 발간된 연구결과는 거의 십년에 걸친 칼슘보충제가 유해한지 이로운지에 대한 논란의 가장 최근 발표이다. 

연구원들은 발표된 결과를 바탕으로 환자들이 칼슘보충제를 복용할 주의가 필요하며, 유제품이나 녹색 채소 또는 시리얼이나 주스 같은 음식을 통해서 칼슘을 보충하는 것이 바람직하다고 말했다. 

칼슘 플라그가 혈관에 쌓이면 혈액의 흐름을 막아 심장 발작 위험이 높아진다. 

미국 국립보건원(NIH) 따르면 남성과 여성의 43% 칼슘보충제를 복용하고 있다. 

존스홉킨스 대학의 심장예방센터 디렉터이자 의과대학의 조교수인  에린 미쵸스(Dr. Erin Michos)  우리 몸의 신진 대사활동은 보충제형태로 섭취하는 칼슘을 다르게 취급한다 말하며, “ 건강을 위해서는 음식을 통해 칼슘을 섭취해야한다 덧붙였다. 

에린 미쵸스 교수는 이번 연구결과가 증가하는 칼슘보충 영양제의 유해성에 대해 증거를 추가했다고 말했으나, 영양제 제조사를 대표하는 영양 위원회(the Council for Responsible Nutrition) 반대의 결과를 보여주는 많은 연구결과도 있다고 입장을 밝혔다. 

미쵸스 교수팀은 연구보고서에서 식품와 식이보조제를 혼합하여 섭취함으로써 많은 양의 칼슘을 섭취하는 사람이 관상 동맥에 석회가 확률이 낮다는 것을 증거로 제시했다. 

이전에도 칼슘보충제의 섭취가 뼈에 직접 보충되기 보다는 피부조직이나 심장과 같은 근육 조직에 축적된다는 연구결과가 있었다. 

국립 심장폐혈역연구원(the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) 통해 지원 받은 이번 연구에는 다른 대학의 연구팀들과 동맥경화에 대한 다양한 인종 그룹의 데이터가 활용되었고 6000 이상의 환자에게서 수집된 의료정보를 통해 심혈관 질환의 특성과 위험요소가 관찰되었다. 

미초스 연구팀은 10 후에 각각 CT 검사를 받고 의료 설문에 응답한 참가자 2,742명에게 초점을 맞추었다. 

칼슘보충 영양제를 사용하는 사람은 10년간 심장질환이 발병할 확율이 22% 증가 하는 것을 보였으며, 음식과 식이보조제를 통해 칼슘을 섭취한 그룹은 심장 질환 발병 확률이 27% 적은 것으로 나타났다. 

미초스 교수는 연구를 위한 관측 데이터가 제한적이어서 광범위한 임상시험이 수행될 필요가 있다고 언급했다. 

메릴랜드 대학 의대교수 마이클 밀러(Michael Mille) 박사는 대부분의 영양 보충제가 일반적으로 질병에 대처하는 좋은 방법은 아니다라고 말했다

밀러 교수는 영양제에 대한 본인의 저서 ‘Heal Your Heart’ 에서 수년 전부터 알려진바와 같이 비타민 A, C 다른 영양제가 작동하지 않는다(섭취되지 않는다). 비타민이 포함된 음식을 먹어야 몸이 흡수한다고 지적했다.

출처 http://medicalxpress.com/news/2016-10-calcium-supplements-heart-disease.html

Posted by 샤르딘

도요타 자동차는 12 주차 브레이크 불량으로 2015 10월부터 2016 10 사이에 제조된 하이브리드 자동차 신형 프리우스 전세계 34만대를 전량 리콜하여 무상수리한다고 발표했다.   

12만대 이상이 수출 물량이며 해외에서도 일본내와 동일한 리콜 서비스를 실시할 계획이다. 

이번 리콜은 토요타 신형프리우스 주차 브레이크 부품 중에 주차케이블의 고정이 불량인 경우가 발행하면 주행중 진동으로 케이블이 작동레버에서 벗어날 있고, 이로 인해 브레이크가 작동하지 않을 우려가 있다.  

개선 방법으로 주차케이블 부분에 고정용 부품인 클립을 추가한다. 

브레이크가 작동하지 않는 문제는 일본내에서 17 발생했지만 사고는 보고되지 않았다고 한다. 

Posted by 샤르딘

페이스북 워크플레이스(Workplace)가  출시됐다. 

페이스북이 회사 업무 버젼용 SNS격인 워크플레이스(workplace) 1010 발표했다.  이전 버전인페이스북 at work’ 1천개 이상의 유명 기업들이 사용하고 있다.   

페이스북 워크플레이스는 개인의 페이스북과 다른 계정이 부여된다.  페이스북의 모든 기능을 사용할 있지만 광고는 표시되지 않는다. 

현재 업무용 채팅이나 메세지, SNS 유사한 기능을 제공하는 경쟁 플랫폼은 마이크로소프트의 Yammer, Jive, Slack 등이 있다.  대기업들은 대부분 ERP 기업 클라우드와 연계하여 자체 개발한 폐쇄 사내 네트워크 망과 업무용 메신저를 사용하고 있다. 

페이스북 워크플레이스는 이들 유사서비스와 경쟁관계이지만, 월간 전세계 16억명의 활성 사용자와 6천만개의 기업 페이지가 있는 페이스북의 이용자 기반과 경쟁하기는 어려울 수도 있다. 

소규모 사내 네트워크망의 SNS 사내 폐쇄망의 업무용 SNS 페이스북처럼  대규모 사용자 경험(user experience) 반영한 발빠른 변화를 따라가기 힘들기 때문이다.  

SNS 회사 업무에 대한 개인적인 경험을 기반으로, 업무용 페이스북을 회사에서 사용하는 폐쇄망 사내 네트워크(SNS) 비교해 본다면 회사 내부에서만 사용할 있는 메신져는 구닥다리 같은 느낌을 지울 없다.  외부에서 접속할 수는 있지만 보안 강화 프로그램들 때문에 원활하지도 않다. 웹상에서 파일이미지와 동영상을 쉽고 실시간으로 공유하는 페이스북의 편리함에 비하면 천지차이다. 

사내 정보의 보안성도 중요하지만 전세계 소셜미디어와 블로그, 인터넷 매체들을 통해 따끈 따끈한 최신 마켓정보를 수집하는 데에는 아무래도 회사 내 SNS 한계성을 지닌다. 특히 사내에서 접근이 불편한 사이트는 퇴근 후에 집에 가서 찾아보는 일도 간혹 있다.  

회사에서 제공하는 대부분의 업무용 IT 도구는 적응기간이 필요하다. 변화관리라고 불린다.  이와 달리 Facebook workplace 적응 기간이 필요없고 직원들을 교육할 필요도 없다. 이미 페이스북에 친숙하기 때문이다.

“Connect everyone in your company and turn ideas into action.” (회사 소통을 원활히 하여, 아이디어를 실행에 옮기시라!) 

페이스북 워크플레이스 홈페이지에 나오는 번째 문구이다.  마크 저커버그는 자신의 게시물에 “워크플레이스는 기업의 오픈문화를 창출하는 것을 돕고 사람들이 경험을 공유하도록 돕는다"라고 말했다. 

페이스북의 개인화된 뉴스피드는 그룹내 공개와 전체 공개를 설정할 있다.  그룹설정을 통해 배타적 정보공유가 필요한 회사 내의 제한된 정보 열람 대상자를 선별적으로 설정할 있을 뿐만 아니라, 개인들은 친구와 그룹을 추가하여 직접 접근가능한 정보들 중에 선별적으로 뉴스 피드를 받을 있는 옵션이 있는 셈이다. 

언제 어디서나 어떤 디바이스로 가능한 손쉬운 보이스콜이나 화상 채팅은 오프라인 미팅보다 업무효율과 생산성을 현격히 올려줄 것이다.  워크플레이스를 통해 회의에 참석했다면 아래 스크린샷처럼 'meeting note'을 검색하여 과거 회의록을 편리하게 살펴볼 수도 있다. 

[출처 : facebook workplace homepage : https://workplace.fb.com)

이전 버젼인 페이스북 at work의 실험적인 도입 기업들이 이미 많이 참여했다.  최초 페이스북의 자체 사내도구로 사용되었던 플렛폼은 인도와 미국, 노르웨이, 영국, 프랑스 등에서 스타벅스와 booking.com, 다농, 옥스팜, 인도 YES은행  세계 유수의 기업에서 이용되고 있다. 

  크리스 콕스 페이스북 워크플레이스 제품 책임자에 의하면 워크플레이스는 높은 업무 생산성을 가져 온다고 말한다. 

고객 들은 이메일을 뛰어넘어 사내 직원간의 소통과 채용, 재해복구의 모금에도 사용되고 있다

Facebook Workplace 이용하고 운영하는 기업은 개인의 페이스북 활동을 없으나, 워크플레이스에서 교환된 메세지 수량 업무를 위한 데이터 관리도 가능하여 '부분적인 노사관리' 업무로 활용할 수 있다. 

페이스북은 기업용 워크플레이스의 보안강화를 위해 제삼자 보안회사의 세계 최고수준의 보안툴을 도입하고 정기적으로 검사를 실시한다. 클라우드 서비스인 Box 연계하여 스토리지에서 데이터를 공유하는 것도 가능하다. 

Box사의 CEO 아론레비는페이스북과 협력을 강화하여 생산성과 커뮤니케이션 향상이 도움이 되는 기능을 발전시켜 미래 직장의 새로운 모습을 창조하려는 시도를 계속할 이라고 말했다. 

과거에는 업무소프트웨어의 도입이 사용자 거부감 변화관리의 실패로 방해가 되는 경우도 있었지만, 클라우드와 모바일의 보급, SNS 이용의 확산 등이 페이스북 워크플레이스와 같은 업무용 네트워크 정착과 발전에 영양분이 많은 토양이 것은 분명하다.  

물론 페이스북, 카카오톡과 같은 소셜 미디어나 메신저를 회사 또는 직장상사와 공유함으로써 개인 프라이버씨와 자유시간을 침해당한다는 조사 리포트와 비판도 있어 왔다.  

페이스북 워크플레이스가 개인 계정과 별도로 분리되어 있다고는 하지만, 개인 프라이버씨와 업무 영역을 명확히 구분하여 소셜공간에서의 삶의 질을 높여 주는 SNS 플렛폼이 될 수 있을까? 아니면 수년간 개인이 친구들과 활동해온 SNS 영역이 언젠가 마케팅 기반 데이터로 홀딱 흡수되어 버리고, 개인 영역이 업무 공간과 혼재되어 버리는 악영향이 있을 수도 있지 않을 까?  그 동안 페이스북이라는 기업이 지구촌 엄청난 사용자들과 프로슈밍 과정을 통해 발전해오면서 개인들이 '무료라고 느껴온 서비스'를 이용하게 한 댓가를 이제부터 거두어 들이려는 건 아닐까? 라는 과장된 생각도 들지만, 워크플레이스 같이 오픈 인터넷 망에서 사용할 수 있는 업무용 SNS의 확산을 개인의 관점에서 비판적인 시각으로 지켜볼 필요는 있다. 

Posted by 샤르딘

금융감독원과 금융위원회는 채권추심회사와 대부업체가 일일 2회 이상 방문하거나, 전화, 이메일, 문자메세지를 통해 추심업무를 하지 못하는 가이드 라인을 이번달 말부터 시행한다고 발표했다.  기존에는 채권추심회사가 자체적으로 1일 3회로 규정하는 등 자율에 맡겨 졌었다.

이번 '채권추심업무 가이드라인'은 채권추심업체 위주로 되어있던 기존 가이드라인을 개편하고 확대 적용하여 전 금융회사와 금융위원회에 등록된 459개 업체를 대상으로 한다.  금융위원회 등록대상이 아닌 중소형 대부업체는 지방자치단체를 통해 가이드라인 준수를 유도할 예정이다. 

새로운 채권추심가이드 라인으로 금융회사, 채권추심회사, 대부업체는 하루에 두번 이상 고객을 방문하거나 전화,이메일,문자 메세지를 보낼 수 없다.  또한 채권추심할때 채무자의 채무정보와 신용정보를 관계인 등 다른 사람에게 알려서는 안되며, 채무자가 변호사를 대리인으로 선임하는 경우 채무자를 직접 방문하거나 연락할 수 없는 등 채권추심법 개정사항이 가이드라인에 반영됐다. 

채권추심을 하려는 사람이나 업체도 금융위원회에 사전허가를 받아야 하며, 허가 받지 않은 자에게 채권 추심을 맡기는 것도 금지된다.  


 저축은행 대출받으면 제때 갚고 있어도 일방적으로 추심업체에 채권 매각된다?

 주택도시기금의 역할, 서민 무주택자 주택구입 전세 융자 상품

 신용 평가 체계를 이해하고, 신용 등급 올리는 다섯가지 방법

 무이자 30일 대출을 대부업체 또는 저축은행 에서 받으면?

Posted by 샤르딘

금융감독원은 결제대금을 연체하면 이틀 안에 카드사가 휴대전화 스마트폰 문자메세지로 통보하도록 하는 개선방안을 발표했다.  현행은 5일안에 통보하게 되어있어 늑장 통보 또는 고객의 부주의로 연체금을 제때 납부하지 못해 신용등급이 하락하거나 카드가 정지되는 불이익을 받는 경우도 있었다. 

개인신용정보회사(CB) 10만원이상을 5영업일 이내에 납부하지 않으면 단기연체로 등록된다. 지금까지는 부주의로 인해 단기연체가 발생해도 개인신용등급에 영향을 받아 금융거래에 제한을 받을 수도 있었다. 

현재 카드사 8개사 3개사는 결제일에 납부하지 않은 경우 3~5일내로 통보하고 있다. 금융감독원의 개선방안에 따르면 카드사가 연체를 통보하는 시점을 카드결제일에서 영업일 기준 이틀 이내로 통일하기로 한 것이다. 

또한 대출약정서에는대출연체이자를 다음날 부터 부과할 있다 내용을 명시하기로 개정하였다.  기존에는 일부 카드사들이 당일부터 하루치 이자를 부과하는 관행도 있었다.  이자 부과 시점이 약정서에 명확히 기재되지 않은 점을 잘못 이용해 것이다

향후 금감원의 개선방안이 시행되면 이러한 잘못된 관행 바로잡아 것으로 기대된다.  더불어 개인회생 정보 또는 파산 채무자의 연체 기록 금융회사가 보관한 개인 신용정보를 일정기간 삭제하는 개선방안도 추진되고 있다. 

관련글 바로가기

신용 평가 체계를 이해하고, 신용 등급 올리는 다섯가지 방법

Posted by 샤르딘

CNN이 자체운영하는 여론조사 풀에서 미국 대선 2차토론을 시청한 응답자를 대상으로 한 결과에서 1차 토론 직후보다 낮지만 클린턴이 57%로 우세했다. 

힐러리 클린턴의 발언과 내용이 1차 대선토론보다 더 낳아졌다는 응답은 39%였고 나빠졌다는 응답은 26%, 동일하다는 응답은 34%였다.   

반면에 트럼프는 2차 토론회 직후 지지율은 떨어졌으나 내용과 진행면에서 1차보다 낳아 졌다는 의견이 63%였고, 더 못했다는 의견이 21%였으며 동일하다는 의견은 15%였다.  악재에도 대체적으로 잘 방어했다는 평가이다. 

트럼프가 (유출된 음담패설) 비디오파일에 대한 설명이 적절했냐는 여론조사도 실시됐다.  비디오에 대한 설명 이후에 트럼프에 대한 호감도가 오히려 증가했다는 응답자도 16% 있었으며, 호감도가 떨어졌다는 응답자는 25%, 동일하다는 의견이 58% 였다. 예상보다 트럼프를 지지하는 유권자들은 최근 악재에도 크게 동요하지 않는 것 아니냐는 미국 언론들의 걱정스러운 평가도 들린다. 

관련글 바로가기

미국 대선 2차 TV토론 - 성희롱 집중포화로 시작, 상호 존중할 것이냐는 질문으로 끝나..

Posted by 샤르딘

트럼프가 10여년전 여성을 심하게 비하하는 인터뷰 파일이 공개되어 치명적인 악재로 작용하고 있다. 

트럼프는 아마도 한 방송 인터뷰에서 '예쁜 여성을 보면 참을 수 없다. 자동적으로 키스를 시작하게 되고 만약 그녀가 그대로 있으면 뭘해도 된다.  ....."  라고 언급했다.  사실이든 과장된 인터뷰이든 이번 파문은 쉽게 가라앉지 않을 테세다.  

아래 미국 엔비씨 방송의 더 켈리파일의 진행자 메건 켈리가 10월의 서프라이즈 라고 말하면서 입수한 10년전 비디오 클립을 공개했다. 

아래 유튜브의 러닝타임 50초 부터 시작된다. 


Posted by 샤르딘

워싱턴 대학에서 열린 미국 대통령 후보자 2차 텔레비젼 토론은 힐러리와 트럼프 양측  모두 기대보다는 격하지 않은 수준이라고 미국언론들은 입을 모았다. 특히 힐러리는 최근 트럼프에게 터진 치명적인 '음담패설' 악재를 크게 건드리지 않는 모습을 보였다. 아마도 앞서 나가는 입장에서 크게 공격하기 보다는 무리하지 않고 승기를 지키려는 의도라는 것이 설득력있는 해석이다. 

트럼프의 음담패설 스캔들에 대해서 직접적으로 건드린 것은 진행자 CNN 현직 앵커 앤더슨 쿠퍼이다.   페트리스라는 청취자의 질문이라면서, "밝혀진 트럼프 후보자의 '음담패설' 녹음 내용에서 동의 없이 키스하고 여성의 그 곳(genital)을 만지려 했다. 여성을 성희롱한 것이 자랑스럽냐?고 직격탄을 날렸다. 그런 음담패설을 방송에 대고 '자랑스럽게' 인터뷰 했냐고 비난하는 질문이다.    

여기에 대해 트럼프는 그런말 한적이 없다고 잘라 말하며 모호하게 말을 이어갔다.  그러나 앤더슨 쿠퍼는 명확하게 말하라면서 질문을 이어갔고, 그래서 자랑한것처럼 그런일이 '실제 있었냐'는 질문에 나는 여성을 존중한다. 음담패설 녹음 내용은 단지 '락커룸 토크'다. 말일 뿐이다 그런일을 한적이 없다고 말했다. 트럼프는 클린턴의 성추행에 대해서 언급하며 반격을 시도 했으나, 힐러리는 크게 동요하지 않았다. 심지어, 미국 대통령 영부인 미쉘 오바바의 조언(they go low. we go high)을 언급하며 가볍게 묵살했다.  미쉘 오바마의 조언인 상대평이 낮게 끌어내려도, 높게 가자라는 말을 인용하여 가벼운 박수를 받았다.  

이어서 오바마 케어, 기업과 중산층 세금, 불법이민자, IS 격퇴, 러시아와의 관계에 대한 논쟁을 이어 갔다. 

이번 토론에서토 팩트 체커들이 실시간으로 대선 후보들의 발언을 검증하여 인터넷에 실시간으로 공유했다. 그 중 몇가지 살펴보면, 트럼프는 이란이 미국으로부터 1500억 달러를 받았다고 했으나 틀린 주장이며 미 재무부는 550억달러 규모, 이란은 320억달러로 주장하고 있다. 

<워싱텅 포스트 팩트 체커 사이트 인용>

트럼프는 또한 이라크전에 반대했다고 했는데, 트럼프가 반대한 증거가 없으며, 2002년과 2004년에 이라크전에 대해서 물었을 때 미온적으로 찬성하는 입장을 보였었다. 이번 토론에서는 안보무임론 등 한국, 일본 등 동아시아 현안에 대한 토론은 없었다. 

트럼프는 중간 중간 억지스럽지만 재치있는 말대꾸로 웃음을 자아내는 쇼맨십을 보였다.  힐러리가 '더 낳은 정치를 하겠다'는 트럼프의 발언에 대해 수백만의 팩트 체커(fact checker)들이 보고 있다.  힐러리는 "트럼프 당신 같이 (사실이 아니고 부정확한 발언을 하는) 성질의 사람이 미국의 법률의 수장이 되면 안된다." 고 말하자 트럼프는 "당연하지 그러면 힐러리 당신은 (보안 메일 유출등으로) 감옥에 갈것이다"라고 받아 쳐서 토론장을 짧막한 웃음바다로 만들었다.  

힐러리는 침착한 표정이었지만, 계속된 감옥 운운하는 공격과 헙박에 당황스러움이 간혹 묻어 났다. 이후 에도 트럼프는 만약 11월 대승에 승리하면 힐러리를 '비밀 이메일을 유출한 혐의'로 감옥에 보낼것이라고 호언했다. 연방검찰에 소환 통보를 받은 직후 3만2천개의 이메일 삭제 했다고 연신 언급하면서 국가기밀유출과 증거인멸 등의 혐의를 암시하는 협박을 여러번에 걸쳐서 이어갔다. 

토론 마지막에는 토론장에 참석한 한 유권자 떨리는 목소리로 '두 후보가 혹시라도 서로에 대해 칭찬할 점이 있냐'는 질문을 하여 분위기가 확 누그러졌다. 이에 힐러리는 당신의 자녀들은 훌륭하다고 칭찬했고, 트럼프는 힐러리는 포기할 줄 모르는 싸움꾼이라고 서로 치켜세웠다. 처음 입장할 때는 악수도 하지 않고 시작했다가, 칭찬으로 종료하며 악수했다. 미국 언론들은 토론 마지막의 '상호 칭찬'한 부분을 자주 방송했는데, 역겹다는 뉘앙스로 비꼬았다.  힐러리를 지하는 방송 패널과 트럼프를 지지하는 방송 패널들이 이 부분이 나오면 서로를 '포기하지 않는 투사'라고 치켜세우며 조롱하고 있다. 

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트럼프 사상최대 악재 '여성비하' 10년전 방송 비밀 인터뷰 녹음파일

Posted by 샤르딘

2016년 10월 9일(한국시간 10일 10시 시작) 미국 대통령 선거 후보 힐러리 클린턴과 도널트 트럼프 TV 토론 발언 전체 내용 영어 스크립트 원본입니다. 


Good evening, I’m Martha Raddatz from ABC News.


9:02 PM

And I’m Anderson Cooper from CNN. We want to welcome you to Washington University in St. Louis for the second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, sponsored by the commission on presidential debates. Tonight’s debate is a town hall format which gives voters a chance to directly ask the candidates questions. Martha and I will ask follow-up questions but the night really belongs to the people in this room and to people across the country who have submitted questions online.


9:06 PM

The people you see on this stage were chosen by the Gallup organization. They are all from the St. Louis area and told Gallup they haven't committed to a candidate. Each of them came here with questions they wanted to ask and we saw those questions for the first time this morning. Anderson and I and our team from ABC and CNN are the only ones who have seen them. Both candidates will have two minutes to answer each audience and online question. We hope to get to as many questions as we can so we've asked the audience here not to slow things down with any applause. Except for now. Ladies and gentlemen, the Republican nominee for president Donald J. Trump and the Democratic nominee for president, Hillary Clinton.



9:07 PM


9:07 PM

Thank you very much for being here. We’re going to begin with a question from one of the members in our town hall. Each of you will have two minutes to respond to this question. Secretary Clinton, he won the coin toss so you will go first. Our first question comes from Patrice Brock. Patrice.


9:08 PM

Thank you and good evening. The last presidential debate could've been rated as MA - mature audiences - per TV parental guidelines. Knowing that educators are tying the presidential debates to student homework, do you feel you are modeling appropriate and positive behavior for today's youth?


9:08 PM

Well thank you, are you a teacher? Yes, I think that that's a very good question because I've heard from lots of teachers and parents about some of their concerns, about some of the things that are being said and done in this campaign.

And I think it is very important for us to make clear to our children that our country really is great because we are good. And we are going to respect one another, lift each other up. We are going to be looking for ways to celebrate our diversity. And we are going to try to reach out to every boy and girl as well as every adult to bring them in to working on behalf of our country. I have a very positive and optimistic view about what we can do together. That's why the slogan of my campaign is stronger together. 

Because I think if we work together, if we overcome the divisiveness that sometimes sets Americans against one another, and instead we make some big goals and I've set forth some big goals - getting the economy to work for everyone, not just those at the top, making sure that we have the best education system from preschool through college and making it affordable and so much else if we set those goals and we go together to try to achieve them there's nothing, in my opinion, that America can't do.

So that's why I hope that we will come together in this campaign. Obviously I'm hoping to earn your vote, I'm hoping to be elected in November, and I can promise you I will work with every American. I want to be the president for all Americans. Regardless of  your political beliefs, where you come from, what you look like, your religion -- I want us to heal our country and bring it together. Because that's, I think, the best way for us to get the future that are children and our grandchildren deserve.


9:10 PM

Secretary Clinton, thank you. Mr. Trump, you have two minutes.


9:10 PM

Well, I actually agree with that. I agree with everything she said. I began this campaign because I was so tired of seeing such foolish things happen to our country. This is a great country. This is a great land. I've gotten to know the people of the country over the last year and a half that I've been doing this as a politician. I cannot believe that I'm saying that about myself, but I guess I have been a politician. And my whole concept was to make America great again. When I watch the deals being made, when I watch what's happening with some horrible things like Obamacare where your health insurance and health care is going up by numbers that are astronomical 68 percent, 59 percent, 71 percent, when I look at the Iran deal and how bad a deal it is for us, it's a one-sided transaction where we’re giving back one hundred fifty billion dollars to a terrorist state, really, the number one terrorist state, we've made them a strong country from really a very weak country just three years ago.

When I look at all of the things that I see and all the potential that our country has, we have such tremendous potential, whether it's in business and trade where we’re doing so badly.

Last year we had an almost 800 billion dollar trade deficit. In other words, trading with other countries we had 800 billion dollars deficit, that’s hard to believe. Inconceivable. You say who's making these deals? We’re going to make great trade deals we’re going to have a strong border we’re going to bring back law and order. Just today policemen were shot - two killed - and this is happening on a weekly basis. We have to bring back respect to law enforcement.

At the same time we have to take care of people on all sides. We need justice. But I want to do things that haven’t been done including fixing and making our interest that is better for the African-American citizens that are so great and for the Latinos, Hispanics, and I look forward to doing it - it’s called make America great again.


9:13 PM

Thank You Mr. Trump. The question from Patrice was about are you both modeling positive and appropriate behaviors for today's youth. We received a lot of questions online Mr. Trump about the tape that was released on Friday, as you can imagine. You called what you said locker room banter. You described kissing women without consent grabbing the genitals. That is sexual assault. You brag that you have sexually assaulted women. Do you understand that?


9:13 PM

No I didn't say that at all.

I don't think you understood what was said. This was locker room talk. I'm not proud of it. I apologized to my family. I apologized to the American people. Certainly I'm not proud of it, but this is locker room talk. You know when we have a world where you have ISIS chopping off heads, where you have men frankly drowning people in steel cages, where you have wars and horrible, horrible sites all over where you have so many bad things happening, this is like medieval times, we haven't seen anything like this -- the carnage all over the world -- and they look and they see. Can you imagine the people that are frankly doing so well against us with ISIS and they look at our country and they see what's going on. Yes, I'm very embarrassed by it. I hate it. But it’s locker room talk and it's one of those things. I will knock the hell out of ISIS, we’re going to defeat ISIS. ISIS happened a number of years ago in a vacuum that was left because of bad judgment and I will tell you I will take care of ISIS.


9:14 PM

So Mr. Trump.


9:14 PM

And we can get onto much more important things and much bigger things.


9:14 PM

Just for the record though are you saying that what you said on that bus eleven years ago that you did not actually kiss women without consent or grope women without consent?


9:14 PM

 I have great respect for women. Nobody has more respect for women than I do.


9:15 PM

So for the record you're saying you never did.


9:15 PM

Frankly, you hear these things are said and I was embarrassed by it but I have tremendous respect for women.


9:15 PM

Have you ever done those things?


9:15 PM

And women have respect for me. And I will tell you, no I have not, and I will tell you that I'm going to make our country safe we’re going to have borders in our country which we don't have now. People are pouring into our country and they are coming in from the Middle East and other places. We’re going to make America safe again. We’re going to make America great again but we’re going to make America safe again. And we’re going to make America wealthy again because if you don't do that it, just it sounds harsh to say, but we have to build up the wealth of. American people.


9:14 PM

So Mister Trump.


9:14 PM

And we can get onto much more important things a much bigger things.


9:14 PM

Just for the record though are you saying that what you said on that bus eleven years go by you did not actually kiss women without consent or grope women without consent?


9:14 PM

I have great respect for women. Nobody has more respect for women that I do.


9:15 PM

So for the record you're saying you never did.


9:15 PM

Frankly you hear these things are said and I was embarrassed by it but I have tremendous respect for women.


9:15 PM

Have you ever done those things?


9:15 PM

And women have respect for me and I will tell you know I have not and I will tell you that I'm going to make our country safe we’re going to have borders in our country which we don't have now. People are pouring into our country and are coming in from the Middle East and other places. Were going to make America safe again. Were going to make America great again but we’re going to make America safe again. And we’re going to make America wealthy again because if you don't do that it just it sounds harsh to say but we have to build up the wealth of.


9:15 PM

Thank You Mr. Trump.


9:25 PM

Other nations are taking our jobs and are taking our wealth.


9:15 PM

Thank You Mister Trump. Secretary Clinton, do you want to respond?


9:15 PM

Well, like everyone else I spent a lot of time thinking over the last forty eight hours about what we heard and saw. You know, with prior Republican nominees for president, I disagreed with them -- on politics, policies, and principles, but I never questioned their fitness to serve. Donald Trump is different. I said starting back in June that he was not fit to be president and commander-in-chief. 

And many Republicans and independents have said the same thing. What we all saw and heard on Friday was Donald talking about women what he thinks about women, what he does to women, and he has said that the video doesn't represent who he is. But I think it's clear to anyone who heard it that it represents exactly who he is. Because we've seen this throughout the campaign. We have seen him insult women. We've seen him rate women on their appearance, ranking them from one to ten. We've seen him embarrass woman on TV and on Twitter. We saw him after the first debate spend nearly a week denigrating a former Miss Universe in the harshest, most personal terms.

So yes, this is who Donald Trump is. But it's not only women and it’s not only this video that raises questions about his fitness to be our president. Because he has also targeted immigrants, African Americans, Latinos, people with disabilities, POWs, Muslims, and so many others. So this is who Donald Trump is and the question for us, the question our country must answer, is that this is not who we are. That's why, to go back to your question, I want to send a message -- we all should -- to every boy and girl and indeed to the entire world, that America already is great, but we are great because we are good. And we will respect one another and we will work with one another and we will celebrate our diversity. These are very important values to me because this is the America that I know and love. And I can pledge to you tonight that this is the America that I will serve if I'm so fortunate enough to become your president.


9:18 PM

And we want to get to some questions from online.


9:19 PM

Well am I allowed to respond to that? I assume I am.


Yes, you can respond to that.


It’s just words, folks. It’s just words. And those words I've been hearing them for many years. I heard them when they were running for the Senate in New York where Hillary was going to bring back jobs upstate New York. And she failed. I’ve heard them when Hillary's constantly talking about the inner cities of our country, which are a disaster education-wise, job-wise, safety-wise. In every way possible. I'm going to help the African-Americans. I’m going to help the Latinos, Hispanics. I am going to help the inner cities. She has done a terrible job for the African-Americans. She wants their vote and she does nothing and then she comes back four years later. We saw that firsthand when she was a United States senator. She campaigned where the primary part of her campaign-


9:20 PM

Mr. Trump. I want to get to audience questions and online questions.


9:20 PM

So she’s allowed to do that but I'm not allowed to respond. Sounds fair, sounds fair--


9:20 PM

You going to get to respond right now. This tape is generating intense interest. In just forty eight hours, it’s become the single most talked-about story of the entire 2016 election on Facebook with millions and millions of people discussing it on the social network. As we said a moment ago, we do want to bring in questions from voters around the country via social media. And our first stays on the topic, Jeff from Ohio asks on Facebook, Trump says the campaign has changed him. When did that happen? So Mr. Trump, let me add to that -- when you walked off that bus at eight fifty nine, were you a different man or did that behavior continue until just recently? And you have two minutes for this.


9:21 PM

That was locker room talk, as I told you. That was locker room talk. I'm not proud of it. I am a person who has great respect for people, for my family, for the people of this country. And certainly, I’m not proud of it. But that was something that happened. If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse -- mine are words, and his was action. His was far worse -- what he’s done to women, there’s never been anyone in the history of politics in this nation who has been so abusive to women. So you could say anyway you want to say it, but Bill Clinton was abusive to women. Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously. 

Four of them here tonight. One of the women who was a wonderful woman, 12 years old, was raped -- at twelve. Her client -- she represented, got  him off. And she’s seen laughing on two separate occasions, laughing at the girl who was raped. Kathy Shelton, that young woman is here with us tonight.

So don't tell me about words. I am absolutely I apologize for those words. But it is things that people say. But what President Clinton did -- he was impeached. He lost his license to practice law. He had to pay an $850,000 fine  to one of the women, Paula Jones, who is also here tonight.

And I will tell you that when Hillary brings up a point like that and she talks about words that I said eleven years ago, I think it's disgraceful. And I think she should be ashamed of herself, if you want to know the truth.



9:23 PM

Can we please hold the applause? Secretary Clinton, you have two minutes.


9:23 PM

While, first, let me start by saying that so much of what he just said is not right. But he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses. He gets to decide what you want to talk about. Instead of answering people’s questions, talking about our agenda, laying out the plans that we have that we think can make a better life and a better country. That's his choice. When I hear something like that, I am reminded of what my friend Michelle Obama advised us all. When they go low, you go high.



9:23 PM

And look, if this were just about one video, maybe what he's saying tonight would be understandable. But everyone can draw their own conclusions at this point about whether or not the man in the video or the man on the stage respects women. But he never apologizes for anything to anyone. He never apologized to Mr. and Mrs. Khan, the Gold Star family, whose son Captain Khan, died in the line of duty in Iraq. And Donald insulted and attacked them for weeks over their religion.

He never apologized to the distinguished federal judge who was born in Indiana, but Donald said he couldn't be trusted to be a judge because his parents were quote “Mexican.” He never apologized to the reporter that he mimicked and mocked on national television and our children were watching. And he never apologized for the racist lie that President Obama was not born in the United States of America. He owes the president an apology. He owes our country an apology, and he needs to take responsibility for his actions and his words.


9:25 PM

Well, you owe the president an apology because, as you know very well, your campaign, Sidney Blumenthal, he's another real winner that you have. And he's the one that got this started along with your campaign manager and they were on television just two weeks ago he was saying exactly that.

The you really owe him. Or the one who sent the picture to run your campaign -- the pictures around President Obama in a certain garb. That was long before I was ever involved, so you actually owe an apology. Number two, Michelle Obama -- I've gotten to see the commercials that they did on you. And I’ve gotten to see some of the most vicious commercials I’ve ever seen of Michelle Obama talking about you, Hillary. So you talk about friend, go back and take a look at those commercials. A race where you lost fair and square, unlike the Bernie Sanders race where you won, but not fair and square, in my opinion. And all you have to do is take a look at WikiLeaks and just see what they said about Bernie Sanders and see what Debra Wasserman Schultz had in mind because Bernie Sanders, between superdelegates and Debra Wasserman Schultz, he never had a chance. I was so surprised to see him sign on the devil. But when you talk about apology,I think the one that you should really be apologizing for -- and the thing that you should be apologizing for are the thirty three thousand e-mails that you deleted and that you acid washed and then the two boxes of e-mails and other things last week that were taken from an office and are now missing. And I'll tell you what, I didn’t think I'd say this, is going to say it, and I hate to say it. But if I win, I am going to instruct my Attorney General to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception. There has never been anything like it. And we're going to have a special prosecutor.

When I speak, I go out and speak, the people of this country are furious. In my opinion, the people that have been long-term workers at the FBI are furious. There has never been anything like this where e-mails and you get a subpoena -- you get a subpoena and after getting the subpoena, you delete 33,000 e-mails. And then you acid wash them or bleach them, as you would say-- a very expensive process. So we're going to get a special prosecutor, and we’re going to look into it. Because you know what? People have been -- their lives have been destroyed for doing one fifth of what you’ve done. And it’s a disgrace. And honestly, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. 


9:28 PM

Secretary Clinton, I want to follow up on that. I’m going to let you talk about it --


9:28 PM

Everything he just said is absolutely false, but I’m not surprised. In the first debate -


9:28 PM

The audience is to call down here.


9:28 PM

I told people that will be impossible to be fact checking Donald all the time. I'd never get talk about anything I want to do and how we’re going to really make lives better for people. So once again, go to HillaryClinton.com. We have literally Trump. You can fact check him in real-time. Last time, this debate, had millions of people fact checking. So I expect we'll have millions more fact checking because, you know, it is -- it’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.


9:29 PM

Because you'd be in jail.


9:29 PM

Secretary Clinton --



9:29 PM

We want to remind the audience to please not talk out loud. Please do not applaud. You’re just wasting time.


9:29 PM

And Secretary Clinton, I do want to follow up on e-mails. You said your handling of your e-mails was a mistake. You disagreed with the director -- FBI Director James Comey calling your handling of classified information quote “extremely careless.” The FBI said that there are one hundred ten classified e-mails that were exchanged, eight of which were top-secret and that a possible hostile actors did gain access to those e-mails. You don't call that extremely careless?


9:30 PM

Well Martha, first let me say. I’ve said it before but I’ll repeat it because I want everyone to hear it. That was a mistake, to take responsibility for using a personal email account. Obviously, if I were to do it over again, I would not. I'm not making any excuses. It was a mistake, and I am very sorry about that.

But I think it's also important to point out where there are some misleading accusations from critics and others.After a year-long investigation, there is no evidence that anyone hacked the server I was using. And there is no evidence that anyone can point to at all. Anyone who says otherwise has no basis that any classified material ended up in the wrong hands

take classified materials very seriously and always have. When I was on the Senate armed service committee, I was privy to lots of classified material. Obviously as Secretary of State, I had some of the most important secrets that we possess, such as going after bin Laden. So I am very committed to taking classified information seriously. And, as I said, there is no evidence that any classified information ended up in the wrong hands.


9:31 PM

And yet she didn't know the letter “C” on a document. Right? She didn't even know what that word -- what that letter meant. You know, it's amazing. I'm watching Hillary go over facts. And she’s going after fact after fact. And she's lying again. Because she said she you know, what she did with the e-mails was fine. You think it was fine to delete 33,000 e-mails? I don't think so. She said that 33,000 e-mails had to do with her daughter's wedding, number one, and a yoga class. Well maybe we’ll give three or three or four or five or something. Thirty three thousand e-mails deleted, and now she is saying there wasn't anything wrong. And more importantly, that was after getting the subpoena. That wasn’t before that was after she got it from the United States Congress. And I’ll be honest. I am so disappointed in Congressmen, including Republicans, for allowing this to happen. Our Justice Department, where her husband goes to the back of an airplane for 30 minutes, talks to the Attorney General  days before a ruling on her case…

 But for you to say, that there is nothing wrong with you deleting  thirty nine thousand e-mails, again, you should be ashamed of yourself. What you did, and this is after getting a subpoena from the United States Congress.


9:33 PM

We have to move on. Secretary Clinton you can respond and then we have to move.


9:33 PM

Let alone after getting the subpoena from the United States Congress.


9:33 PM

Secretary Clinton you can respond, but we have to move on to an audience question.


9:33 PM

Look, it's just not true. And so please go to -


9:33 PM

Allow her to respond please.


9:33 PM

Personal e-mails, not official. Well we turned over thirty five thousand so -


9:33 PM

What about the other fifteen thousand?


9:33 PM

Please allow her to respond. She didn’t talk when you talked.


9:33 PM

Yes, that's true I didn't.


That’s because you have nothing to say.


I didn’t in the first debate. And I'm going to try not to in this debate because I would like to get to the questions that the people have brought here tonight to talk to us about.


9:33 PM

And get off this question.


9:33 PM

Okay Donald, I know you are into big diversion tonight, anything to avoid talking about your campaign and the way it is exploding. And the way Republicans are leaving you. But let's at least focus on some of the issues that people care about tonight. Let's get to their questions.


9:34 PM

We have a question here from Ken. Karpowitz. He has a question about healthcare. Ken?


9:34 PM

I'd like to know Anderson, why aren’t you bringing up the emails? I’d like to know. It hasn’t been finished at all.


9:34 PM

Ken Karpowitz has a question.


9:34 PM

It's nice it's one on three.


9:34 PM

Affordable Care Act, known as Obama care. It is not affordable. Premiums have gone up. Deductibles have gone up. Co-pays have gone up. Prescriptions have gone up. And the coverage has gone down. What will you do to bring the costs down and make coverage better?


9:34 PM

That first one goes to Secretary Clinton because you started up the last one to the audience.


9:35 PM

He wants to start, he can start. No go-ahead, Donald.


9:35 PM

No, I’m a gentleman. Hillary, go ahead.


9:35 PM

Secretary Clinton?


9:35 PM

Well, I think Donald was about to say he's going to solve it by repealing it. And getting rid of the Affordable Care Act. And I'm going to fix it because I agree with you. Premiums have gotten too high, co-pays, deductibles, prescription costs. And I have laid out a series of actions that we can take to try and get those costs down. But here’s what I don't want people to forget when we’re talking about reigning in the costs, which has to be the highest priority of the next president. When the Affordable Care Act passed, it wasn't just that twenty million people got insurance that did not have it before. But that in and of itself was a good thing. I meet these people all the time and they tell me what a difference having the insurance meant to them and their families. But everybody else, the one hundred and seventy million of us, who get health insurance through our employers, got big benefits. Number one, insurance companies can’t deny you coverage because of a pre-existing condition. Number two, no lifetime limits, which is a big deal if you have serious health problems. Number three, women cannot be charged more than men for our health insurance, which is the way it used to be before the Affordable Care Act. Number four, if you are under 26 and your parents have a policy, you can be on that policy until the age of 26.

Something that did not happen before. So I want to very much to save what works and what is good about the affordable care act. But we have got to get costs down, we have to provide some additional help to small businesses so that they can afford to provide health insurance. But if we repeal it, as Donald has proposed, and start over again. All of those benefits I just mentioned are lost to everybody. Not just people who get their health insurance on the exchange, and then we would have to start all over again. Right now, we are at ninety percent health insurance coverage. That is the highest we have ever been in our country.


9:37 PM

Secretary Clinton, your time is up.


9:37 PM

So I want to ask to get to an hundred percent but get costs down and keep quality up.


9:37 PM

Mr. Trump you have two minutes.


9:37 PM

It is such a great question, and it's maybe the question I get almost more than anything else. Outside of defense.  Obamacare is a disaster. You know it, we all know it. It is going up at numbers that nobody has ever seen worldwide. Nobody has ever seen numbers like this for health care. It is only getting worse. In seventeen, it implodes by itself.

Their method of fixing it is to go back and ask Congress for more money. More and more money. We have right now have almost twenty trillion dollars in debt. Obamacare will never work. It is very bad, very bad health insurance. Far too expensive, and not only expensive for the person that has it, unbelievably expensive for our country. It's going to be one of the biggest line items, very shortly.

We have to repeal it, and replace it with something absolutely much less expensive. And something that works. Where your plan can actually be tailored. We have to get rid of the lines around the state, artificial lines. Where we stop insurance companies from coming in and competing because they wanted President Obama and whoever was working on it. They want to leave those lines because that gives the insurance companies, essentially, monopolies.

We want competition. You will have the finest health care plan there is. She wants to go to a single-payer plan, which would be a disaster. Somewhat similar to Canada. And if you haven't noticed the Canadians, when they need a big operation, they come into the United States, in many cases. Because their system is so slow, it is catastrophic in certain ways. But she wants to go to single-payer.

Which means the government basically rules everything. Hillary Clinton has been after this for years. Obamacare was the first step. Obamacare is a total disaster. And not only are your rates going up by numbers that no one has ever believed, but your deductibles are going up. So that unless you get hit by a truck, you are never going to be able to use it. It is a disastrous plan and it has to be repealed and replaced.


According to recent analyses from RAND and the Commonwealth Fund, Clinton’s plan could potentially cost much more than Trump’s -- hers could cost up to $90 billion, compared to his $41 billion. However, the analyses found that Clinton’s “would increase the number of insured individuals by 400,000 to 9.6 million, and decrease consumers’ health spending relative to current law.” Trump’s plan “would increase the number of uninsured individuals by 16 million to 25 million relative to the ACA,” and those increases would “disproportionately affect low-income individuals and those in poor health.”


9:40 PM

Secretary Clinton let me follow up with you. Your husband called Obamacare “the craziest thing in the world”, saying that small business owners are getting killed as premiums double, coverage is cut in half. Was he mistaken or was his mistake simply telling the truth?


9:40 PM

No, I mean he clarified what he meant. And it's very clear. I mean look, we are in a situation in our country where if we were to start all over again, we might come up with a different system. But we have an employer-based system. That's where the vast majority of people get their healthcare. And the Affordable Care Act was meant to try to fill the gap between people who were too poor, and couldn't put together any resources to afford health care, namely people on Medicaid, obviously Medicare, which is a single-payer system, which takes care of our elderly and does a great great job doing it, by the way. And then all the people who were employed and people who were working but didn't have the money to afford insurance and didn't have anybody, an employer or anybody else, to help them. That was the slot that the Obamacare approach was to take.

And like I say, 20 million people now have health insurance.

So if we just rip it up and throw it away, what Donald is not telling you is, we just turn it back to the insurance companies the way it used to be. And that means the insurance companies get to do pretty much whatever they want, including saying, look, I’m sorry you got diabetes, you had cancer, your child has asthma, you may not be able to have insurance because you can’t afford it. So let's fix what is broken about it, but let's not throw it away. And give it all back to the insurance companies.


9:41 PM

But let me follow up with you on this, Mr. Trump.


9:41 PM

Just one thing. First of all Hillary, everything is broken about it. Everything. Number two, Bernie Sanders said that Hillary Clinton has very bad judgment. This is a perfect example of it. Trying to save Obamacare which is-


9:42 PM

Mr. Trump you have said you want to end Obamacare. You have also said that you and make coverage accessible for people with pre-existing conditions. How do you force insurance companies to do that if you are no longer mandating that everybody has insurance? What does that mean?


9:42 PM

Well I'll tell you what it means. You’re going to have plans that are so good. Because we are going to have so much competition in the insurance industry, once we break out the lines and allow the competition to come.


9:42 PM

Are going to have a mandate that Americans have to have health insurance?


9:42 PM

Anderson, excuse me. President Obama, by keeping those lines, the boundary lines around each state, and it was almost gone until just very toward the end of the passage of Obamacare, which by the way was a fraud. You know that. Because Jonathan Gruber, the architect of Obamacare has said, he said it was a great lie was a big lie. President Obama said you keep your doctor,  you keep your plan. The whole thing was a fraud. And it doesn't work.

But when we get rid of those lines you will have competition. 

And we will be able to keep pre-existing. We’ll also be able to help people who can't get, don't have money. Because we are going to have people protected. And Republicans feel this way, believe it or not, and strongly this way. We are going to block grant into the state. We are going to block grant into Medicaid.


9:43 PM

Thank you, Mr. Trump.


9:43 PM

Into the states so that will be able to take care of people without the necessary funds to take care of themselves.


We now go to Gorba Hameed, with a question for both candidates.


9:43 PM

There are 3.3 million Muslims in the United States and I'm one of them. You’ve mentioned working with Muslim nations but with Islamophobia on the rise, how will you help people like me deal with the consequences of being labeled as a threat to the country after the election is over?


9:43 PM

Mr. Trump, you’re first.


9:44 PM

Well, you're right about Islamophobia, and that's a shame. But one thing we have to do is we have to make sure that because there is a problem. I mean whether we like it or not we can be very politically correct but whether we like it or not there is a problem and we have to be sure that Muslims come in and report when they see something going on when they see hatred going on they have report it. As an example, in San Bernardino, many people saw the bombs all over the apartment of the two people that killed fourteen and wounded many many people. Horribly wounded; they’ll never be the same.

Muslims have to report the problems when they see them. And you know there's always a reason for everything. If they don't do that, it's a very difficult situation for our country. Because you look at Orlando and you look at San Bernardino and you look at the World Trade Center go outside you look at Paris look at the horrible - these are radical Islamic terrorists and she won't even mention the word and nor will President Obama. He will use the term radical Islamic terrorism. Now to solve a problem you have to be able to state what the problem is or at least say the name. She won't say the name and President Obama won't say the name but the name is there. It’s radical Islamic terror. And before you solve it, you have to say the name.


9:45 PM

Secretary Clinton.


9:45 PM

Well thank you for asking your question and I have heard this question from a lot of Muslim Americans across our country. Because unfortunately there has been a lot of very divisive, dark things said about Muslims and even someone like Captain Khan, the young man who sacrificed himself defending our country in the United States Army has been subject to attack by Donald.

I want to say just a couple of things. First we’ve had Muslims in America since George Washington. 

And we’ve had many successful Muslims. We just lost a particularly well-known one with Muhammad Ali. My vision of America is an America where everyone has a place if you're willing to work hard, you do your part, you contribute to the community -- that's what America is, that's what we want America to be for children and our grandchildren. It’s also very shortsighted and even dangerous to be engaging in the kind of demagogic rhetoric that Donald has about Muslims. We need American Muslims to be part of our eyes and ears on our front lines. I've worked with a lot of different Muslim groups around America. I've met with a lot of them and I've heard how important it is for them to feel that they are wanted and included and part of our country, part of our homeland security, and that's what I want to see. It's also important I intend and tend to defeat ISIS to do so in a coalition with majority Muslim nations. Right now a lot of those nations are hearing what Donald says and wondering, “Why should we cooperate with the Americans,” and this is a gift to ISIS and the terrorists. Violent jihadist terrorists. We are not at war with Islam and it is a mistake and it plays into the hands of the terrorists to act as though we are. So I want a country where citizens like you and your family are just as welcome as anyone else.


9:48 PM

Thank you Secretary Clinton. Mr. Trump in December you said: “Donald J Trump was calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. We have no choice. We have no choice.” Your running mate said this week that the Muslim ban is no longer your position. Is that correct and if it is, was a mistake to have a religious test?


9:48 PM

First of all, Captain Khan is an American hero. And if I were president at that time, he would be alive today, because unlike her, who voted for the war without knowing what she was doing, I would not have had our people in Iraq. Iraq was a disaster. So he would have been alive today. The Muslim ban is something that in some form has morphed into an extreme vetting from certain areas of the world. Hillary Clinton wants to allow hundreds of thousands --  


9:49 PM

And why did it morph into that? No answer the question. Do you still believe.


9:49 PM

Why don’t you interrupt her?


9:49 PM

Would you please explain whether or not the Muslim ban still stands?


9:49 PM

It's called extreme vetting. We are going to areas like Syria, where they're coming in by the tens of thousands because of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton wants to allow a 550% increase over Obama. People are coming into our country like we have no idea who they are where they're from what their feelings about our country is and she wants 550% more. This is going to be the great Trojan horse of all time.

We have enough problems in this country. I believe in building safe zones. I believe in having other people pay for them, as an example, the Gulf States who are not carrying their weight, but they have nothing but money. And take care of people. But I don't want to have with all the problems this country has and all of the problems thatyou see going on hundreds of thousands of people coming in from Syria when we know nothing about them, we know nothing about their values, and we know nothing about their love for our country.


9:50 PM

And Secretary Clinton let me ask you about that. Because you have asked for an increase from ten to sixty five thousand Syrian refugees. We know you want tougher vetting. That's not a perfect system so why take the risk of having those refugees coming into the country?


9:50 PM

Well, first of all I will not let anyone into our country that I think poses a risk to us. But there are a lot of refugees- women and children - think of that picture we also that four-year-old boy with the blood on his forehead because he'd been bombed by the Russian and Syrian air forces. There are children suffering in this catastrophic war, largely I believe, because of Russian aggression. And we need to do our part. We by no means are carrying anywhere near the load that Europe and others are.

But we will have vetting that is as tough as it needs to be from our professionals, our intelligence experts, and others. But it is important for us as a policy not to say as Donald has said, we’re going to ban people based on a religion. How do you do that? We are country founded on religious freedom and liberty. How do we do what he has advocated without causing great distress within our own country? Are we going to have religious tests when people fly into our country? And how do we expect to be able to implement those? So I thought that what he said was extremely unwise and even dangerous and indeed you can look at the propaganda on a lot of the terrorist sites and what Donald Trump says about Muslims is used to recruit fighters because they want to create a war between us. And the final thing I will say this is the tenth or twelfth time that he has denied being for the war in Iraq. We have it on tape. The entire press corps has looked at it. It's been debunked but it never stops him from saying whatever he wants to say.


9:53 PM

It has not been debunked.


9:53 PM

So please. Go to HillaryClinton.com and you can see it.


9:53 PM

I was against the war in Iraq

Has not been debunked. And you voted for it and you shouldn't have. Well I just want to say.


9:53 PM

There's been lots of fact checking on that. I’d like to move on to an online question.


9:53 PM

Excuse me. She just went about twenty five seconds over her time.


9:53 PM

She did not.


9:53 PM

Can I just respond to this please?


9:53 PM

Very quickly please.


9:53 PM

Hillary Clinton in terms of having people coming to our country we have many criminal illegal aliens. When we want to send them back to their country their country says we don't want them in some cases they’re murderers, drug lords, drug problems. And they don't want them. And Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State said that's okay. We can't force it into their country.

Let me tell you I'm going to force them right back into the country. They’re murderers and some very bad people and I will tell you, I'm very strongly, when Bernie Sanders said she had bad judgment she has really bad judgment because we are letting people into this country that are going to cause problems and crime like you've never seen. We’re also leading drugs pour through our southern border at a record clip. At a record clip and it shouldn't be allowed to happen.

ICE just endorsed me. They've never endorsed a  presidential candidate.

The border patrol agents, sixteen thousand five hundred just recently endorsed me. And they endorsed me because I understand the border. She doesn't. She wants amnesty for everybody, Come right in come right over. It’s a horrible thing she's doing. She's got bad judgment and honestly so bad that she should never be president of the United States. That I can tell you.


9:54 PM

Thank you, Mr. Trump. I want to move on. This next question comes from the public through the bipartisan open debate coalitions online form where Americans submitted questions that generated millions of votes. This question involves Wikileaks release of reported excerpts as Secretary Clinton paid speeches which she has refused to release and one line in particular in which you, Secretary Clinton, reportedly say you need both a public and private position on certain issues. So Tiu from Virginia asks is okay for politicians to be two-faced? Is it acceptable for a politician to have a private stance on issues? Secretary Clinton, your two minutes.


9:55 PM

Well, as I recall, that was something I said about Abraham Lincoln after having seen the wonderful Steven Spielberg movie called Lincoln. It was a master class watching President Lincoln get the Congress to approve the 13th amendment. It was principled and it was strategic.

And I was making the point that it is hard sometimes to get the Congress to do what you want to do and you have to keep working at it and yes, President Lincoln was trying to convince some people, he used some arguments, convincing other people, he used other arguments. That was a great -- I thought a great display of presidential leadership.

But you know, let's talk about what's really going on here Martha, because our intelligence community just came out and said in the last few days that the Kremlin, meaning Putin and the Russian government, are directing the attacks, the hacking on American accounts, to influence our election. And WikiLeaks is part of that as our other sites, where the Russians hack information, we don't even know it's accurate information, and then they put it out.

We have never in the history of our country been in a situation where an adversary, a foreign power, is working so hard to influence the outcome of the election, and believe me, they’re not doing it to get me elected. They're doing it to try to influence the election for Donald Trump.

Now maybe because he has praised Putin, maybe because he says he agrees with a lot of what Putin wants to do, maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow -- I don't know the reasons that we deserve answers. And we should demand that Trump release all of his tax returns so that people can see what are the entanglements and the financial relationships --


9:58 PM

And we’re going to get to that later. Secretary Clinton, you're out of time. Mr. Trump.


9:58 PM

Well, I think I should respond because, so ridiculous. Look, now she's blaming -she got caught in a total lie her papers went out to all her friends at the banks, Goldman Sachs and everybody else, and she said things WikiLeaks that just came out and she lied.

Now she's blaming the lie on the late great Abraham Lincoln. That's one that I haven’t - okay Honest Abe never lied. That’s the good thing that's a big difference between Abraham Lincoln and you. That's a big big difference we're talking about some difference. But as far as other elements of what she was saying I don't know Putin. I think would be great if we got along with Russia because we could fight ISIS together as an example. But I don't know Putin. But I notice anytime anything wrong happens they like to say the Russians we don't know if it's Russian.

She doesn’t know if it’s the Russians doing the hacking, maybe there is no hacking. But they always blame Russia and the reason they blame Russia because they think they are trying to tarnish me with Russia. I know nothing about Russia. I know, I know about Russia but I know nothing about the inner workings of Russia.

I don't deal there, I have no businesses there have no loans from Russia.

Have a very very great balance sheet, so great that when I did the old post office on Pennsylvania Avenue, the United States government because of my balance sheet, which they actually know very well, chose me to do the old post office between the White House and Congress, chose me to do the old post office one of the primary things in fact perhaps the primary thing was balance sheet.

But I have no loans with Russia you could go to the United States government and they would probably tell you that because they know my sheet very well in order to get that development I had to have -- now the taxes are very simple thing. As soon as -- first of all, I pay hundred of millions of dollars in taxes. Many of her friends took bigger deductions. Warren Buffett took a massive deduction. Soros, who is a friend of hers, took a massive deduction. Many of the people that are giving her all this money that she could do many more commercials than me gave her took massive deductions. I pay hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes but but as soon as my routine audit is finished, I'll release my returns I'll be very proud to.They’re actually quite good.


10:00 PM

Thank you, Mr. Trump.


10:00 PM

We’re going to turn to the topic of taxes we have a question from Spencer Moss. Spencer?


10:00 PM

Good evening. My question is -- what specific tax provisions would you change to ensure the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share in taxes.


10:01 PM

Mr. Trump, you have two minutes.


10:01 PM

Well, one thing I’d do is get rid of carried interest. One of the greatest provisions, for people like me, to be honest with you -- I give up a lot when I run because I knock out the tax code. And she could have done this years ago, by the way. She’s a United States -- she was a United States senator. She complains that Donald Trump took advantage of the tax cut. Well, why didn't she change it? Why didn’t you change it when you were Senator? The reason you didn’t that all your friends take the same advantage that I do. But I do.

You have provisions in the tax code that, frankly, we could change. But you wouldn't change it because all of these people give you the money so you can take negative ads on Donald Trump. But -- and I say that about a lot of things. You know, I've heard Hillary complain about so many different things over the years -- she’s been doing this stuff -- but she's been there for thirty years she’s been doing this stuff. And she never will change. She never will change. And she never will change.

We’re getting rid of carried interest provisions. I'm lowering taxes actually because I think it's so important for corporations because we have corporations leaving -- massive corporations and little ones -- little ones can’t form. We’re getting rid of regulations which goes hand in hand with the lowering of the taxes. But we're bringing the tax rate down from thirty five percent to fifteen percent. We’re cutting taxes for the middle class, and I will tell you, we are cutting them big league for the middle class. And I will tell you Hillary Clinton is raising your taxes, folks. 

You can look at me -- she is raising your taxes really high. And what that's going to do is a disaster for the country. But she is raising your taxes, and I'm lowering your taxes. That in itself is a big difference. We are going to be thriving again. We have no growth in this country. There is no growth. 

If China has a GDP of seven percent, it’s like a national catastrophe. We’re down at one percent, and that’s like no growth. And we're going lower, in my opinion. And a lot of it has to do with the fact that our taxes are so high. Just about the highest in the world. And I'm bringing them down to one of the lower in the world. And I think it's so important, one of the most important things we can do. But she is raising everybody's taxes massively.


10:03 PM

Secretary Clinton, you have two minutes. The question was, what specific tax revisions would change to ensure the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share of taxes?


10:03 PM

Well everything you've heard just now from Donald is not true. I'm sorry I have to keep saying this, but he lives in an alternative reality. And it is sort of amusing to hear somebody who hasn't paid federal income taxes in maybe 20 years talk about what he's going to do.

But I’ll tell you what he's going to do. His plan will give the wealthy and corporations the biggest tax cuts they've ever had. More than the Bush tax cuts by at least a factor of two. Donald always takes cares of Donald and people like Donald. And this would be a massive gift.

And indeed, the way that he talks about his tax cuts would end up raising taxes on middle-class families, millions of middle-class families. Now here's what I want to do. I have said nobody who makes less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars a year -- and that is the vast majority of Americans, as you know, will have their taxes raised because I think we have got to go with the money is. And the money is with people who have taken advantage of every single break in the tax code. And yes, when I was a senator, I did vote to close corporate loopholes. I voted to close, I think, one of the loopholes he took advantage of what he claimed a billion dollar loss that enabled him to avoid paying taxes. I want to have a tax on people who are making a million dollars. It’s called the Buffett rule -- yes, Warren Buffett is the one who has gone out and said somebody like him did not repent a lower tax rate than his secretary. I want to have a surcharge on incomes above five million. We have to make up for lost time because I want to invest in you. I want to invest in hard-working families, and I think it's been unfortunate. But it’s happened that since the great recession, the gains have all gone to the top. And we need to reverse that. People like Donald who paid zero in taxes, zero for our vets, zero for our military, zero for health and education -- that is wrong. And we’re going to make sure that nobody -- no corporation and no individual -- can get away without paying his fare share to support our country.


10:06 PM

Mr. Trump, to give you a chance to respond. I just want to give our viewers what she's referring to. In the last month, the taxes were the number one issue on Facebook for the first time in the campaign. The New York Times published three pages of your 1995 tax returns. They showed you claimed a $916 million loss, which means you could have avoided paying personal federal income taxes for years. You’ve said you pay state tax, employee taxes, real estate taxes, property taxes... You not answered, though, a simple question. Did you use that $916 dollar loss to avoid paying federal income taxes.


10:06 PM

Of course I do. And so do all of her donors, or most of her donors. I know many of her donors. Her donors took massive tax write-offs. A lot of my write-off was depreciation and other things that Hillary, as a Senator, allowed. And she’ll always allow it because the people that give her all this money, they want it. That's why. See, I understand the tax code better than anybody that’s ever run for president. Hillary Clinton -- and it’s extremely complex -- Hillary Clinton has friends that want all of these provisions, including they want the carried interest provision, which is very important to Wall Street people. But they really want the carried interest provision, which I believe Hillary is leaving.

And very interesting why she’s leaving carried interests, but I will tell you that number one I pay tremendous numbers of taxes. I absolutely use it, and so did Warren Buffett. And so did George Soros and so did many of the other people that Hillary is getting money from. Now I won't mention their names because they're rich, but they’re not famous. So we won't make them famous.


10:07 PM

Can you say how many years you have avoided paying personal federal income taxes?


10:07 PM

No. But I pay tax, and I pay federal tax too. But I have a write-off. A lot of it is depreciation, which is a wonderful charge. I love depreciation. You know, she’s given it to us.

Hey, if she had a problem -- for thirty years, she’s been doing this Anderson. I say it all the time. She talks about healthcare. Why didn’t she do something about it? She talks about taxes. Why didn't she do something about it? She doesn't do anything about anything other than talk. With her, it's all talk and no action.

And again, Bernie Sanders -- it's really bad judgment. She has made bad judgment, not only on taxes. She had made bad judgments on Libya, on Syria, on Iraq. I mean, her and Obama, whether you like it or not, the way they got out of Iraq, vacuum they've left -- that's why ISIS is formed in the first place.

They started from that little area. And now they're in thirty two different nations. Congratulations. Great job.


10:08 PM

Secretary Clinton. I want you to be able to respond, Secretary Clinton.


10:08 PM

Well, here we go again. I’ve been in favor of getting rid of carried interest for years. Starting when I was a senator from New York. But that’s not the point here.


10:09 PM

Why didn’t you do it? Why didn’t you do it?


Allow her to respond.


10:09 PM

Because I was senator with a Republican president. I'll will be the president who will get it done.



10:09 PM


10:09 PM

If you were an effective senator, you could have done it. If you were an effective senator, you could have done it. But you were not an effective senator.


10:09 PM

Please allow her to respond. She didn’t interrupt you.


10:09 PM

You know, under our Constitution, presidents have something called veto power. Look, he has now said repeatedly thirty years this and thirty years that. So let me talk about my thirty years in public service. I'm very glad to do so.

Eight million kids every year have health insurance because when I was first lady, I worked with Democrats and Republicans to create the children's health insurance program. Hundreds of thousands of kids now have a chance to be adopted because I worked to change our adoption and foster care system. After 9/11, I went to work with Republican mayor, governor and president to rebuild New York and to get healthcare for our first responders who were suffering because they had a run toward danger and gotten sickened by it. Hundreds of thousands of National Guard and reserve members have healthcare because of work that I did. And children have safer medicines because I was able to pass a law that required the dosing to be more carefully done.

When I was secretary of state, I went around the world, advocating for our country but also advocating for women's rights, to make sure that women had a decent chance to have a better life, and negotiated a treaty with Russia to lower nuclear weapons.

Four hundred pieces of legislation have my name on it, as a sponsor or cosponsor when I was a senator for eight years. I worked very hard and was very proud to be reelected in New York by an even bigger margin than I had been elected the first time. And as president, I will take that work, that bipartisan work, that finding common ground, because you have to be able to get along with people to get things done in Washington.


10:11 PM

Thank you, Secretary.


10:11 PM

And I have proven that I can. And for thirty years, I’ve produced results for people.


10:11 PM

We’re going to move on to Syria. Both of you have mentioned that.


10:11 PM

She said a lot of things that were false. I think we should be allowed to -


10:11 PM

Mr. Trump, we’re going to go on. This is about the audience. Mr. Trump, we’re going to move on. The heartbreaking video of a five -year-old Syrian boy named Omran sitting in an ambulance after being pulled from the rubble after an airstrike in Aleppo, focused the world’s attention on the horrors of the war in Syria, with 136 million views on Facebook alone.

But there are much worse images coming out of Aleppo every day now where the past few weeks alone four hundred people have been killed, at least one hundred of them children. Just days ago, the State Department called for a war crimes investigation of the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad and its allies Russia for the bombardment of Aleppo. So this next question comes from social media through Facebook. Diana from Pennsylvania asked, if you were president, what would you do about Syria and the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo? Isn't it a lot like the Holocaust when the U.S. waited too long before we helped? Secretary Clinton, we will begin with your two minutes.


10:12 PM

Well, the situation in Syria is catastrophic. And every day that goes by, we see the results of the regime by Assad in partnership with the Iranians on the ground, the Russians in the air, bombarding places, in particular Aleppo, where there are hundreds of thousands of people, probably about 250,000 still left. And there is a determined effort by the Russian Air Force to destroy Aleppo in order to eliminate the last of the Syrian rebels who are really holding out against the Assad regime. Russia hasn't paid anything to ISIS. They’re interested in keeping Assad in power. So I, wehn I was Secretary of State, advocated. An advocate today a no-fly zone in safe zones.

We need some leverage with the Russians because they're not going to come to the negotiating table for a diplomatic resolution unless there is some leverage over them. And we have to work more closely with our partners and allies on the ground. But I want to emphasize that what is at stake here is the ambitions and the aggressiveness of Russia.

Russia has decided that it's all in in Syria. And they also decided who they want to see become president of the United States, too. And it's not me. I've stood up to Russia. I've taken on pollutant and others. And I would do that as president. I think wherever we can cooperate with Russia, that's fine. And I did at Secretary of State, that’s how we got a treaty reducing nuclear weapons. Is how we got the sanctions on Iran that put a lid on the Iranian nuclear program without firing a single shot. So I would go to the negotiating table with more levers that we have now. But I do support the effort to investigate for crimes -- war crimes committed by the Syrians and the Russians and try to hold them accountable.


10:15 PM

Thank You, Secretary Clinton. Mr Trump.


10:15 PM

First of all, she was there as the secretary of state with the so called line in the sand.


No, I wasn’t. I was gone. I hate to interrupt you but at some point, we need to do some fact checking.


Excuse me. You were in total contact with the White House. And perhaps, sadly Obama probably still listened to you. I don't think he would be listening to you very much anymore. Obama draws the line in the sand, it was laughed at all over the world what happened. Now with that being said, she talks tough against Russia. But our nuclear program has fallen way behind. And they have gone wild with their nuclear program. Not good. Our government should not have allowed that to happen. Russia is new in terms of nuclear. We are old. We are tired. We are exhausted in terms of nuclear. A very bad thing. Now, she talks tough against Putin. And against Assad. She talks in favor of the rebels. She doesn’t even know who the rebels are. Every time we take rebels. Whether it's in Iraq or anywhere else. We are arming people. You know what happens, they end up being worse than the people. Look what she did and Libya with Gaddafi. Gadhafi is out. It’s a mess. And by the way ISIS has a good chunk of their oil. I’m sure you probably have heard that. It was a disaster. Because the fact is that everything that she has done an foreign-policy has been at the stake and it has a been a disaster. And if you look at Russia -- is take a look at Russia and look at what they did this week. Where I agree she was not there, but possibly she was consulted. We sign a peace treaty, everyone's all excited. Well what Russia did with Assad, and by the way with Iran who made very powerful with the dumbest deal I have, perhaps seen in the history of dealmaking with the Iran deal. With the 1.7 in cash, is enough cash to fill this room. 

But look at that deal. Iran now and Russia are now against us. So she wants to fight, she wants to fight for rebels. There’s only one problem. You don’t even know who the rebels are.


10:17 PM

Mr. Trump your two minutes is up.


10:17 PM

And one thing I have to say is I don't like Assad at all. But Assad is killing ISIS. Russia is killing ISIS. And Iran is killing ISIS. And those three have now lined up because of our weak foreign policy.


10:17 PM

Mr.Trump, let me repeat the question. If you were president, what would you do about Syria and the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo. And I want to remind you what your running mate said. He said provocations by Russian need to be met with American strength and that if Russia continues to be involved with airstrikes along with the Syrian government forces of Assad, the United States of America should be prepared to use military force to strike the military targets, of the Assad regime.


10:18 PM

Okay. He and I haven’t spoken and I disagree.


10:18 PM

You disagree with your running mate?


10:18 PM

We have to knock out ISIS. Right now Syria's fighting ISIS. We have people that want to fight both at the same. But Syria's no longer Syria. Syria’s Russia and it’s Iran which she made strong, and Kerry, and Obama made into a very powerful nation. And a very rich nation. Very, very quickly. I believe we have to get ISIS. We have to worry about ISIS before we can get too much more involved. She had a chance to do something with Syria. They had a chance and that was the line.


10:19 PM

What do you think will happen if Aleppo falls?


10:19 PM

I think Aleppo is a disaster humanitarian-wise.


10:19 PM

What do you think it will happen if it falls?


10:19 PM

I think that it basically has fallen. OK? It basically has fallen.

Let me tell you something, you take a look at <>. The biggest problem I have with the stupidity of our foreign policy is. We have Mosul. They think a lot of the ISIS leaders are in Mosul. So we have a lot of announcements coming out of Washington and coming out of Iraq, we will be attacking Mosul in three weeks or four weeks. All of these bad leaders from ISIS are leaving Mosul. Why can't they do it quietly why can't they do the attack, make it a sneak attack. After the attack is made, inform the American public that we have knocked out the leaders, we’ve had tremendous success. People leave. Why do they have to say we're going to be attacking Mosul within the next four to six weeks? Which is what they are saying. How stupid is our country?


10:20 PM

There are sometimes reasons the military does that. Psychological warfare.


10:20 PM

I can't think of any.


10:20 PM

It might be to help get civilians out.


10:20 PM

Look, I have two hundred generals and admirals who endorsed me. I have twenty one Congressional medal of honor recipients who endorsed me. We talk about it all the time. They understand why can't they do something secretively? Where they go in and they knock out the leadership. How -- why would these people stay there? I’ve been reading now for weeks...


10:20 PM

Tell me what your strategy is.


10:20 PM

I have a reading for weeks about Mosul that is the harbor between Raqqa and Mosul. This is where they think the ISIS leaders are.

Why would they be - they’re not staying there anymore! They are gone. Because everybody is talking about how Iraq, which is us with our leadership goes in to fight Mosul. With these two hundred admirals and generals, they can't believe it. All they say is this. General George Patton, General Douglas Macarthur are spinning in their grave at the stupidity of what we're doing in the Middle East.


10:21 PM

I'm going to go to Secretary Clinton. Secretary Clinton, you want Assad to go. You advocated arming rebels, but it looks like that may be too late for Aleppo.

You talk about diplomatic efforts, those have failed. Ceasefires have failed. Would you introduce the threat of U.S. military force beyond the no-fly zone against the Assad regime, to back up diplomacy?


10:21 PM

I would not use American ground forces in Syria. I think that would be a very serious mistake. I don't think American troops should be holding territory, which is what they would have to do as an occupying force. I don't think that is a smart strategy. I do think the use of special forces, which we're using, the use of enablers and trainers in Iraq, which has had some positive effects, are very much in our interest. And so I do support what is happening. But let me --


10:22 PM

So what would you do differently than the President Obama is doing?


10:22 PM

Well, Martha, I hope that by the time I -- hope by the time I am president that we will have pushed ISIS out of Iraq. I do think that there is a good chance that we can take Mosul. And you know Donald says he knows more about ISIS than the generals. No, he doesn't. There are a lot of very important planning going on. And some of it is to signal to the Sunnis in the area, as well as Kurdish fighters that we all need to be in this. And that takes a lot of planning and preparation. I would go after Baghdadi. I would specifically target Baghdadi because I think our targeting of Al Qaeda leaders, I was involved in a lot of those operations, highly classified ones, made a difference. So I think that could help. I would also consider arming the Kurds. The Kurds have been our best partners in Syria, as well as Iraq. And I know there is a lot of concern about that in some circles, but I think that they should have the equipment they need so that the needs of Kurdish and Arab fighters on the ground are the principal way that we take Rocco after pushing ISIS out of Iraq.


10:23 PM

Thank you very much, we're going to move on.


10:23 PM

She went over a minute over, and you don't stop her. When I go one second over it's like -


10:24 PM

You had many answers.


It’s really very interesting.


10:24 PM

We have a question over here from James Carter. Mr. Carter?


10:24 PM

My question, do you believe you can be a devoted president to all the people in the United States?


10:24 PM

The question begins for Mister Trump.


10:24 PM

Absolutely. I mean, uh,  she calls our people deplorable, a large group. And irredeemable. I will be a president for all of our people. And I will be a president that will turn our inner cities around. And will give strength to people. And will give economics to people. And will bring jobs back because NAFTA, signed by her husband, is perhaps the greatest disaster trade deal in the history of the world. 

Not in this country. It stripped us of manufacturing jobs. We lost our jobs, we lost our money. We lost our plans. It is a disaster. And now she wants to sign TPP even though she says now she is for it. She called it the gold standard by the way at the last debate she lied because it turned out that she did say that it was the gold standard and she said that she didn't say it. They actually said that she lied. Okay. And she lied, but she's lied about a lot of things. I would be a president for all of the people.

African-Americans. The inner cities. Devastating what's happening to our inner cities. She's been talking about it for years. As usual, she talks about it, nothing happens. She doesn't get it done.

The same with the Latino Americans. The Hispanic Americans. The same exact thing, they talk, they don't get it done. You go into the inner cities and you see there's forty five percent poverty, African-Americans have forty five percent poverty in the inner cities. The education is a disaster. Jobs are essentially nonexistent. I mean, it is -- you know and I have been saying it in big speeches where I have twenty and thirty thousand people what do you have to lose? It can't get any worse. And she has been talking about the inner cities for twenty five years. Nothing is going to ever happen.

Let me tell you, if she is president of the United States nothing is going to happen. Is going to be all talk, all of her friends, taxes we were talking, and I would just get it by osmosis, it’s not doing me any favors, but by doing all the others favor she would be doing me favors. But I will tell you, she is all talk, doesn't get done. All you have to do is look at the Senate run, take a look at upstate New York.


10:26 PM

You two minutes is up. Secretary Clinton?


10:26 PM

It turned out to be a disaster.


10:27 PM

You have two minutes Secretary Clinton.


10:27 PM

Well, 67% of the people voted to reelect me when I ran for my second term. And I was very proud and very humbled by that. Mr. Carter, I have tried my entire life, to do what I can to support children and families. You know, right out of law school I went to work for the Children's Defense Fund. And Donald talks a lot about, you know, the thirty years I've been in public service. I am proud of that. You know, I started off as a young lawyer working against discrimination against African-American children in schools and in the criminal justice system. I worked to make sure that kids with disabilities could get a public education. Something that I care very much about. I have worked with Latinos, one of my first jobs in politics was down in South Texas registering Latino citizens to be able to vote.

So I have a deep devotion to use your absolutely correct word. To making sure that every American feels like he or she has a place in our country. And, I think when you look at the letters that I get, a lot of people are worried that maybe they wouldn't have a place in Donald Trump's America. They write me -- woman wrote me about her son Felix, he adopted him from Ethiopia when he was a toddler. He is ten years old now. This is the only country he has ever known. And he listens to Donald on TV and he said to his mother one day, will he send me back to Ethiopia if he gets elected? You know, children listen to what is being said, to go back to the very, very first question. And there is a lot of fear; in fact, teachers and parents are calling it the Trump effect. Bullying is up, a lot of people are feeling, you know, uneasy, a lot of kids are expressing their concerns.

So first and foremost, I will do everything I can to reach out to everybody. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, people across our country. If you don't vote for me, I still want to be your President. I want to be the best President I can be for every American.


10:30 PM

Secretary Clinton, your two minutes are up. I want to follow up on something that Donald Trump actually said to you, a comment you made last month. You said that half of Donald Trump’s supporters are “deplorables.” Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic. You later said you regretted saying half. You didn’t express regret for using the term “deplorables.” To Mr. Carter’s question, how can you unite a country if you’ve written off tens of millions of Americans?


10:30 PM

Well, within hours I said that I was sorry about the way I talked about that because my argument is not with his supporters, it’s with him. And the hateful and the divisive campaign that he has run. And the inciting of violence at his rallies. And the very brutal kinds of comments not about just women but all Americans. All kinds of Americans. And what he has said about African Americans and Latinos, about Muslims, about POWs, about immigrants, about people with disabilities, he’s never apologized for. And so I do think that a lot of the tone and tenor that he’s said - I’m proud of the campaign that Bernie Sanders and I ran. We ran a campaign on issues, not insults. And he is supporting me 100 percent, because we talked about what we wanted to do. We might’ve had some differences and we had a lot of debates, but we believe that we can come to better. I was proud of that.


10:31 PM

I’m going to give you a minute to respond.


10:31 PM

We have a divided nation. We have a very divided nation. You look at Charlotte. You look at Baltimore. You look at the violence that's taking place in the inner cities, Chicago. You take a look at Washington, D.C. We have a increase in murder within our cities, the biggest in forty five years

We have a divided nation because people like her -- and believe me, she has tremendous hate in her heart. And when she said deplorables, she meant it. And when she said irredeemable -- they’re irredeemable, you didn’t mention that. But when she said their irredeemable, to me, that might have been even worse.


10:31 PM

She said some of them are irredeemable --


10:31 PM

She's got tremendous hatred. And this country cannot take another four years of Barack Obama. And that's what you're getting with her.


10:31 PM

Mr. Trump, let me follow up with you. In 2008, you wrote in one of your books that the most important characteristic of a good leader is discipline. You said if the leader doesn't have it, he or she won't be one for very long. In the days after the first debate, he sent out a series of tweets from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m., including one that told people to check out a sex tape. Is that the discipline of a good leader?


10:32 PM

No, there wasn’t check out a sex tape. 

It was just take a look at the person that she built up to be this wonderful Girl Scout, who was no Girl Scout.


You mentioned a sex tape.


By the way -- just so you understand -- when she said three o’clock in the morning take a look at Benghazi.

She said who’s going to answer the call at 3am in the morning? Guess what? She didn’t answer because when Ambassador Stevens --


The question is that the discipline of a good leader?


She said she was awake at 3 o’clock in the morning and she also sent a tweet out at three o’clock in the morning. Guess what happened? Ambassador Stevens -  Ambassador Stevens sent six hundred requests for help and the only one she talked to was Sidney Blumenthal, who’s her friend, and not a good guy by the way. So, you know, she shouldn’t be talking about that. Now, tweeting happens to be a modern-day form of communication. I mean you can like it or not like it. I have, between Facebook and Twitter I have almost 25 million people. It’s a very effective way of communication. So you can put it down but it is a very effective form of communication. I’m not unproud of it, to be honest with you.


Secretary Clinton, does Mr. Trump have the discipline to be a good leader?




I’m shocked to hear that.


Well, it’s not just my opinion, it’s the opinion of many others, national security experts, Republicans, former Republican members of Congress. But it’s in part because those of us who have had the great privilege of seeing this job up close, and know how difficult it is, and it’s not just because I watched my husband take a 300 billion dollar deficit and turn it into a 200 billion surplus and 23 million new jobs were created and incomes went up for everybody. Everybody. African American incomes went up 33 percent.

And it’s not just because I worked with George W. Bush after 9/11. And I was very proud that when I told him what the city needed, what we need to recover, he said you’ve got it, and he never wavered. He stuck with me. And I have worked, and I admire President Obama. He inherited the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

That was a terrible time for our country.


We have to move on -


9 million people lost their jobs. 5 million homes were lost and 13 trillion dollars in family wealth was wiped out. We are back on the right track. He would send us back into recession with his tax plans.


Secretary Clinton, we are moving to an audience question, we are almost out of time. We have another --


We have the slowest growth since 1929. Our country has the slowest growth and jobs are a disaster.


Mr. Trump, Secretary Clinton, we want to get to the audience. Thank you very much, both of you.



We have another audience question. Beth Miller has a question for both candidates.


Good evening. Perhaps the most important aspect of this election is the Supreme Court justice. What would you prioritize as the most important aspect of selecting a Supreme Court Justice?


We begin with your two minutes, Secretary Clinton.


Thank you. Well, you’re right, this is one of the most important issues in this election. I want to appoint Supreme Court justices who understand the way the world really works, who have real-life experience, who have not just been in a big law firm and maybe clerked for a judge then gotten on the bench, but you know, maybe they tried some more cases, they actually understand what people are up against. 

Because I think the current court has gone in the wrong direction. And so I would want to see the Supreme Court reverse Citizens United. And get dark, unaccountable money out of our politics. Donald doesn’t agree with that. I would like the Supreme Court to understand that voting rights are still a big problem in many parts of our country. That we don’t always do everything we can to make it possible for people of color and older people and young people to be able to exercise their franchise. I want a Supreme Court that will stick with Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose, and I want a Supreme Court that will stick with marriage equality. Now Donald has put forth the names of some people that he would consider, and among the ones that he has suggested are people who would reverse Roe v. Wade and reverse marriage equality. I think that would be a terrible mistake and would take us backwards. I want a Supreme Court that doesn’t always side with corporate interests. I want a Supreme Court that understands because you’re wealthy and can give more money to something, doesn’t mean you have any more rights or should have more rights than anyone else. So I have very clear views about what I want to see to kind of change the balance on the Supreme Court.

And I regret deeply that the Senate hasn’t done its job. And they have not permitted a vote on the person that President Obama- a highly qualified person - they’ve not given him a vote to be able to have the full complement of nine Supreme Court justices.

I think that was a dereliction of duty. I hope that they will see their way to doing it, but if I am so fortunate enough as to be president I will immediately move to make sure that we fill that-


Thank you, Secretary Clinton, you’re out of time. Mr. Trump.


Justice Scalia, great judge, died recently, and we have a vacancy. I am looking to appoint judges very much in the mold of Justice Scalia. I’m looking for judges, and I’ve actually picked 20 of them, so that people would see, highly respected, highly thought of and actually very beautifully reviewed by just about everybody.

But people that will respect the Constitution of the United States, and I think that this is so important. Also the Second Amendment which is totally under siege by people like Hillary Clinton. They’ll respect the Second Amendment and what it stands for and what it represents. So important to me. Now Hillary mentioned something about contributions. Just so you understand, so I will have, in my race, more than 100 million put in of my money. Meaning I’m not taking all of this big money from all of these different corporations like she’s doing. What I ask is this. I’m putting in more - by the time it is finished, I’ll have more than 100 million dollars invested. Pretty much self-funding mine, we’re raising money for the Republican party and we’re doing tremendously under small donations, $61 average or so.

I ask Hillary - why doesn’t she make $250 million by being in office? She used the power of her office to make a lot of money. 

Why isn’t she funding -- not for $100 million, but why don’t you put $10 or $20 or $25 or $30 million into your own campaign? It’s $30 million less for special interests that will tell you exactly what to do, and it would really, I think, be a nice sign to the American public. Why aren’t you putting some money in? You have a lot of it, you’ve made a lot of it because of the fact that you’ve been in office. You’ve made a lot while you were secretary of state, actually. So why aren’t you putting money into your own campaign, just curious.MARTHA RADDATZ: Thank you very much. We’re going to get on to one more question.


But the question was about the Supreme Court and I just want to quickly say -


Very quickly.


I respect the Second Amendment, but I believe there should be comprehensive background checks. And we should close the gun show loophole, and close the online loophole. And we have to try to save as many lives as we possibly can.  


We have one more question.


We have one more question from Ken Bone about energy policy. Ken?


What steps will your energy policy take to meet our energy needs while at the same time remaining environmentally friendly and minimizing job loss for fossil power plant workers?


Absolutely. I think it’s such a great question, because energy is under siege by the Obama administration. Under absolute siege. The EPA - the Environmental Protection Agency -  is killing these energy companies. And foreign companies are now coming in, buying so many of our different plants and then rejiggering the plant so they can take care of their oil. We are killing, absolutely killing our energy business in this country. 

Now I’m all for alternative forms of energy, including wind, including solar, etcetera. But we need much more than wind and solar. And you look at our miners.

Hillary Clinton wants to put all the miners out of business. There is a thing called clean coal.

Coal will last for a thousand years in this country. Now we have natural gas and so many other things because of technology. We have unbelievable - we have found over the last seven years, we have found tremendous wealth right under our feet, so good. Especially when you have 20 trillion in debt. I will bring our energy companies back. They’ll be able to compete. They’ll make money. They’ll pay off our national debt. They’ll pay off our tremendous budget deficits -- which are tremendous.

But we are putting our energy companies out of business. We have to bring back our workers. You take a look at what’s happening to steel, and the cost of steel. China dumping vast amounts of steel over the United States, which essentially is killing our steel workers and our steel companies.

We have to guard our energy companies. We have to make it possible - the EPA is so restrictive that they are putting our energy companies out of business. And all you have to do is go to a great place like West Virginia or places like Ohio, which is phenomenal, or places like Pennsylvania, and you see what they’re doing to the people, miners and others in the energy business, it’s a disgrace. It’s an absolute disgrace.


You’re time is up. Thank you. Secretary Clinton - two minutes.


Well, that was very interesting. First of all, China is illegally dumping steel in the United States, and Donald Trump is buying it to build his buildings. Putting steel workers and American steel plants out of business. That’s something that I fought against as a senator and I would have a trade prosecutor to make sure we don’t get taken advantage of by China on steel or anything else.

You know because it sounds like you’re in the business or you’re aware of people in the business. You know that we are now, for the first time ever, energy independent. We are not dependent upon the Middle East. But the Middle East still controls a lot of the prices. So the price of oil has been way down and that has had a damaging effect on a lot of the oil companies, right?

We are, however, producing a lot of natural gas which serves as a bridge to more renewable fuels. And I think that’s an important transition.

We’ve got to remain energy independent. It gives us much more power and freedom than to be worried about what goes on in the Middle East. We have enough worries over there without having to worrying about that.

So I have a comprehensive energy policy but it really does include fighting climate change because I think that is a serious problem. And I support moving to more clean and renewable energy as quickly as we can. Because I think we can be the 21st century clean energy superpower and create millions of new jobs and businesses. But I also want to be sure we don’t leave people behind. That’s why I’m the only candidate, from the very beginning of this campaign, who had a plan to help us revitalize coal country. Because those coal miners and their fathers and their grandfathers, they dug that coal out, a lot of them lost their lives, they were injured, but they turned the lights on and powered our factories. I don’t want to walk away from them. So we’ve got to do something for them.

But the price of coal is down worldwide. So we have to look at this comprehensively and that’s exactly what I have proposed. I hope you will go to HillaryClinton.com.


Your time is up.


We’ve sneaked in one question, and it comes from Carl Becker.


Good evening. My question to both of you is regardless of the current rhetoric would either of you name one positive thing that you respect in one another?



Mr. Trump would you like to go first?


Well I certainly will because I think that is a very fair and important question. Look, I respect his children. His children are incredibly able and devoted, and I think that says a lot about Donald. I don’t agree with nearly anything else he says or does. But I do respect that and I think that is something that as a mother and a grandmother is very important to me. I believe that this election has become in part so conflict-oriented, so intense. Because there’s a lot at stake. This is not an ordinary time, and this is not an ordinary election. We are going to be choosing a president who will set policy not just for four or eight years, but because of some of the important decisions we have to make here at home and in the world, from the Supreme Court to energy, and so much else, and so there is a lot at stake. It’s one of the most consequential elections we’ve had. And that’s why I’ve tried to put forth specific policies and plans, trying to get it off the personal and get it on to what I want to do as president. And that’s why I hope people will check on that for themselves, so they can see that yes, I’ve spent thirty years, actually maybe a little more, working to help kids and families, and I want to take that experience to the White House and do that every single day.


Mr. Trump?


10:36 PM

Well, I consider her statement about my children to be a very nice compliment. I don't know if it was meant to be a compliment, but it is. I am very proud of my children, and they’ve done a wonderful job, and they’ve been wonderful, wonderful kids. So I consider that a compliment. I will say this about Hillary. She doesn't quit. She doesn't give up. I respect that. I tell it like it is. She's a fighter. I disagree with much of what she's fighting for. I do disagree with her judgment in many cases. But she does fight hard, and she doesn’t quit. And she doesn't give up, and I consider that to be a very good trait.


10:36 PM

Thanks to both of you.



10:36 PM

I want to thank both the candidates. I want to thank the university here. This concludes the town hall meeting. Our thanks to the candidates, the commission, Washington University, and to everyone who watched.


10:37 PM

Please tune in October 19th for the final Presidential debate that will take place at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Good night everyone.

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